Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

if you're of the mindset that a border state cannot defend itself because the federal government won't do it, you're fucking delusional, but I repeat myself.

The Federal Government IS doing it. You just don't like the manner in which they do.

They can defend their own border, dumb fuck.

No they can't. That is not a state border, it is an international border, and as such, the Federal Government has sole responsibility. You just lost in SCOTUS, you goddamn twit. You obviously didn't read the decision. I would suggest you do before you stick your foot so far in your mouth that it comes out your ass.
Joe Biden is doing his job.

But whether he is or is not...Americans DO NOT stand with Texas...on the matter of whether or not the state of Texas has to follow the orders of the SCOTUS.

And Americans, other than the MAGA morons, do not stand with Texas on the question of Texas declaring war on the United States.

Illegals are declaring war on Texas and the United States by violating our laws. Why do you support this, Frank?
Joe Biden is doing his job.

But whether he is or is not...Americans DO NOT stand with Texas...on the matter of whether or not the state of Texas has to follow the orders of the SCOTUS.

And Americans, other than the MAGA morons, do not stand with Texas on the question of Texas declaring war on the United States.

He is Not doing his job... in this case Governor Abbott absolutely is.... and I do believe eventually the Supreme Court will revise its decision but in the meantime the people of Texas and Americans deserve to be protected...
He is Not doing his job... in this case Governor Abbott absolutely is.... and I do believe eventually the Supreme Court will revise its decision but in the meantime the people of Texas and Americans deserve to be protected...

Hahaha, its not a governors job to pretend to be a president.
No they can't. That is not a state border, it is an international border, and as such, the Federal Government has sole responsibility. You just lost in SCOTUS, you goddamn twit. You obviously didn't read the decision. I would suggest you do before you stick your foot so far in your mouth that it comes out your ass.

The hell they can't. Read their constitution, you fucking imbecile.
The Federal Government IS doing it. You just don't like the manner in which they do.


if by sitting around and letting illegals cross and run, yes, they are doing it. letting an invasion happen isn't doing their fucking job, fuckstick. we will defend our border. don't like it? tough shit.
The hell they can't. Read their constitution, you fucking imbecile.

I have. You haven't. Nor have you read the court cases. Trump told you what to think, you repeat it. You are a parrot, cruiser, unable to think for yourself.

Please link to the section in which the Constitution gives the state the right to defend an international border. I'll wait.
But it is his job to do what he's elected to do... and that's what he's doing...

So, you think its his job to violate the United States Constitution? His oath of office requires him to uphold it.
Trump wanted and pushed hard for a debt ceiling collapse, which would have triggered an instant recession and perhaps new depression, world wide, hurting all Americans simply because he thinks it would help him win back the office.

Trump wanted and pushes hard for Government shutdowns (no CR's or votes) which again would hurt all Americans.

Trump wants Ukraine to fail and Russia to win.

Trump wants the Border left open thinking that advantages him.

He is a complete narcissist. Not one thing he pushes is for the 'good of the country'.

Biden needs to get out and label Trump and his cohort 'The Open Borders party'.

I would not be the least bit surprised to hear on the news one day that (R) operatives have been skulking around in Central and S. America -- and other countries -- spreading the word that "You can easily get into the United States. Just claim asylum." If that happens, the MAGATs will applaud and say "how clever!"