Texas can secure southern border with Military-Grade Solution

Are you denying volsrock wasn't using whataboutism?
'whataboutism' is nothing more than a deflection. One side points out a very obvious negative action or trait of a hated/disliked group or individual, thinking they are going to 'expose' said group/individual, only to have a nearly exact circumstance pointed out about their favored group/individual, but it's one they want or need to avoid/ignore.

I'll agree that, regardless of flavor, political extremists fit the rule. The fact you deny MAGAts are guilty and only see the far Lefties as being guilty is predictable.
true to form, like any other political extremist, you make the allegation that i'm also one. is that another form of 'whataboutism'????
'whataboutism' is nothing more than a deflection. One side points out a very obvious negative action or trait of a hated/disliked group or individual, thinking they are going to 'expose' said group/individual, only to have a nearly exact circumstance pointed out about their favored group/individual, but it's one they want or need to avoid/ignore.

true to form, like any other political extremist, you make the allegation that i'm also one. is that another form of 'whataboutism'????

Agreed. The whatabouter, vols in this case, is deflecting by pointing out that the Democrats do it too. Two wrongs don't make a right.

You think advocating murdering a federal agent in your midst isn't politically extreme, not to mention both immoral and illegal? You've also advocated blowing up Federal buildings and killing all those inside. What have I advocated that you consider to be politically extreme?

Here's my examples of you.

as I've stated in the past, mcveigh had great intentions, just really piss poor choice of target
What target would you have chosen for a truck bomb?
something more aligned with JUST FBI or ATF agents..........not a building that also housed a bunch of kids

i'm good, though......my new unit has been together a while...we'd know if there was a traitorous government fuckstick among us....he'd have been disappeared already
It appears Mr. Tiny Penis forgot who first introduced school budget cuts into this thread.

Agreed. The whatabouter, vols in this case, is deflecting by pointing out that the Democrats do it too. Two wrongs don't make a right.


Did u ever slam the wrong done by Adams in Nov?

And who posted first about cutting school budgets in this thread?
Agreed. The whatabouter, vols in this case, is deflecting by pointing out that the Democrats do it too. Two wrongs don't make a right.

You think advocating murdering a federal agent in your midst isn't politically extreme, not to mention both immoral and illegal? You've also advocated blowing up Federal buildings and killing all those inside. What have I advocated that you consider to be politically extreme?

Here's my examples of you.

your ignorance is only superseded by your cognitive dissonance in avoiding both your 'whataboutisms' as well as the personal power of ignoring your own part in it.
Did u ever slam the wrong done by Adams in Nov?
I never heard about it and don't know who Adams is. Link the thread and I'll post a comment.

EDIT: I saw your link. Son, that's New York city in New York state. I live in Texas and was addressing the national government. New York is free to fuck up their state as much as they like. Do you live in New York? You keep posting about them. Why not move to Texas?
I never heard about it and don't know who Adams is. Link the thread and I'll post a comment.

EDIT: I saw your link. Son, that's New York city in New York state. I live in Texas and was addressing the national government. New York is free to fuck up their state as much as they like. Do you live in New York? You keep posting about them. Why not move to Texas?

Lived is San Antonio 2015 2016 it sucked

Blacks shooting up the east

Hispanics shooting up the south

North is OK
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liberal debate rule #6.........when faced with a losing argument, dismiss the opponent you couldn't beat with insults

Are you denying you're an oath-breaking traitor who cowardly removed all references to your affiliation with WSE militias after 1/6?

You're free to call me names, but unless you can actually back up your accusations with posts, then they are factless name-calling. Here's another of my favorites that you are an anti-American, oath-breaking traitor who advocates murdering Americans:

guess you're an idiot.

as a former active duty marine, i'm subject to being 'recalled' or reinstated in national emergencies. So no, I am a threeper and an oath keeper. but you do owe a public apology to this entire board for being an asshole.
dumbass, we're talking resisting with lethal force....firearms. killing the enforcers and their collaborators. WHAT WILL YOU DO????
Lived is San Antonio 2015 2016 it sucked

Blacks shooting up the east

Hispanics shooting up the south

North is OK
Figures you hate Texas. LOL

Also figures that you're so paranoid you're afraid to mention which state you live. That's fine. I have no doubt the FBI knows. :cool:
Are you denying you're an oath-breaking traitor who cowardly removed all references to your affiliation with WSE militias after 1/6?

You're free to call me names, but unless you can actually back up your accusations with posts, then they are factless name-calling. Here's another of my favorites that you are an anti-American, oath-breaking traitor who advocates murdering Americans:

still deflecting, I see.
An estimated 7.2 million illegals have entered the U.S. under Biden's presidency. Since Biden has done nothing to secure our southern border, and has in fact had his people cut the razor wire in Texas to allow more illegals in, Texas governor Gregg Abbott simply can't refuse an offer from a respected private corporation to provide Army Corp of Engineers-approved perimeter security technology that the Pentagon has been using for years to secure forward-deployment military bases in harm's way around the world.

Since Biden's "daddy" government is and never will be of any help in securing the border, I suggest that Gregg Abbott consider taking a look into this new solution called Terrablock.

Check out the short video to this amazing-effective border wall, or border fence if you will.

No, biden wasn't driving that truck into that fence.

Load of crap :lolup: :lies:

Myth vs. Truth: Dissecting the Republican narrative about the border

Republicans are clamoring over themselves to blame President Joe Biden for any and every challenge facing America. Nowhere is that more apparent than on the issue of immigration and border security.

If you listen to my Republican colleagues, you’d believe Joe Biden single-handedly broke our immigration system and refuses to fix it. They keep this lie alive by perpetuating a series of myths about Democrats and the border.

It’s time to correct the record.

MYTH: The Biden administration has implemented an “open border” policy that has created chaos at our border with Mexico.

TRUTH: President Biden inherited an immigration system in tatters. The Trump administration cut off legal pathways to citizenship, leaving would-be migrants with fewer lawful methods of entering the country. They cut funding to Central American countries in 2019 as they splurged on an ineffective, costly wall.

It was the Trump administration that tightened sanctions on Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua, exacerbating the macroeconomic crises that have led hundreds of thousands to flee and arrive at the southern border. When they pulled the rug out from various, essential assistance programs, they made the problem worse.

But our immigration system has been broken for many decades — long before Joe Biden or Donald Trump took the oath of office. Time and again, Democrats have proposed solutions to fix the immigration system in a reasonable, humane way. And time and again, Republicans have opposed these efforts at every turn.

One might recall that in 2013, House Republicans thwarted comprehensive immigration reform after an agreement was reached in the Senate. Many of those same House Republicans who prevented that legislation from passing are now intent on blaming irregular migration, an issue our country has dealt with for over a century, solely on the Biden administration.

There’s only one problem with their affinity for blaming Democrats — it doesn’t hold up to basic scrutiny. In fact, between December 2022 and January 2023, the Biden-Harris administration halved the number of encounters at the border and reduced the number of Cuban, Venezuelan, Nicaraguan, and Haitian migrants by 97 percent.

MYTH: The Biden administration has ignored the border and is refusing to commit proper resources to it.

TRUTH: The idea that Democrats have ignored the situation at the border and refused to commit resources to solving it is another outright lie. In reality, the Biden-Harris administration and congressional Democrats have surged record levels of funding to the border.

The FY23 government funding package that President Biden signed into law provided Border Patrol with $7.153 billion — a 17 percent increase from the year before. Additionally, the funding package provided $65 million for 300 new Border Patrol agents, $60 million for 125 new personnel at points of entry; and $230 million for technology like autonomous surveillance towers.

House Republicans voted against this historic funding.

MYTH: Biden’s “open border” policies allow undocumented immigrants to flood the country with deadly fentanyl.

TRUTH: Republicans continue to blame vulnerable migrants fleeing violence, hunger, and natural disasters for illicit drug smuggling, but facts are stubborn things. Over 90 percent of fentanyl, and over 80 percent of total illegal narcotics, arrive at legal points of entry—not between them—and are smuggled largely by Americans—not undocumented migrants. In fact, migrants accounted for less than 9 percent of fentanyl trafficking convictions in FY 21, compared to more than 86 percent for American citizens.

In December 2022, CBP seized 4,500 pounds of fentanyl, the largest amount ever recorded. Incredibly, just five of those 4,500 pounds were seized at the border by U.S. Border Patrol. Republicans are focused on 1 percent of the problem, 100 percent of the time.

MYTH: Biden’s “open border” policies have allowed criminals and terrorists to pour over the southern border unchecked, contributing to a spike in crime in America.

TRUTH: Study after study has shown that undocumented immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than U.S. citizens. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Alternatives to Detention Program provides a strong example: The latest data from ICE released on Feb. 3, 2023, demonstrated 99.4 percent of immigrants monitored on ICE’s Alternatives to Detention Program attended their court hearings compared to the .6 percent which failed to attend their hearing.

Not all undocumented immigrants are tracked through this program, but immigrants, when paroled into the United States, overwhelmingly are lawful individuals that attend their court hearings. An American Immigration Council report found that over the past 11 years, an overwhelming 83 percent of immigrants attended their immigration court hearings, and those who failed to appear in court often did not receive notice or faced hardship in getting to court.

Republicans who assert the Biden administration is releasing countless dangerous migrants into the country are not only trafficking in xenophobic, anti-immigrant sentiment, but they are also peddling lies that are categorically false.

The situation at the border demands serious policy solutions that provide a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients; address the root causes of migration like repression, political instability, violence, hunger, and lack of economic opportunity; and fix our own broken immigration system.


Didn't say I hated Texas I don't like SA...Tyler is great
Why don't you put that in your tag? Embarrassed to be from such a flat state or just paranoid? I've lived in Ft. Leavenworth in HS and have visited several places in Kansas such as participating in shooting matches at KSU and seeing Dorothy's house.

Then why did you go north?
Get a clue, Hater; the US has over 100,000 miles of open borders and coastline/shoreline. The best way to stop illegal immigration is Immigration Reform. Many US businesses need the cheap labor, but it must be lawful. People should be required to prove legality of residence in order to get a job and/or rent/buy a home. A wall on 2% of the US borders/coastline is not going to fix the problem.

Ignoring history is not going to work, Sock.
Just like he said he'd lock up Hillary? Repeal Obamacare with a better healthcare plan? His claim that COVID would go away with the heat of Spring?

Trump never claimed to be Congress or SCOTUS, Sock.
Covid infections did decrease in sunnier weather. UV light destroys most viruses, Sock, including covid19.
Eric Adams axes $547 million from NYC Education Department budget, more cuts on the way

Many of the cuts are expected to take effect immediately. They will touch a wide range of programs and positions that directly affect students, from the city’s massive free preschool program, to community schools that support families with out-of-school needs, to the popular pandemic-era Summer Rising program.


Not budget cuts. Cuts in the increasing of spending and expansion.