Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

TRY ???

The dumbest fucking thing we could do is fail to encourage them.

The logistics would be tough, but I don't believe a lot of us care about preserving the Union, at least not as it's currently constructed. We'd have to make sure that any minorities, gays, women, etc. can leave as a condition of giving them a new country. And I would insist on strong border controls so that we don't let traitors into our country.
Knowing more than one language is a good thing huh asshole

Let’s teach every American child to speak Spanish too from birth

It increases brain functions of all kinds

It makes learning a third and fourth language WAY EASIER

Why are you evil Fuchs against kids learning Spanish?

I do not disagree.. we all took foreign language in high school and college... but being fluent in English is a necessity... let's make sure that every student is taught to speak, read, and write English first...
You're going off the deep end again, evince. I knew GW and Cheney were full of shit, but it's your heroes like Hillary and Kerry who voted to support them. Why? Because they were stupid and gullible? Because they were chickenshits? I'm guessing chickenshits.

Prove it

You can’t

You were not here for us to see it

And when a senator is shown intel and assured that it was done professionally they are supposed to believe that intel

They did

So now you blame them instead of those who did the fucking crime

That is exactly what you are doing dutch

Looking for a way to blame Democrats for the evil lies your side proffered

I just proved who did the lying

So you seek to blame the victims of those lies instead

You got took by Nixon and Reagan too I bet
Learn to speak English... I can't think of a single reason why that is not important 8f you're going to live in this country... not a thing wrong with being bilingual or trilingual or speaking five or six languages... but if you live here you need to speak English...

I have occasional personal business to attend to in an old Massachusetts textile city called Lawrence,
about forty minutes northwest of Boston.

The huge mills have been closed for decades, and the city has been primarily Hispanic for a few generations, now.

Finally, I now routinely run into Latino people who speak English with no discernable accent at all.
Some of the younger ones are not too swift with Spanish, I'm told.

Up here, Hispanics are more likely to be of Caribbean heritage than Mexican, and the Puerto Rican ones arrived
as full-fledged American citizens whether they spoke English or not.

Some immigrant ethnicities assimilate quicker than than others--from a linguistic perspective, at least.
They all do eventually.

What I know is this.

Making fun of a foreign accent when one speaks but one language
identifies one as being far, far more stupid
than the person being mocked.