Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

And yet, having a diseased, deranged, deplorable, disgusting, depraved, and devolved
pigfucking orangutan doesn't seem like a better choice to me--

especially after already having tried it.

Good morning.

I was up early,
then thought better of it,
tried to return to bed,
only to find the Avatar sprawled completely across my pillow.

Some days simply begin like that.

Never a bad way to begin the day!!
It is perfectly legal to refuse admittance. Turn them around and send them back home. Illegals should be removed permanently.
The rest can wait in line like the ones who want to come here through the legal channels, priority given to those who speak English.


That is not the law. Why didn't Trump do that?
It is perfectly legal to refuse admittance. Turn them around and send them back home. Illegals should be removed permanently.
The rest can wait in line like the ones who want to come here through the legal channels, priority given to those who speak English.


No it is not. OUR laws allow immigrants to apply for asylum and to enter the country to await their hearing. Read. Stop making us correct every stupid fucking thing you say. You are a racist scumbag.
No it is not. OUR laws allow immigrants to apply for asylum and to enter the country to await their hearing. Read. Stop making us correct every stupid fucking thing you say. You are a racist scumbag.

Asylum should be eliminated. The borders secured. Joe & the Ho voted out. Rebuild our image as a strong nation. Tell me, libturd, What makes me a racist?
That is not the law. Why didn't Trump do that?

This new bill does allow us to limit those asylum applications. It also gives the President emergency powers to close the border, which Biden has stated he will do. And provides for streamlining the asylum process. But he opposes the bill so he should really just STFU.
Asylum should be eliminated. The borders secured. Joe & the Ho voted out. Rebuild our image as a strong nation. Tell me, libturd, What makes me a racist?

You don’t even want to slowdown the number of asylum seekers so STFU. When you say preference to English speaking you mean white. Duh.
100% agree. And maybe all these hot shot keyboard warriors can head to Texas with their weapons to face off against the government. We'd have fewer posters here. Win/win.

Governors do not get to decide what the Constitution says. That is a job granted to SCOTUS. Don't like it? Tough shit.

Lighten up, captain underpants. The state of Texas doesn't need my help, but the feds might need yours. You see, despite the SCOTUS ruling, the border patrol ain't removing any wire.


Also, the SCOTUS said nothing about replacing any wire which has been cut or removed (which Abbot has said he will do) or installing new wire.


So, here's what I propose: you and I hop a plane down to the border. I'll bring a pistol, a sturdy pair of gloves, and whatever tools I'll need to INSTALL razor wire. You can watch this video on the way down and then volunteer to cut the wire and let the scumbags in (and maybe register them to vote while you're at it, because that's the main reason for this clusterfuck, isn't it?).

This new bill does allow us to limit those asylum applications. It also gives the President emergency powers to close the border, which Biden has stated he will do. And provides for streamlining the asylum process. But he opposes the bill so he should really just STFU.

But it would give Biden a win.
You don’t even want to slowdown the number of asylum seekers so STFU. When you say preference to English speaking you mean white. Duh.

I want them stopped. Completely, libturd. Nope. You are typing out your lying ass again. And, I won't "shut the fuck up!"
Color isn't the problem, Mr. Confart. And, who's gonna hire someone who cannot communicate with coworkers of supervision?
Why do you think the dumbass Democrats like Hillary and Kerry kept falling for those RW lies about Iraq?

It was PROVEN that they were shown ALTERED intel

That was the LIES they used dude

Don’t try to rewrite history because you got fooled too
I want them stopped. Completely, libturd. Nope. You are typing out your lying ass again. And, I won't "shut the fuck up!"
Color isn't the problem, Mr. Confart. And, who's gonna hire someone who cannot communicate with coworkers of supervision?

Your sooo fucking stupid you don’t think it’s GOOD for people to learn other languages
Your sooo fucking stupid you don’t think it’s GOOD for people to learn other languages

Go away. You cannot read, or you can't comprehend. If they learn English, they can come here legally. NO asylum! None at all. Turn those who won't apply legally around & send them back. That's my proposal.