Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

It's time to stop pussyfooting around and pretending something different is going on. Pick a side. I stand with the United States Government. The Trump cult sides with Texas. Let's get this over with so we can lock up these treasonous fucks. Pretending this is something different will just allow it to fester for a longer period of time. Abbott should be arrested and charged with obstruction, as should the Governor of North Dakota. They are literally saying that if you think a Supreme Court ruling is unconstitutional, you can just ignore it.


I'm done with these traitors. It's time we put and end to this.

What "war"?

What "United States"?
Adults? Then why the fuck are you here if this discussion is for adults?

Bye bye dickhead. It's a nice calm morning, guess I'll go burn some gunpowder. One must stay proficient with their firearms. One never knows when they'll need one (or two, or...) :)

ROTFLMFAO!!!! You just summed up your retarded dipshit cult in one sentence.

It's a beautiful morning, let's go shoot a gun.
That is a federal Congressional function, not a State function, by doing it he is violating the Constitution of the United States.

Why does Earl groan at facts? What you stated is a fact, there are not two sides to it. The absolute right of the Federal Government to determine immigration laws is enumerated, and has been well established by the courts. Arizona was the last state to get bitch slapped. Apparently, they learned nothing. It's like denying the sky is blue.
The SCOTUS ruled that Biden could not forgive student loans. He ignored it and continued the illegal actions.
He is Not doing his job... in this case Governor Abbott absolutely is.... and I do believe eventually the Supreme Court will revise its decision but in the meantime the people of Texas and Americans deserve to be protected...

Joe Biden IS doing his job...and doing it a hell of a lot better than his predecessor.

The state of Texas, in the person of Gov. Abbott should be complying with the decision of the SCOTUS.
Why does Earl groan at facts? What you stated is a fact, there are not two sides to it. The absolute right of the Federal Government to determine immigration laws is enumerated, and has been well established by the courts. Arizona was the last state to get bitch slapped. Apparently, they learned nothing. It's like denying the sky is blue.

His type hate facts. They upset his fragile world view.
Otra vez for the ignorant:

The Constitution provides a firm foundation for states to act decisively in the absence of the federal government. First, the Biden Administration has neglected its duties under Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution to protect the United States, her citizens and communities being ravaged by this invasion of crime, drugs and humanitarian crisis. Indeed, one can argue that the actions of the administration are effectively facilitating the abrogation of its own obligations.


This is all that Texas needs to secure the border that Biden won't.

The empirical evidence of 8 million illegals since Biden took office proves that Biden is not protecting America from the invasion of illegals.

Biden has already ordered his BP agents to cut the razor wire that is preventing illegals from crossing.
Let's sum up.

The Trump cult believes:

1. States can ignore a SCOTUS decision. Factually wrong.
2. The Federal government is absent on immigration. Factually wrong, based on court rulings.
3. States can pass their own immigration laws. Factually wrong.

They are RIGHT about nothing. And yet they are not only wrong and ignorant, they are ANGRY, wrong and ignorant.

Why would we ever attempt any kind of appeasement or compromise with them? Not any more.
I imagine that the men of Normandy would agree that what's happening at the southern border is an invasion... FYI: invasion meanings: https://g.co/kgs/Pd16kcA

Its ashamed to use that word for this, it degrades the heroic men who liberated France. You dont care.

I assume you understand, but Trump uses that word. so.. you do not care about the shame you bring upon yourself.
Joe Biden IS doing his job...and doing it a hell of a lot better than his predecessor.

The state of Texas, in the person of Gov. Abbott should be complying with the decision of the SCOTUS.

I agree except for your use of the word 'should'. It is 'must'. There is no choice here.
How about the fact that 25 states are supporting Texas?

A fact that you denied and lied about.

Go back to bed, you won't win any debates today...as usual.

I said that 25 States were not supporting Abbott's illegal power grab from the Constitution, and I was correct. You refused a real link, and never came up with one for your real claim.
Its ashamed to use that word for this, it degrades the heroic men who liberated France. You dont care.

I assume you understand, but Trump uses that word. so.. you do not care about the shame you bring upon yourself.

"It's a shame" you ignorant clod and "don't."
I said that 25 States were not supporting Abbott's illegal power grab from the Constitution, and I was correct. You refused a real link, and never came up with one for your real claim.

The volume of criminals doesn't mitigate the crime.