Texas can secure southern border with Military-Grade Solution

An estimated 7.2 million illegals have entered the U.S. under Biden's presidency. Since Biden has done nothing to secure our southern border, and has in fact had his
people cut the razor wire in Texas to allow more illegals in, Texas governor Gregg Abbott simply can't refuse an offer from a respected private corporation to provide Army Corp of Engineers-approved perimeter security technology that the Pentagon has been using for years to secure forward-deployment military bases in harm's way around the world.

Since Biden's "daddy" government is and never will be of any help in securing the border, I suggest that Gregg Abbott consider taking a look into this new solution called Terrablock.

Check out the short video to this amazing-effective border wall, or border fence if you will.

No, biden wasn't driving that truck into that fence.

What the hell is that? Yeah, it's the United States southern border that is wide open because of biden's refusal to put
back Trump's executive orders to keep out the illegals. Get it now idiot?

fuck you worm, he slowed imagration by not handing out green cards , you know legal immigration, he didn't stop illegal immigration. . He had title 42 which was in effect because of covid and it ended on may11 2023. ,no one can use now , YOU ARE A PIECE OF SHIT FUCKING LIAR.
fuck you worm, he slowed imagration by not handing out green cards , you know legal immigration, he didn't stop illegal immigration. . He had title 42 which was in effect because of covid and it ended on may11 2023. ,no one can use now , YOU ARE A PIECE OF SHIT FUCKING LIAR.

Blatant lie. Biden opened the border to invasion. He is STILL trying to open the border to invasion, but Texas and 26 other States are trying to secure the border.
Biden's act is an act of treason.
Blatant lie. Biden opened the border to invasion. He is STILL trying to open the border to invasion, but Texas and 26 other States are trying to secure the border.
Biden's act is an act of treason.

For once you are right.

Your claim that Biden opened the border to invasion is a blatant lie.
There is no open border you nitwit.
Denying history isn't going to work, Sock.
I read over 60 percent of the people crossing in from Canada are Mexicans.
The open border was along Mexico.
We need another 6000,miles of the Trump impenetrable fence up north..
Then of course fencing on each coast because we already know lots of immigrants enter by water.
Not about immigrants, Sock. Pay attention to the conversation.
But then many fly in, so we need very high fences.
Biden HAS been flying in illegal immigrants. ANOTHER act of treason.
You have no idea how stupid you are.
Denying history like you are is being stupid. You cannot blame YOUR problem on anybody else, Sock.
The only answer is to increase the immigrants courts and judges. Then we can deport the unsavory more quickly.
Deportation does not require a court or a judge, Sock.
Word stuffing. Biden opened the border to invasion. You don't get to speak for me, Sock. Biden's act is an act of treason. You cannot deny history.

Except Biden did NOT open the border to invasion.

Your claim is a lie.

That you willingly push an absurd claim proves you are a liar.
If Biden opened the border, then show me when Biden pulled all Border Patrol agents from the southern border and "opened the border" like you claim.

He didn't pull Border Patrol agents from the southern border. He rather used them to keep the border open.
You cannot deny history.

I suggest you pay attention to Senate hearings investigating the matter, the actions that Texas has taken to secure the border on it's own (along with the help of 26 other States), the threats by Joe Biden that are on the record, and the sheer numbers of people processed by Border Patrol as they openly let in these illegal immigrants. The Border Patrol only processed a small portion of the number of people illegally immigrating. Biden was even flying illegal immigrants in from Mexico and Argentina! Those planes are on radar tracks that were recorded.

Argument of the Stone fallacy.
If Biden opened the border, then show me when Biden pulled all Border Patrol agents from the southern border and "opened the border" like you claim.
The mentally ill never provide facts to back up their opinions.

FWIW, the Legislative branch is responsible for writing the laws regarding immigrants. This Congress is the least productive in modern memory and is doing nothing about immigration reform to fix the problem. All they do is point fingers like Sybil does.