Tell us your story of not choosing Gay

Thanks for the link. Interesting that it's so young. I'd like to see more research on that to remove any parental or social influences.

Prepubescent sexual preference seems to be a contradiction, IMO, but I don't know much about child psychology other than having been one once.

It is human brain wiring dutch

No parent HOPES their child is transgender and tries to make them transgender

The world treats them evilly

But not being allowed to be who you are because society is too stupid to accept you makes kids kill themselves

It’s real

It’s real science
how is it determined that a seven year old is non-binary? let's just start with that....

You have been told repeatedly

You refuse to accept science

You hate mankind and seek death for others

So go eat shit out of a dead mules ass you worthless piece of shit
It is human brain wiring dutch

No parent HOPES their child is transgender and tries to make them transgender

The world treats them evilly

But not being allowed to be who you are because society is too stupid to accept you makes kids kill themselves

It’s real

It’s real science
Understood about human brain and sexuality but my understanding was that the sexuality part didn't manifest itself until around pubescence.

Disagreed, but would agree it's rare. There are fucked up parents out there doing all kinds of stupid shit, but they, too, are rare.

The world doesn't care, but MAGAts do appear anxious to impose their bigotry and hatred on them.

Growing up is hard to do.

It's all real, including the fucking morons.

Agreed such people are scientific fact. What's unknown is why they are that way.
It's not aa joke, and I'm one of the few sane people on this forum.

Try to think on a higher, more pure level, Vinny. See if you can. At least try.

Ask trans kids if they would rather be dead if the world was willing to accept them as they are

They kill themselves because idiots think they shouldn’t exist

Just like your post suggests

You have a problem

You are too selfish to put your self in the shoes of others

You have the problem not them
Understood about human brain and sexuality but my understanding was that the sexuality part didn't manifest itself until around pubescence.

Disagreed, but would agree it's rare. There are fucked up parents out there doing all kinds of stupid shit, but they, too, are rare.

The world doesn't care, but MAGAts do appear anxious to impose their bigotry and hatred on them.

Growing up is hard to do.

It's all real, including the fucking morons.

Agreed such people are scientific fact. What's unknown is why they are that way.

Identity manifests it’s self

It’s not just sex
Sex is in the brain

Whatever genitalia you physically have that identity is in the brain wiring

People are born with ambiguous sexual organs folks




life isn’t simple no matter how simple some people want it to be

Others should not pay societal prices because some people are limited and stupid

Get over yourselves and let others live their lives for hells sake
There is nothing in my beliefs that would care whether or not it was a choice so this is something I have never bothered to contemplate. Whatever you like is good so long as it is not making a victim out of another. Enjoy whatever type of consensual sex you prefer, the only way to cross the line is by going too young for consent, animals who cannot consent, etc. Once you step outside of consensual, that's the only time you've gone into territory I would care to make laws about.

This sounds like the Damo I used to know

Thanks for at least trying Grind
If you have a boy of three telling people that they are not a boy but that they are a girl

No 12 year old is getting mastectomies you lying turd sack

This is just proof you assholes lie instead of dealing in truth

You hate peoples so you make up lies about people and medical procedures

You are a horrible human being trying to make political points by spewing fucking lies

And you expect people to use your lies instead of family decisions and medical science so your political party can have power over them

Fuck you evil liars

Eat shit out of the ass of a dead mule you useless excuse for a human being

They ignore posts and then say you didn’t answer them
Ask trans kids if they would rather be dead if the world was willing to accept them as they are

They kill themselves because idiots think they shouldn’t exist

Just like your post suggests

You have a problem

You are too selfish to put your self in the shoes of others

You have the problem not them

Maybe. Maybe certain lives look harder to me than they really are for the people living them.
I've always felt that being dead was a big step up from living a miserable life, though,
That's simply how it looks to me. People do see things differently.
Life has only qualitative value to me.
To some, it has absolute value, but I shouldn't be expected to understand that.

And regardless of how I feel, I'm not killing anybody these days.
Maybe. Maybe certain lives look harder to me than they really are for the people living them.
I've always felt that being dead was a big step up from living a miserable life, though,
That's simply how it looks to me. People do see things differently.
Life has only qualitative value to me.
To some, it has absolute value, but I shouldn't be expected to understand that.

And regardless of how I feel, I'm not killing anybody these days.

Decide that for you self

Maybe. Maybe certain lives look harder to me than they really are for the people living them.
I've always felt that being dead was a big step up from living a miserable life, though,
That's simply how it looks to me. People do see things differently.
Life has only qualitative value to me.
To some, it has absolute value, but I shouldn't be expected to understand that.

And regardless of how I feel, I'm not killing anybody these days.

You suggested they never live as a GOOD POLICY

Why can’t to understand that is insane
You suggested they never live as a GOOD POLICY

Why can’t to understand that is insane

I'm not insane, or I would have been declared insane.
It's not like I've been hidden and protected as a recluse.
I've been out in the world for a long, long time. Much longer than you.

I have my own values like everybody else does.
People shouldn't care what others think of their core values if they're sincere.

My core value is that life is already hard enough when everything is right on course.
When things are fucked up, it can be intolerable.
I see my view as the most humane.
You easily may not.
People are different.