Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

If there is no one to fight the American forces why would they “lose” as you claim?

You are too stupid to even follow a simple conversation and understand what is even being talked about. Have someone else explain it to you,...simpleton. My time to too valuable to waste on a brainless cave woman like you.
I have noticed that Evinces mental capacity has been in serious decline lately. She didnt have much to begin with so its reaching the critical stage now. All she talks about lately is killing people and death fantasies.
I have noticed that Evinces mental capacity has been in serious decline lately. She didnt have much to begin with so its reaching the critical stage now. All she talks about lately is killing people and death fantasies.

Well Trump cult is a death cult.
Most are not. They're just stupid and greedy. Dookie is definitely Russki.

Same shit Grind said about when when I warned Bush was lying us to war

Same shit right wing assholes said about me when I was warning of an economic crash in 2008

I just keep being correct