Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

start your race war, see if we don't come after you.

Where did you go chickenshit?

Come tell us Americans how you Russian turd slices are coming here to kill us all

The FBI would love to learn more about your threats to kill Americans

Is that guy still on the corner
Your reply is silly. Kinda like showing a starving person an empty plate. Do it right, or get out of the way of those who will. Biden had 3.5 years to take baby steps. Now it's time to get it right. Close the borders and deport ALL illegals. Period.

BTW, your scenarios are simpleminded.

You are the one who is simple minded.

The republican border hawks who pushed this legislation were pushing a lot of the same legislation during Trumps failed term and attempts to stop the problem.

Again in your simple minded obsession you neglect that any future republi'can' govt will be required to negotiate with the Dems to get what they want. They will not simply 'get out of the way' any more than this minority Magat derps will get out of the way now. You are demanding nothing be done as long as the minorities on the extreme left and right have the power to stop it.

YOu are simply stupid if you cannot see that in todays very close election age, no party will have the big majorities across the HOuse, the Senate and holding POTUS to simply bully threw anything without some compromise to the other side.

That is why you have the rpeubli'can' border hawks in the Senate saying this is the BEST legislation that anyone will see and even a Trump admin, should it follow this one, will not get it.

The question is RB why not allow this improvement and then allow whoever follows (if Trump) to build upon it?

The answer is maga derps are showing, as they always do, that the issue is really meaningless to them, other than as a political football and as such they are doing everything to keep it that forever. They want the border to be a forever issue. And that is why the rest of us need to start ignoring them.
Fuck you asshole

You tell us it can NEVER WORK remember?

That integration will never be a positive thing

You said it asshole

That is why I labeled the fucking racist you are

Wake the fuck up to what you tell people here asshole

It really bothers me, Vinny,
that the dumbest fuck on JPP is not one of the BB-brained trumpanzees
but possibly you instead.

We're a diverse nation, right?

And this diversity is obviously a strength because we have no racism and bigotry
bogging us down in America, right?

You cannot distinguish realistically recognizing something
from advocating for it.

You just can't, and it's obvious.

This is mental capability far, far short
of that which my dog has going for her.

You deficiencies are not my fault, Vinny.
You direct anger toward me as if they were.
That's right, I AM unwilling to compromise. Didn't Biden put the Ho in charge of this border crisis? What did she do over the last 3.5 years? Not a damn thing!

I have no "dear leader." Stop your exhibition of ignorance.

Then you will get nothing. So stop whining. Of course you have a dear leader. His name is Trump.
It really bothers me, Vinny,
that the dumbest fuck on JPP is not one of the BB-brained trumpanzees
but possibly you instead.

We're a diverse nation, right?

And this diversity is obviously a strength because we have no racism and bigotry
bogging us down in America, right?

You cannot distinguish realistically recognizing something
from advocating for it.

You just can't, and it's obvious.

This is mental capability far, far short
of that which my dog has going for her.

You deficiencies are not my fault, Vinny.
You direct anger toward me as if they were.

You said integration can’t work

You said it

You gonna lie about it?
We're actually talking about two very different scenarios ans experi4mc3s...ad usual...lol

..and I don't think you're probably in the mood for teacher stories...lol... they're mostly about kids...

I will stipulate to kids not being my foremost area of expertise.
If something is more complicated than union contracts,
kids would have to be it.

The Gestapo and I had to pretty much invent new child raising methodology
in order to endure our own.

In that neither of our kids is on the streets
or in prison,
or chooses to not have a close relationship with us,
we couldn't have done that badly,
this despite our total lack of academic qualifications to be parents.

There might be some correlation to neither of our kids wanting to be parents, though.
I don't know.

That, to me, is one of the most disturbing aspects of our world.
Almost anybody can become a parent,
and so many suck so miserably at it.

Perhaps this is an experience that also differs between us,
perceptionally at least.
I will stipulate to kids not being my foremost area of expertise.
If something is more complicated than union contracts,
kids would have to be it.

The Gestapo and I had to pretty much invent new child raising methodology
in order to endure our own.

In that neither of our kids is on the streets
or in prison,
or chooses to not have a close relationship with us,
we couldn't have done that badly,
this despite our total lack of academic qualifications to be parents.

There might be some correlation to neither of our kids wanting to be parents, though.
I don't know.

That, to me, is one of the most disturbing aspects of our world.
Almost anybody can become a parent,
and so many suck so miserably at it.

Perhaps this is an experience that also differs between us,
perceptionally at least.

Your kids are just fine and they have pets...;)
You said integration can’t work

You said it

You gonna lie about it?

That's not what I said at all.

I said that it's clearly NOT working now.

I said that homogeneous nations have a far easier time with solidarity
and thus find it much easier to do things collectively than we do.

This is simple fact, proven such by even the most casual observation
as long as it's not biased by what we want to see.

I also said that toothpaste can't be put back into the tube,
ethnic diversity is our reality,
and we have to do a much better job with it
than we've done so far.

It can't be more obvious to me, however,
that this is a daunting challenge.

It's only a strength to those who more easily believe
the Pollyanna shit that they've been taught to believe
than what they can see with their own eyes.

This, sad to say,
is purely an intelligence issue,
not an ideological one.

If you're seriously stupid,
you believe that the diversity which is our reality
is more of a strength than a daunting challenge.

Despite what you may think,
I'm not seriously stupid.
That's not what I said at all.

I said that it's clearly NOT working now.

I said that homogeneous nations have a far easier time with solidarity
and thus find it much easier to do things collectively than we do.

This is simple fact, proven such by even the most casual observation
as long as it's not biased by what we want to see.

I also said that toothpaste can't be put back into the tube,
ethnic diversity is our reality,
and we have to do a much better job with it
than we've done so far.

It can't be more obvious to me, however,
that this is a daunting challenge.

It's only a strength to those who more easily believe
the Pollyanna shit that they've been taught to believe
than what they can see with their own eyes.

This, sad to say,
is purely an intelligence issue,
not an ideological one.

If you're seriously stupid,
you believe that the diversity which is our reality
is more of a strength than a daunting challenge.

Despite what you may think,
I'm not seriously stupid.

Go get your original post to prove your claim
Yep. The Republican party now has one agenda. Donald Trump to be President. If we have to hand Europe to Putin, encourage the Chinese to invade Taiwan, and continue to vote against any money for securing the border, so be it. As long as we get our dictator.

Clear analysis, doubt it will work. Only about 33% of Americans are truly that stupid.