Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

if by sitting around and letting illegals cross and run, yes, they are doing it. letting an invasion happen isn't doing their fucking job, fuckstick. we will defend our border. don't like it? tough shit.

The only reason these fucking pathetic libturds are fighting Abbot is for votes. Period.
I have. You haven't. Nor have you read the court cases. Trump told you what to think, you repeat it. You are a parrot, cruiser, unable to think for yourself.

Please link to the section in which the Constitution gives the state the right to defend an international border. I'll wait.
Don't lie. We know you can't read. That is why you make rent money working for Uber Eats.
So, you think its his job to violate the United States Constitution? His oath of office requires him to uphold it.

It's his job to protect the people of his state... and other Americans when necessary.. I don't see him violating anything... has he stopped anyone from cutting barbed wire? Has he prevented anyone from doing their job? I think not...
if by sitting around and letting illegals cross and run, yes, they are doing it. letting an invasion happen isn't doing their fucking job, fuckstick. we will defend our border. don't like it? tough shit.

No one cares what you think. Because you have absolutely NO POWER. The little power you do have you have abdicated by voting for a non-viable candidate.

Again, TOUGH. SHIT. The only opinion that matters is the Supreme Court. Next?
It's his job to protect the people of his state... and other Americans when necessary.. I don't see him violating anything... has he stopped anyone from cutting barbed wire? Has he prevented anyone from doing their job? I think not...

Do you deny that the oath of office requires him to uphold the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES?
Our Navy SEALS did the speaking to those two.

Ummm are you aware POTUS do not actually do any of the actions, they undertake, themselves and instead give direction and instruction to others.

For instance, name one thing (policy or other) you think Trump carried out, that he himself did and was not something he instructed others to do on his behalf?
The Senate bill would fund more BP agents to process more illegals into the streets of America.

It would codify 5000 illegals a day, 1.8 million per year.

The Speaker of the House said that it's DOA there.
I would not be the least bit surprised to hear on the news one day that (R) operatives have been skulking around in Central and S. America -- and other countries -- spreading the word that "You can easily get into the United States. Just claim asylum." If that happens, the MAGATs will applaud and say "how clever!"

I think Newsome should ban guns. No guns, period.
So the Supreme Court are libturds? And they can be voted out? Jesus Fucking Christ how goddamn stupid are you?

No, you are stupid, dumb fuck.

Settle down before you blow a fuse and stroke out (well, who really gives a fuck, anyway).
The Senate bill would fund more BP agents to process more illegals into the streets of America.

It would codify 5000 illegals a day, 1.8 million per year.

The Speaker of the House said that it's DOA there.

That bill is ridiculous.... and it's never going to happen and shouldn't...
No, you are stupid, dumb fuck.

Settle down before you blow a fuse and stroke out (well, who really gives a fuck, anyway).

So you can't answer a simple question? Is the Supreme Court a liberal body, yes or no? Is the Supreme Court trying to get votes? Yes or no.

Please. You have no interest in discussing the topic, do you troll?
Joe Biden is doing his job.

But whether he is or is not...Americans DO NOT stand with Texas...on the matter of whether or not the state of Texas has to follow the orders of the SCOTUS.

And Americans, other than the MAGA morons, do not stand with Texas on the question of Texas declaring war on the United States.

One would think that an actual "teacher" would know the basics of our Constitution and our government and how they work. One would also think that a real "teacher" would not be supportive of a state or any other entity taking what they think is the law into their own hands.

The MAGATs, along with Trump and their propaganda arm Fox, are agitating for some armed confrontation between Texas law enforcement and their governor, and the United States. But yeah sure, they're the "real Americans." :rolleyes: