Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

Abbott can go fuck himself. All this talk of cessession is to make the rightwing assholes feel tough. Try it, it would be fun to watch.


The Constitution provides a firm foundation for states to act decisively in the absence of the federal government. First, the Biden Administration has neglected its duties under Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution to protect the United States, her citizens and communities being ravaged by this invasion of crime, drugs and humanitarian crisis. Indeed, one can argue that the actions of the administration are effectively facilitating the abrogation of its own obligations.



...and you too!

A cartoon is your argument? Even you know you're a buffoon
He is a total disgrace.

Americans now know that we have a coward and a senile old man in the White House.

True. They also know that Pedo Don is a lying, draft-dodging, adulterous and traitorous pedophile. With each of the major parties fielding candidates like this, is it really a mystery why over 40% of American voters are Independents?

From 2019: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2019/05/15/facts-about-us-political-independents/
Partisan divides in the United States are as wide as they’ve ever been in the modern political era. But what about the large share of Americans who identify as independents?...

...Here are six facts about political independents:

1Nearly four-in-ten U.S. adults (38%) identify as politically independent, but most “lean” toward one of the two major parties. Only 7% of Americans overall don’t express a partisan leaning, while 13% lean toward the Republican Party and 17% lean toward the Democratic Party.

JANUARY 12, 2024
  • 43% identified as independents in 2023, tying 2014 record
    [*]Record-low 27% identify as Democrats, tying Republicans
    [*]Republicans maintain slight edge in leaned party identification
    [*]Ideological identification steady; conservatives, moderates largest groups
Their complaints about the border should fall on deaf ears. They don't want to fix it, they want to run on it. They hate America. They love Trump. It is a cult of nazis. WE need to speak the truth. What set me off this morning was someone saying 'they are echoing the language of the pre civil war secessionists.' Just stop. They are doing more than talking. And WE need to do the same. I like our chances with the largest military in the world behind us. But hey, they have ALL the JPP keyboard warriors. Grab the popcorn.

Trump wanted and pushed hard for a debt ceiling collapse, which would have triggered an instant recession and perhaps new depression, world wide, hurting all Americans simply because he thinks it would help him win back the office.

Trump wanted and pushes hard for Government shutdowns (no CR's or votes) which again would hurt all Americans.

Trump wants Ukraine to fail and Russia to win.

Trump wants the Border left open thinking that advantages him.

He is a complete narcissist. Not one thing he pushes is for the 'good of the country'.

Biden needs to get out and label Trump and his cohort 'The Open Borders party'.
100% agree. And maybe all these hot shot keyboard warriors can head to Texas with their weapons to face off against the government. We'd have fewer posters here. Win/win.

Governors do not get to decide what the Constitution says. That is a job granted to SCOTUS. Don't like it? Tough shit.

And they have a handpicked extreme right wing SCOTUS and that still is not enough, which shows how far out on the wacky right they are.
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The Constitution provides a firm foundation for states to act decisively in the absence of the federal government. First, the Biden Administration has neglected its duties under Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution to protect the United States, her citizens and communities being ravaged by this invasion of crime, drugs and humanitarian crisis. Indeed, one can argue that the actions of the administration are effectively facilitating the abrogation of its own obligations.


...and you too!
Which part, specifically, is Biden neglecting? It says "Federal government" which I take to mean Congress. Why do autocrats and other authoritarians want to take power away from Congress and give it to the President?

Section 4: Republican Government
This final section of Article 4 of the Constitution dictates what obligations the United States has as a country.

Clause 1

This is known as the Guarantee Clause. This clause states that the Federal government in the U.S. have an obligation to guarantee each of the 50 states a government, and this government is a republic. Basically, it gives each state their own choice as to how to run and operate the state, and gives state officials the power to create laws, rules, and regulations, unless there is already a federal law in place dealing with certain issues, which would then trump the state law being created.

Clause 2

The second clause protects the states against domestic violence, and it protects the states against invasion.

Depending on certain emergencies and exigent factors coming in to play, the federal government always has some kind of power to interfere with state power and the way that state officials govern their state. However, Article 4 of the Constitution is one that provides the states with certain powers that were not available to them prior to the Constitution being written. States were solely controlled by federal government, and each state had to abide by certain rules and had no say as to how it would govern its people.

The Constitution provides a firm foundation for states to act decisively in the absence of the federal government. First, the Biden Administration has neglected its duties under Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution to protect the United States, her citizens and communities being ravaged by this invasion of crime, drugs and humanitarian crisis. Indeed, one can argue that the actions of the administration are effectively facilitating the abrogation of its own obligations.



...and you too!

The Federal Government is not absent. You don’t understand what it means. States cannot enforce immigration laws because that is RESERVED BY THE CONSTITUTION for the Federal government. The states also cannot make their own immigration laws. There are numerous court cases that have affirmed this.

You need to stop posting about thinks you don’t know jack shit about.
The Constitutional Basis for State Action to Counter Washington’s Dereliction of Duty

The Constitution provides a firm foundation for states to act decisively in the absence of the federal government. First, the Biden Administration has neglected its duties under Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution to protect the United States, her citizens and communities being ravaged by this invasion of crime, drugs and humanitarian crisis. Indeed, one can argue that the actions of the administration are effectively facilitating the abrogation of its own obligations.

Known as the guarantee clause, Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution states, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them from Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.”

Therefore, governors, attorneys general, and state legislatures must take emergency measures–beyond the scope of what has been attempted to this point–to follow through on the primary function of government: protecting its citizens.

The Constitution provides states an appropriate “self-help” remedy under Article I, Section 10, Clause 3, which stipulates that, “No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit delay.”

There can be no disputing that the influx of well over 1.3 million illegal immigrants this calendar year alone and thousands of pounds of fentanyl and other deadly narcotics, facilitated by the widespread human trafficking efforts of violent international drug cartels, constitutes an invasion of the southern border of the United States.

These cartels effectively have operational control over vast swaths of the southern border.

Data provided by CBP in March 2021 estimated that cartels and human trafficking organizations are earning nearly $14 million a day moving people illegally across the southern border. These violent international cartels are raking in billions of dollars every year off the pain, suffering, and abuse of migrants.

Furthermore, most illegal drugs and narcotics enter the United States through the southern border, a finding outlined in a threat assessment dossier released by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in March of this year. The DEA report also outlines that fentanyl, a deadly narcotic that is smuggled into the U.S. by violent international drug cartels, is primarily responsible for fueling the ongoing opioid epidemic that killed nearly 37,000 Americans in 2019 and a horrific 57,550 people in 2020.

Governors and state legislators have a duty to their constituents, fellow citizens, neighbors, and families that undergirds the oath they take to uphold both the United States Constitution and their respective state constitutions. Yes, protection of our nation’s borders constitutionally and even statutorily largely falls under the purview of our federal government. But our federal government is not just sitting idle as states and communities suffer, it is willfully refusing to enact the very policies and execute the very laws that can bring the crisis to an end.

The reality is that if the federal government refuses to faithfully execute its own laws, then the states have no recourse but to interpose themselves between the federal government and the people they have sworn to protect in order to achieve deterrence and the removal of illegal aliens.
Which part, specifically, is Biden neglecting? It says "Federal government" which I take to mean Congress. Why do autocrats and other authoritarians want to take power away from Congress and give it to the President?

Section 4: Republican Government
This final section of Article 4 of the Constitution dictates what obligations the United States has as a country.

Clause 1

This is known as the Guarantee Clause. This clause states that the Federal government in the U.S. have an obligation to guarantee each of the 50 states a government, and this government is a republic. Basically, it gives each state their own choice as to how to run and operate the state, and gives state officials the power to create laws, rules, and regulations, unless there is already a federal law in place dealing with certain issues, which would then trump the state law being created.

Clause 2

The second clause protects the states against domestic violence, and it protects the states against invasion.

Depending on certain emergencies and exigent factors coming in to play, the federal government always has some kind of power to interfere with state power and the way that state officials govern their state. However, Article 4 of the Constitution is one that provides the states with certain powers that were not available to them prior to the Constitution being written. States were solely controlled by federal government, and each state had to abide by certain rules and had no say as to how it would govern its people.

"The preservation of the polity must come before process arguments about whose job it is to enforce federal immigration laws. The state of Texas, in this case, has an authority that transcends that of President Biden and the Supreme Court That’s precisely why the U.S. Constitution includes a clause explicitly recognizing a state’s right to act in self-defense when faced with invasion..
It shouldn’t have come to this, but Biden has not only refused to enforce federal immigration laws, his administration has been blatantly violating them for three years, triggering the worst illegal immigration crisis in U.S. history. Texas has borne the brunt of Biden’s dereliction of duty, and Abbott has at last decided to do something about it.


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No, Top, they do not.

Republicans and Trumpers stand with Texas...and Texas stands in opposition to America.

No real surprise here Frank we're going to have to agree to... Governor Abbott is 100% doing the right thing and Joe Biden is 100% doing the wrong thing... none of this would be happening if Joe did his job...
The Federal Government is not absent. You don’t understand what it means. States cannot enforce immigration laws because that is RESERVED BY THE CONSTITUTION for the Federal government. The states also cannot make their own immigration laws. There are numerous court cases that have affirmed this.

You need to stop posting about thinks you don’t know jack shit about.

I'd say it's you who is ignorant of the constitution and the fact that states can defend their borders from invasion.

Maybe you should stop posting jack shit about what you know nothing about.
No real surprise here Frank we're going to have to agree to... Governor Abbott is 100% doing the right thing and Joe Biden is 100% doing the wrong thing... none of this would be happening if Joe did his job...

Joe Biden is doing his job.

But whether he is or is not...Americans DO NOT stand with Texas...on the matter of whether or not the state of Texas has to follow the orders of the SCOTUS.

And Americans, other than the MAGA morons, do not stand with Texas on the question of Texas declaring war on the United States.
I'd say it's you who is ignorant of the constitution and the fact that states can defend their borders from invasion.

Maybe you should stop posting jack shit about what you know nothing about.

ROTFGLFMAO!!! You are quoting a website that is run by a Trump loyalist, and you are completely ignorant of the laws and the Constitution. They cannot 'defend' a border of the United States of America Period. Full stop. Can you read a fucking book sometime?

Read the decision, you ignorant troll.


Biden says he wants to close the border down. Isn't that what the right wants? How come the right isn't all for it? Since the right is against closing the border down would it not be the right that is for "lackadaisical enforcement"? Trump is screaming vote NO! I thought he was a bigot who claimed the Hispanics were all rapists that would poison the blood of our country? Now he does not want the border shut down?

how many false assumptions can you put in to one post?
ROTFGLFMAO!!! You are quoting a website that is run by a Trump loyalist, and you are completely ignorant of the laws and the Constitution. They cannot 'defend' a border of the United States of America Period. Full stop. Can you read a fucking book sometime?

Read the decision, you ignorant troll.



if you're of the mindset that a border state cannot defend itself because the federal government won't do it, you're fucking delusional, but I repeat myself.
ROTFGLFMAO!!! You are quoting a website that is run by a Trump loyalist, and you are completely ignorant of the laws and the Constitution. They cannot 'defend' a border of the United States of America Period. Full stop. Can you read a fucking book sometime?

Read the decision, you ignorant troll.



They can defend their own border, dumb fuck.