Tell us your story of not choosing Gay

You didn’t derail it idiot

You merely proved my point that the “choice” thing is an obvious lie

You derailed it, nobody is talking about your topic. That's a derailed thread. The thread went off topic when someone stopped talking about choice and started talking about criminal acts. Just to give you a hint, that someone was named Evince. Nobody else derailed this particular thread.
It's not. Mason has a habit of throwing shit against the walls to see what sticks. In this case, 12b's. He's reported me a few times.

As most people have figured out, Mason's gumball machine is only 2/3s full.


Poor you! Mason's gots you flipping out
Sex is in the brain

Whatever genitalia you physically have that identity is in the brain wiring

People are born with ambiguous sexual organs folks




life isn’t simple no matter how simple some people want it to be

Others should not pay societal prices because some people are limited and stupid

Get over yourselves and let others live their lives for hells sake

I contend there is no gay or straight, but goes by the person you're attracted to, not their personal genitalia
I contend there is no gay or straight, but goes by the person you're attracted to, not their personal genitalia

There is gay and straight

No matter how beautiful, kind and brilliant a woman is

I never want to have sex with her

I am hopelessly straight

It really does exist
Of course, it's not a choice. Nor is gender dysphoria. Either you are or you aren't. It's like being tall or short. Bashing the LGBTQ community comes from ignorance and fear.

A huge amount of Bashing the LGBTQ community is from people who are surpressing their own homosexual feelings