
Lefties aren't the ones who had teabags hanging in their face while telling government to keep its hands off their medicare.
Lefties aren't the ones who think austerity will somehow miraculously create jobs and grow the economy.
Teabaggees know the government is broken beyond repair so there is some common ground for us to find.

Lefties are the idiots and dupes prying at the a,yet of Big Massive and intrusive government with their hands in everyone else's pockets.

Only a lunatic fringe idiot thinks that Government dependency and being wards of the state are good ideas.
Which side would you defeat in your divide and conquer algorithms?

Which policies do you think are directly responsible for the overbearing national debt?

Nothing magic about the macro accounting identity: the debt of the government equals a net gain to the private sector (and the foreign sector).

If the private sector's gain is invested properly (e.g., a "bottom-up" approach consisting of "giving ordinary people money") it will increase effective demand and the economy will grow and more jobs will be added.

The government's debt is nothing to be feared, it must be considered in the context of the economic situation, and not moralized. The belief that national debt should always be smaller is pure dogma.

You give ignorant and dumb a bad name woth such economic stupidity. It's painfully obvious you never picked up an economics text in your life when uttering such moronic garbage.

I'm saying your party ran up the bulk of it and Democrats tend to bring it down.

Another painfully stupid and false claim. But then, that's why you're a low information Democratic voter. They need willful clueless idiots like you.

I cannot even begin to imagine the hypecrisy and irony idiots like you wallow supporting the biggest deficit spender in the history of the office next to FDR.
Yes, I do indeed believe it, in much the same way I believe in, you know, science. If the macro accounting identity is wrong, then so is double-entry bookkeeping.

The reality is that debt is a tool [good phrase evince] and moralizing it is silly.

False. The government's debt is a net gain in financial assets for the private sector. This is a very simple principle. Whenever debt is created, so is an equal amount of credit--that is just how things work. So a government debt in the amount of $100,000 would mean net assets worth $100,000 to the private sector (we'll leave out the foreign sector for now).


Now, next, the government's debt might become "unsustainable" if it has done something silly like agreed to convert its currency on demand to another currency or to gold, but as the US is running a floating exchange rate it is "currency sovereign." Its debt can never be "unsustainable" because the government prints money whenever it spends it. Indeed, spending actually precedes taxation or borrowing if you follow the accounting in detail.


groaning like a fucking stuck pig wont change the facts
Teabaggees are still groaning about Obamacare but that didn't stop them from signing up for it the same way they signed up for Medicare part D to get all their free drugs.
1) Why can't other nations, such as Greece and mid-90s Russia get away with endless debt?
2) I said nothing about the gold standard. I definitely said nothing about morality!
3) Have indebted nations ever gotten in trouble printing currency?
The world economy runs on the petrodollar so countries like Greece are threatening to join the BRICS.
Teabaggees are still groaning about Obamacare but that didn't stop them from signing up for it the same way they signed up for Medicare part D to get all their free drugs.

just like Any Rand ended up with only SS to support her.

they just are cult members of the Austrian school of economics

you know the short bus school
um asshole

what is a groan on this site?

you have never heard anything from me

You have only ever seen my typed words you insane fuck
threedee said:
1) Why can't other nations, such as Greece and mid-90s Russia get away with endless debt?

Russia had many other problems than "endless debt" in the mid-90s. You know, the collapse of the entire economy due to the destruction of the USSR and all...whereas Greece's debt is denominated in a currency its government doesn't issue. The US has no debts denominated in anything other than dollars, and it is the only source of dollars in the world, so....

threedee said:
2) I said nothing about the gold standard. I definitely said nothing about morality!

Your belief that the debt needs to be smaller is a moral view rather than one based in any understanding of the macroeconomics involved. And I know you didn't mention the gold standard, but is it against the rules for me to mention it?

3) Have indebted nations ever gotten in trouble printing currency?

Indeed they have, and I don't mean to suggest that the national debt can never be too large for any country ever. But it needs to be analyzed, not moralized. Right now the US debt and deficit needs to be significantly larger, since we are verging on deflation and because of our trade deficit.
leonthecat said:
Your overt racism is duly acknowledged. The vast bulk of our current debt was rung up under presidents of your party . That is a matter of public record my racist friend.

So what? There's no reason to worry about the "current debt"...