Texas can secure southern border with Military-Grade Solution


Verified User
An estimated 7.2 million illegals have entered the U.S. under Biden's presidency. Since Biden has done nothing to secure our southern border, and has in fact had his
people cut the razor wire in Texas to allow more illegals in, Texas governor Gregg Abbott simply can't refuse an offer from a respected private corporation to provide Army Corp of Engineers-approved perimeter security technology that the Pentagon has been using for years to secure forward-deployment military bases in harm's way around the world.

Since Biden's "daddy" government is and never will be of any help in securing the border, I suggest that Gregg Abbott consider taking a look into this new solution called Terrablock.

Check out the short video to this amazing-effective border wall, or border fence if you will.

No, biden wasn't driving that truck into that fence.
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OK but how much will it cost the Texas tax payer. Shipping containers and razor wire are relatively cheap and are working pretty well. I'm not against the Terrablock however.
OK but how much will it cost the Texas tax payer. Shipping containers and razor wire are relatively cheap and are working pretty well. I'm not against the Terrablock however.

the state doesn't have an income tax, so they will probably make it up by increasing the sales and gas taxes
So, are there any leftist open border advocates willing and or able to admit that biden's open border is doing great damage to America, and although Biden left Trump's remaining wall sections out in the Arizona desert to rust, and cancelled all of Trump's effective secure border policies, and he and his border czar camela have been AWOL at the border, would you now be wiling to see and appreciate Gov Abbott's chance to secure our border by using this Terrablock fence since biden's government has been totally useless and as I said...AWOL?

Check out the OP video to see just how effective a border security fence this Terrablock really is.
An estimated 7.2 million illegals have entered the U.S. under Biden's presidency. Since Biden has done nothing to secure our southern border, and has in fact had his
people cut the razor wire in Texas to allow more illegals in, Texas governor Gregg Abbott simply can't refuse an offer from a respected private corporation to provide Army Corp of Engineers-approved perimeter security technology that the Pentagon has been using for years to secure forward-deployment military bases in harm's way around the world.

Since Biden's "daddy" government is and never will be of any help in securing the border, I suggest that Gregg Abbott consider taking a look into this new solution called Terrablock.

Check out the short video to this amazing-effective border wall, or border fence if you will.

No, biden wasn't driving that truck into that fence.


get it idiot

get it idiot

What the hell is that? Yeah, it's the United States southern border that is wide open because of biden's refusal to put
back Trump's executive orders to keep out the illegals. Get it now idiot?
OK but how much will it cost the Texas tax payer. Shipping containers and razor wire are relatively cheap and are working pretty well. I'm not against the Terrablock however.

Lots of $$$, but no worries, the Republicans will simply take it from the school budget and shut down more polling places in minority districts. :thup:
What the hell is that? Yeah, it's the United States southern border that is wide open because of biden's refusal to put
back Trump's executive orders to keep out the illegals. Get it now idiot?

Get a clue, Hater; the US has over 100,000 miles of open borders and coastline/shoreline. The best way to stop illegal immigration is Immigration Reform. Many US businesses need the cheap labor, but it must be lawful. People should be required to prove legality of residence in order to get a job and/or rent/buy a home. A wall on 2% of the US borders/coastline is not going to fix the problem.

The continental United States has two major land borders: a 1,933-mile stretch between the US and Mexico and a 3,987-mile stretch between the US and Canada.

The United States has a total coastline measuring approximately 12,383 miles, and a shoreline measuring 88,633 miles.
Lots of $$$, but no worries, the Republicans will simply take it from the school budget and shut down more polling places in minority districts. :thup:

Eric Adams axes $547 million from NYC Education Department budget, more cuts on the way

Many of the cuts are expected to take effect immediately. They will touch a wide range of programs and positions that directly affect students, from the city’s massive free preschool program, to community schools that support families with out-of-school needs, to the popular pandemic-era Summer Rising program.

Eric Adams axes $547 million from NYC Education Department budget, more cuts on the way

Many of the cuts are expected to take effect immediately. They will touch a wide range of programs and positions that directly affect students, from the city’s massive free preschool program, to community schools that support families with out-of-school needs, to the popular pandemic-era Summer Rising program.


MAGAt rule #5 When losing an argument, use whataboutism
MAGAt rule #5 When losing an argument, use whataboutism

Nope I just won!!!! And showed that u are a fucking hypocrite

You slam Rs and say they will cut school budget

When shown a Dim cut school budget by over 500 million u have nothing to say about it

Where is the link to your out cry in Nov about Adams and these cuts?
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you spelled liberal wrong.

Are you denying volsrock wasn't using whataboutism?

I'll agree that, regardless of flavor, political extremists fit the rule. The fact you deny MAGAts are guilty and only see the far Lefties as being guilty is predictable.
Nope I just won!!!! And showed that u are a fucking hypocrite

You slam Rs and say they will cut school budget

When shown a Dim cut school budget by over 500 million u have nothing to say about it

Where is the link to your out cry in Nov about Adams and these cuts?
Not will, they have. The voucher program is cutting the school budget.

Fuck the Democrats, vols. Your whataboutism doesn't fly with Libertarians, dumbass.