
Your belief that the debt needs to be smaller is a moral view rather than one based in any understanding of the macroeconomics involved. And I know you didn't mention the gold standard, but is it against the rules for me to mention it?

Are you fucking kidding me? I'd spend like a drunken Airman if I thought I could get away with it!
threedee said:
Are you fucking kidding me? I'd spend like a drunken Airman if I thought I could get away with it!

But there you go...you aren't the government. The government is not you. You don't issue a currency; the government does.
the debt of the government equals a net gain to the private sector (and the foreign sector).

omigorsh, is that really what liberals believe?......a debt of the government equals a debt the private sector needs to repay, with interest.......that is a loss, not a gain......no wonder you idiots are so fucked up.......
Your overt racism is duly acknowledged. The vast bulk of our current debt was rung up under presidents of your party . That is a matter of public record my racist friend.

no, that is NOT what the public record shows.....the public record shows over 50% of our national debt accrued in the last seven years........everyone knows who's party the president of the last seven years came from.......
PostmodernProphet said:
omigorsh, is that really what liberals believe?......a debt of the government equals a debt the private sector needs to repay, with interest.......that is a loss, not a gain......no wonder you idiots are so fucked up.......

No, quite wrong. Let's make this very simple and imagine an economy with only two people. In such an economy, a debt of one person must be an asset of the other person.

So it is with the private and public sectors in the real-life economy. The public sector's net debt must equal the net assets of the private sector. Very simple double-entry bookkeeping stuff dictates this. It is not difficult to understand or to confirm empirically with a Google search. There is a reason that the balances of the three sectors--government, private, and foreign--have finances that look like a mirror image on a graph.
The left believes that "government money" doesn't come from the private economy, therefore it is a magical debt that never needs to be repaid because it doesn't matter...

It ignores historical facts like the Weimar Republic, and makes them feel good to consistently pretend that everything is okay as the government creates a debt bubble that will lay waste to the value of the dollar.

But hey, the left never lets facts get in the way of their belief system. No matter how often you can show the historical failure of their policies in practice they continue to just say that they'll work "this time" because the "right people are in charge"...
No, quite wrong. Let's make this very simple and imagine an economy with only two people. In such an economy, a debt of one person must be an asset of the other person.

So it is with the private and public sectors in the real-life economy. The public sector's net debt must equal the net assets of the private sector. Very simple double-entry bookkeeping stuff dictates this. It is not difficult to understand or to confirm empirically with a Google search. There is a reason that the balances of the three sectors--government, private, and foreign--have finances that look like a mirror image on a graph.

that would be amusing if you hadn't forgotten that the "other side" of that debt wasn't primarily Social Security or the Fed......there is no "net asset".......
damo your side hates science , math and history

hell you here are all terrified of this little house wife.

you have already lost
damo your side hates science , math and history

hell you here are all terrified of this little house wife.

you have already lost

Yet your side is the one ignoring history and the facts. Interesting. I don't fear you, Desh. I fear your absolute and total ignorance.