Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

Liar, and yes the Speaker is a Trump lackey, if it passed and helped the situation, Trump was screwed. Keep the problem so Trump has an issue, who cares if it harms America.

Yes, you are a liar and here's the proof:

Senate border bill to allow 5000 migrants a day before Title ...
Yahoo News
https://news.yahoo.com › senate-border-bill-allow-5-2...
6 days ago — A border deal being negotiated in the Senate as part of spending talks would include a Title 42-style authority to allow in up to 5000 ...

Rep. Mike Bost
X · RepBost
10+ likes · 2 days ago
Speaker Johnson rightly announced over the weekend that the Senate's compromise immigration bill is DOA in the House.

Why do you lie? You always get caught.
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Liar, and yes the Speaker is a Trump lackey, if it passed and helped the situation, Trump was screwed. Keep the problem so Trump has an issue, who cares if it harms America.

Yes, you are a liar and here's the proof:

"A border proposal still being hammered out by Senate negotiators would include a Title 42-type authority that would only be mandated if numbers at the southern border exceeded 5,000 migrant encounters a day -- part of a package already drawing fierce criticism from some conservatives in the chamber, with one GOP lawmaker branding it a "stinking pile of crap."

Why do you lie? You always get caught.
I'm correct... Asylum is very clearly defined and I know that you're a stickler about definitions...

Indeed TOP.

What is asylum? - - UNHCR USA
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
https://help.unhcr.org › Home › Applying for Asylum
To apply for asylum in the U.S., you must be physically present in the U.S. or be seeking entry into the U.S. at a port of entry.

If you are physically present without documentation you have violated immigration law.
It's time to stop pussyfooting around and pretending something different is going on. Pick a side. I stand with the United States Government. The Trump cult sides with Texas. Let's get this over with so we can lock up these treasonous fucks. Pretending this is something different will just allow it to fester for a longer period of time. Abbott should be arrested and charged with obstruction, as should the Governor of North Dakota. They are literally saying that if you think a Supreme Court ruling is unconstitutional, you can just ignore it.


I'm done with these traitors. It's time we put and end to this.

Ffs, how can you possibly deny the fact that that Biden’s basically, essentially, open border policy has been an utterly dismal failure?
Even the NYTimes says so.
"The preservation of the polity must come before process arguments about whose job it is to enforce federal immigration laws. The state of Texas, in this case, has an authority that transcends that of President Biden and the Supreme Court That’s precisely why the U.S. Constitution includes a clause explicitly recognizing a state’s right to act in self-defense when faced with invasion..
It shouldn’t have come to this, but Biden has not only refused to enforce federal immigration laws, his administration has been blatantly violating them for three years, triggering the worst illegal immigration crisis in U.S. history. Texas has borne the brunt of Biden’s dereliction of duty, and Abbott has at last decided to do something about it.



I wish the fucking pussies in Texas would try to secede.
I'd say it's you who is ignorant of the constitution and the fact that states can defend their borders from invasion.

Maybe you should stop posting jack shit about what you know nothing about.

When are the pussies going to try, this should be fun to watch.
Illegals attack police officer...They are arrested...and released...
Thousands of missing children.
169 arrested are names on the terror watch list.
How many haven't been caught.
The cartels are having a heyday...they are allowed to do as they please...Human trafficking and drugs flooding into the country... out of control...
Locally, our schools are now about 20% undocumented families...living in the shadows...totally unprepared for providing the kind of homes and future for their children...Especially in the winter months...Criminals are often released back into the population...
How many more examples are necessary? Joe needs to go...
When are the pussies going to try, this should be fun to watch.
They're taking care of business as they should...apparently you're not having "fun" watching them do what they need to do to keep Texas and the rest of this country safe...
you're always entitled to your own stupid assed assumptions, no matter how wrong they will always be. the wonderful freedom of America that you don't value. i'll do what I want, when I want and you will not be able to stop me. Next?

Yes you are free to show us all just how fucking stupid you and all the rightwingers are throughout this thread.
Adults? Then why the fuck are you here if this discussion is for adults?

Bye bye dickhead. It's a nice calm morning, guess I'll go burn some gunpowder. One must stay proficient with their firearms. One never knows when they'll need one (or two, or...) :)

Careful, your front porch is about to collapse and kill your 3 dogs, go out the back door.
Just checked.....YUP,....Texas along with 25 other states is STILL laughing right in Impotent Joe's face, along with the majority of the rest of the country. You know what Impotent Joe is going to do about it? NOT A DARNED THING, NOTHING,........because there is nothing an impotent joke like Joe can do. He's an empty headed empty suit that nobody respects. Texas has NOTHING to fear and they KNOW IT! Now,.....lets all join hands and laugh at the old empty suit too,.....he fully deserves every last bit of it. The ridicule has been well earned.

Maybe Joe can write a strongly worded letter to Texas, ........ written in menstruation fluid and cranberry juice of course. :laugh:
The Constitution provides a firm foundation for states to act decisively in the absence of the federal government. First, the Biden Administration has neglected its duties under Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution to protect the United States, her citizens and communities being ravaged by this invasion of crime, drugs and humanitarian crisis. Indeed, one can argue that the actions of the administration are effectively facilitating the abrogation of its own obligations.

The federal govt is not absent. Biden said he would shut down the border but the republicans are against it. If they do they will not have ANY arguement against him in the upcoming election since the economy is doing so well. Not to mention there is no "invasion of crime and drugs", it's no worse than it's been for the past 20-30 years.

This is all that Texas needs to secure the border that Biden won't.

The empirical evidence of 8 million illegals since Biden took office proves that Biden is not protecting America from the invasion of illegals.

Biden has already ordered his BP agents to cut the razor wire that is preventing illegals from crossing.

Many are incorrectly blaming President Biden’s immigration policies for the increase in border crossings. Most of the increase in illegal immigration can be blamed on the strength of the labor market rather than the administration’s tinkering with border enforcement policies. There have been an average of about 10.4 million non-farm job openings per month during the Biden administration. The number of non‐​farm job openings in September 2023 is higher than at any point during the Trump, Obama, or Bush administrations. The wage gain for immigrants in the United States is already between about a four‐​fold and a ten‐​fold increase compared to labor in mostly Latin American and Caribbean countries, even accounting for the higher cost of living in the United States. Since legal migration is very restricted, many come illegally to work. Add to that the effects of the pandemic in the countries from which theses immigrants are coming. Work is extremely difficult to find in countries that did not have a leader smart enough to combat those effects. These countries don't have inflation rates dropping like in the USA.

nonfarm job openings.JPG

Immigrants contemplating coming to this country ask themselves if they will be able to find work and the answer to that question is a resounding YES, there are more jobs available now than there has been in well over 20 years if not ever! Maybe if we did not have such a brilliant leader when it comes to the economy we would not have such a problem with people wanting to come here. Maybe elect another Bush or Trump and see our economy crash and they will stop trying?

Those immigrants also wonder how they will be able to get deeper into the USA to find those jobs and not be stuck on the southwest desert. Now they hear the governor of Texas is freely bussing them to major cities around the country and they can't get here fast enough to catch the next Greyhound!
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The federal govt is not absent. Biden said he would shut down the border but the republicans are against it. If they do they will not have ANY arguement against him in the upcoming election since the economy is doing so well. Not to mention there is no "invasion of crime and drugs", it's no worse than it's been for the past 20-30 years.

Many are incorrectly blaming President Biden’s immigration policies for the increase in border crossings. Most of the increase in illegal immigration can be blamed on the strength of the labor market rather than the administration’s tinkering with border enforcement policies. There have been an average of about 10.4 million non-farm job openings per month during the Biden administration. The number of non‐​farm job openings in September 2023 is higher than at any point during the Trump, Obama, or Bush administrations. The wage gain for immigrants in the United States is already between about a four‐​fold and a ten‐​fold increase compared to labor in mostly Latin American and Caribbean countries, even accounting for the higher cost of living in the United States. Since legal migration is very restricted, many come illegally to work. Add to that the effects of the pandemic in the countries from which theses immigrants are coming. Work is extremely difficult to find in countries that did not have a leader smart enough to combat those effects. These countries don't have inflation rates dropping like in the USA.

View attachment 25861

Immigrants contemplating coming to this country ask themselves if they will be able to find work and the answer to that question is a resounding YES, there are more jobs available now than there has been in well over 20 years if not ever! Maybe if we did not have such a brilliant leader when it comes to the economy we would not have such a problem with people wanting to come here. Maybe elect another Bush or Trump and see our economy crash and they will stop trying?

Good point about job availability. And who stands to profit from an influx of workers willing to accept low wages in return for their labor? Who's got deep pockets and money to influence and even purchase (R) politicians?
Maybe Joe can write a strongly worded letter to Texas, ........ written in menstruation fluid and cranberry juice of course. :laugh:

Maybe he'll switch it up and instead of demanding "don't" say "do not"....;) it's useless to listen to him anymore... I'm just wondering if there's anyone in charge at all... a very scary time for this country... good thing some of us are still there for each other ..
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