Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

And here it is. :rofl2:


Abbott is a grandstanding fascist. He and the rest of the MAGATs are hoping to push Pres. Biden into strong-arming them into submission, so they can play the martyred victims for their voters. Think they'll support the coming bipartisan bill, or go with #TRE45ON and reject it to make Biden look bad?

And that right there is what Toxic TOP and her ilk are -- haters of our country who would rather keep the border "crisis" going than to work with the other side to help solve it.

The border is the only argument the right has, they can't allow Biden to fix that too! For all the Republicans in the house voting NO for something they have been screaming for for ages should be telling all those Republicans that their party is gone. It's now the MAGAT party and something any respectable Republican should abandon. Voters certainly will.
I don't think you know who the "shitty, passive agressive washed up substitute gym teacher" is.

It's not me... I am a retired special ed teacher... 30 years... but it was an awesome reply, wasn't it? It always is when Democrats show their true colors here and remind...and inspire me... to get out there and work harder every day to make America Great Again!! You have an awesome day and thanks for taking the time to reply...
ROFL so we have two sides/arguments/positions about border security. The first side is open borders, lackadaisical enforcement, and allowing almost anyone in vs. closing the border, arresting all who cross at non controlled points, and deportation of those who crossed illegally, and you call them the traitors?

WTF is wrong with your brain?

Biden says he wants to close the border down. Isn't that what the right wants? How come the right isn't all for it? Since the right is against closing the border down would it not be the right that is for "lackadaisical enforcement"? Trump is screaming vote NO! I thought he was a bigot who claimed the Hispanics were all rapists that would poison the blood of our country? Now he does not want the border shut down?

Republicans Who Screamed About A Crisis On The Border Now Oppose A Plan To Fix It
“It is interesting. Republicans four months ago... locked arms together and said, ‘We’re not going to give you money for this. We want a change in law,’” Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.), the GOP’s lead negotiator on a deal pairing immigration changes with assistance to Ukraine and other allies, said on “Fox News Sunday.”

“A few months later, when we’re finally getting to the end, they’re like, ‘Oh, just kidding. I actually don’t want a change in law because it’s a presidential election year,’”
The open borders, out of control crime and inflation, wars, the world exploding...all on Biden.

By every metric, Biden is the worst president in history.
The bill in the Senate includes a free pass to 5,000 illegals a day, 1.8 million illegals per year.

The money for more BP agents is to allow them to process more illegals into the streets of America.

No, no, no.
Biden says he wants to close the border down. Isn't that what the right wants? How come the right isn't all for it? Since the right is against closing the border down would it not be the right that is for "lackadaisical enforcement"? Trump is screaming vote NO! I thought he was a bigot who claimed the Hispanics were all rapists that would poison the blood of our country? Now he does not want the border shut down?

Biden can close the border down right now... he opened it 3 years ago on his own... he can close it... he refuses... this is all on him...
The open borders, out of control crime and inflation, wars, the world exploding...all on Biden.

By every metric, Biden is the worst president in history.

Biden is starting to sound like a MAGAT, I thought you would be wetting your pants?

Biden backs Senate border deal, vows to 'shut down the border'
President Joe Biden said on Friday that the border deal being negotiated in the U.S. Senate was the "toughest and fairest" set of reforms possible and vowed to "shut down the border" the day he signs the bill.
The bill in the Senate includes a free pass to 5,000 illegals a day, 1.8 million illegals per year.

The money for more BP agents is to allow them to process more illegals into the streets of America.

No, no, no.

I think they need more border patrol agents to man the choppers flinging grapling hooks out to latch on to that razor wire so they can go drop it on the Governors place.
Biden can close the border down right now... he opened it 3 years ago on his own... he can close it... he refuses... this is all on him...

He never "opened" the border, that's only something ignorant fucks like you like to claim.
What kind of rotten to the core president would open our borders to drugs, drug dealers, gangs, and terrorists in exchange for votes and power?

Overdose deaths due to fentanyl spark debate over treatment

https://www.npr.org › 2023/12/28 › overdose-fentanyl-d...
Dec 28, 2023 — Fentanyl fueled unprecedented carnage with 112000 fatal overdoses. The nation is increasingly divided over how to respond.
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Biden can close the border down right now... he opened it 3 years ago on his own... he can close it... he refuses... this is all on him...


Biden used EO’s to stop Trump’s remain in Mexico policy and the wall building.

Biden has ordered his BP agents to cut the razor wire that is now preventing illegal crossings.

It was done intentionally to allow as many illegals to invade our country as humanly possible…for votes and power.

The Speaker of the House has already said that the bill in the Senate that allows 5,000 illegals a day, 1.8 million a year, is DOA.

This bill also would have given the BP more money to process more illegals into the streets of America.
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Biden says he wants to close the border down. Isn't that what the right wants? How come the right isn't all for it? Since the right is against closing the border down would it not be the right that is for "lackadaisical enforcement"? Trump is screaming vote NO! I thought he was a bigot who claimed the Hispanics were all rapists that would poison the blood of our country? Now he does not want the border shut down?

He had 3.5 years to do something. He put the Ho in charge, we all see what she did...NOTHING!
The border is the only argument the right has, they can't allow Biden to fix that too! For all the Republicans in the house voting NO for something they have been screaming for for ages should be telling all those Republicans that their party is gone. It's now the MAGAT party and something any respectable Republican should abandon. Voters certainly will.

Well, *some* voters. The Republikkkan party includes way too many who believe that "bipartisan" and "compromise" are dirty words. Just look at who gave your post here one of his impotent groans, for example.
It's not me... I am a retired special ed teacher... 30 years... but it was an awesome reply, wasn't it? It always is when Democrats show their true colors here and remind...and inspire me... to get out there and work harder every day to make America Great Again!! You have an awesome day and thanks for taking the time to reply...
