Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

The heartbreak of high school dropouts. :rofl2:

It is absolutely sublime. They are openly advocating for ignoring the authority of the Federal Government. And the cult applauds. This is why there is no dealing with them. Vote them all out, and when you see them at a party or a family gathering, put a dunce hat on them and tell them to stand in the corner. Thank God it is the stupidest of Americans leading this charge, and the most cowardly of Americans enabling it. If they had a backbone and a brain, they might actually be dangerous. Right now, they are all reflex.
So you can't answer a simple question? Is the Supreme Court a liberal body, yes or no? Is the Supreme Court trying to get votes? Yes or no.

Please. You have no interest in discussing the topic, do you troll?

You must you ask off topic questions? The topic isn't whether the SCOTUS is liberal or conservative body. Idiot...
No one cares what you think. Because you have absolutely NO POWER. The little power you do have you have abdicated by voting for a non-viable candidate.

Again, TOUGH. SHIT. The only opinion that matters is the Supreme Court. Next?

you're always entitled to your own stupid assed assumptions, no matter how wrong they will always be. the wonderful freedom of America that you don't value. i'll do what I want, when I want and you will not be able to stop me. Next?
It is absolutely sublime. They are openly advocating for ignoring the authority of the Federal Government. And the cult applauds. This is why there is no dealing with them. Vote them all out, and when you see them at a party or a family gathering, put a dunce hat on them and tell them to stand in the corner. Thank God it is the stupidest of Americans leading this charge, and the most cowardly of Americans enabling it. If they had a backbone and a brain, they might actually be dangerous. Right now, they are all reflex.

Pavlov's dogs, only with distemper and mange. lol
I accept your unconditional surrender, cruiser. Go change a fucking spark plug and let the adults figure this out.

Adults? Then why the fuck are you here if this discussion is for adults?

Bye bye dickhead. It's a nice calm morning, guess I'll go burn some gunpowder. One must stay proficient with their firearms. One never knows when they'll need one (or two, or...) :)
you're always entitled to your own stupid assed assumptions, no matter how wrong they will always be. the wonderful freedom of America that you don't value. i'll do what I want, when I want and you will not be able to stop me. Next?

No. You will do what you want if it is legal, if not, you will be arrested, tried, found guilty and tossed in jail. Ask your January 6th buddies how that worked out for them. And YOU cannot stop the Supreme Court.

He is. By protection his borders, and our country from invasion. Joe & the Ho have done no such thing. Fact.

That is a federal Congressional function, not a State function, by doing it he is violating the Constitution of the United States.
You are refusing to answer my question, Ill pose it again.

Does the Oath of Office of the Governor of Texas require him to uphold the FEDERAL CONSTITUTION?

BTW, you are misusing the word 'invasion' they tricked you again.

I did answer your question... and invasion is exactly what's happening...
The Constitution provides a firm foundation for states to act decisively in the absence of the federal government. First, the Biden Administration has neglected its duties under Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution to protect the United States, her citizens and communities being ravaged by this invasion of crime, drugs and humanitarian crisis. Indeed, one can argue that the actions of the administration are effectively facilitating the abrogation of its own obligations.


This is all that Texas needs to secure the border that Biden won't.

The empirical evidence of 8 million illegals since Biden took office proves that Biden is not protecting America from the invasion of illegals.

Biden has already ordered his BP agents to cut the razor wire that is preventing illegals from crossing.
No state shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops, or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay.
Millions of people illegally entering your state is an invasion and is without question an imminent danger.

An incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity.

Eight million is a large number of people.