Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

A poem written to protest European leftwing Socialists killing Jews, that was put on the base 20 years after the statue was erected. The immigrants arriving at Ellis Island were heavily vetted.

Why do you nazi libs pretend not to know this?

It was not written about any left wing, it was written about those escaping fascist dictators like Trump wants to be. Hitler (a fascist) got support by demonizing immigrants and Jews.

They arrived unknown, just like those on the Mexican border. You just liked them because they were white.
Well, Cletus, the legal way is not to swim across the Rio Grande and crawl through razor wire.

There are places designated and procedures and they don't include invading our country.

Perfectly legal if you ask for asylum. What is so interesting is that Trump is blocking legislation that would give Biden the tools to address these issues.
Larger numbers than Trump was able to muster.

Factually correct. I believe Obama deported far more immigrants than Trump did as well. They aren't serious about solving the problem, if they were, they would pass legislation. Which is their job. Not to show pictures of Hunter Biden. Not to visit insurrectionists in jail. Not to impeach people with no evidence. Their job is to pass legislation. The rest is secondary. But Republicans have passed nothing.
Perfectly legal if you ask for asylum. What is so interesting is that Trump is blocking legislation that would give Biden the tools to address these issues.

Well, Cletus, the legislation in the Senate codifies (look it up, Cletus) 5000 illegals a day, 1.8 million illegals a year.

It also includs funding for more border agents to process the illegals into the streets of America.

The Speaker of the House said it's DOA.
Perfectly legal if you ask for asylum. What is so interesting is that Trump is blocking legislation that would give Biden the tools to address these issues.

And how is it that the Republicans are taking their orders from a private citizen who is a rapist, a spy, and an insurrectionist. Seems like this is not a great way to govern. Just sayin'
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

These people are seeking a better life, not invading, they are joining.

You are disgusting and unamerican.

Racists like Toxic love this border thing because it allows them to openly exhibit their bigotry, hate, and xenophobia -- all while waving a flag and virtue-signaling how they are "real Americans."

You can tell when you're getting to her by how her already-poor sentence structure and syntax become even more degraded and degrading. Nice job! lol
Well, Cletus, the legislation in the Senate codifies (look it up, Cletus) 5000 illegals a day, 1.8 million illegals a year.

It also include s funding for more border agents to process the illegals into the streets of America.

The Speaker of the House said it's DOA.

Liar, and yes the Speaker is a Trump lackey, if it passed and helped the situation, Trump was screwed. Keep the problem so Trump has an issue, who cares if it harms America.
Racists like Toxic love this border thing because it allows them to openly exhibit their bigotry, hate, and xenophobia -- all while waving a flag and virtue-signaling how they are "real Americans."

You can tell when you're getting to her by how her already-poor sentence structure and syntax become even more degraded and degrading. Nice job! lol

Also because they do what Trump (the rapist) tells them to do.
Also because they do what Trump (the rapist) tells them to do.

The Cultists always do as the Cult leader demands. It's not hard for them though, since hate, grievance, and fear are their main characteristics -- and so it is with Trump, too.
Racists like Toxic love this border thing because it allows them to openly exhibit their bigotry, hate, and xenophobia -- all while waving a flag and virtue-signaling how they are "real Americans."

You can tell when you're getting to her by how her already-poor sentence structure and syntax become even more degraded and degrading. Nice job! lol

Also because they do what Trump (the rapist) tells them to do.
Liar, and yes the Speaker is a Trump lackey, if it passed and helped the situation, Trump was screwed. Keep the problem so Trump has an issue, who cares if it harms America.

Earl apparently doesn't understand the term 'maximum'. He is an ignorant twit. So, I think it's more stupidity than dishonesty, but both things are applicable.