Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

No you don't want them stopped. You oppose this immigration bill. There is a zero percent chance that asylum will be eliminated. You want all or nothing. Tough shit. Better vote.

Your last question is so unbelievably stupid it does not warrant a response. Did you think there are no Spanish speaking workers in this country? Have you ever left your house?

Yep. That's right, I do want it all. As I said, I want this asylum shit eliminated and our borders secured.

Why is it stupid? I ran a machine shop where all the machines use the English inch rule of measurement. And if they can't speak English, they are of no use to me. And yes, I leave my house routinely. And you?
I want them stopped. Completely, libturd. Nope. You are typing out your lying ass again. And, I won't "shut the fuck up!"
Color isn't the problem, Mr. Confart. And, who's gonna hire someone who cannot communicate with coworkers of supervision?


You guys want it to continue as political wedge issue.

There is an expression that says 'do not make the perfect, the enemy of the good'. Look it up RB.

As the extremely conservative republican border hawks have said, this bill is the best bill ever proposed for the border, and if the GOP and Trump take power there is near zero chance the Dem's will agree to anything near this tough.

You understand that unless the GOP gets big majorities in the House, Senate and takes the POTUS, they will NEED Dem votes to implement any big changes right?

So the smart thing to do, is to take this Bill now, move things substantially in the right direction and if the Republicans gain any power after the coming GE they then are only pushing for small changes to tighten it up.

It would be like trying to hitch hike across the country and refusing any ride that is good portion of the way, waiting only for the person who can take you entire way. That would be very short sighted and dumb. You take incremental moves, as long as they are in the right direction.
I backed Afghanistan, not Iraq as I've always stated.

How am I supposed to prove it to your satisfaction, evince?

By not stopping your blaming those who believed American intel your eyes Never Saw

You did not see all the intel our representatives were shown

I sure don’t remember you going as hard on Bush and Cheney for producing the fake intel

But you sure love to blame any Dem that believed the information that they were served up

It’s insane how much you hate the lied to more because there was a D After their names

All the Republicans who believed the intel given them just get a pass from you
Yep. That's right, I do want it all. As I said, I want this asylum shit eliminated and our borders secured.

Why is it stupid? I ran a machine shop where all the machines use the English inch rule of measurement. And if they can't speak English, they are of no use to me. And yes, I leave my house routinely. And you?

Then you will get nothing. Because you are unwilling to make any kind of compromise, you have lost your right to bitch about it. Your party has passed NOTHING, and every chance they've had to provide money to fix the problem, they have VOTED AGAINST IT. Every. Single. Time.

So stop pretending this is something you want to fix. It's something you want to help you install your Dear Leader.

You guys want it to continue as political wedge issue.

There is an expression that says 'do not make the perfect, the enemy of the good'. Look it up RB.

As the extremely conservative republican border hawks have said, this bill is the best bill ever proposed for the border, and if the GOP and Trump take power there is near zero chance the Dem's will agree to anything near this tough.

You understand that unless the GOP gets big majorities in the House, Senate and takes the POTUS, they will NEED Dem votes to implement any big changes right?

So the smart thing to do, is to take this Bill now, move things substantially in the right direction and if the Republicans gain any power after the coming GE they then are only pushing for small changes to tighten it up.

It would be like trying to hitch hike across the country and refusing any ride that is good portion of the way, waiting only for the person who can take you entire way. That would be very short sighted and dumb. You take incremental moves, as long as they are in the right direction.
Allowing 1.8 million illegals in a year isn't anywhere close to "good".
I have occasional personal business to attend to in an old Massachusetts textile city called Lawrence,
about forty minutes northwest of Boston.

The huge mills have been closed for decades, and the city has been primarily Hispanic for a few generations, now.

Finally, I now routinely run into Latino people who speak English with no discernable accent at all.
Some of the younger ones are not too swift with Spanish, I'm told.

Up here, Hispanics are more likely to be of Caribbean heritage than Mexican, and the Puerto Rican ones arrived
as full-fledged American citizens whether they spoke English or not.

Some immigrant ethnicities assimilate quicker than than others--from a linguistic perspective, at least.
They all do eventually.

What I know is this.

Making fun of a foreign accent when one speaks but one language
identifies one as being far, far more stupid
than the person being mocked.

Who's making fun of someone's accent?

You guys want it to continue as political wedge issue.

There is an expression that says 'do not make the perfect, the enemy of the good'. Look it up RB.

As the extremely conservative republican border hawks have said, this bill is the best bill ever proposed for the border, and if the GOP and Trump take power there is near zero chance the Dem's will agree to anything near this tough.

You understand that unless the GOP gets big majorities in the House, Senate and takes the POTUS, they will NEED Dem votes to implement any big changes right?

So the smart thing to do, is to take this Bill now, move things substantially in the right direction and if the Republicans gain any power after the coming GE they then are only pushing for small changes to tighten it up.

It would be like trying to hitch hike across the country and refusing any ride that is good portion of the way, waiting only for the person who can take you entire way. That would be very short sighted and dumb. You take incremental moves, as long as they are in the right direction.

Your reply is silly. Kinda like showing a starving person an empty plate. Do it right, or get out of the way of those who will. Biden had 3.5 years to take baby steps. Now it's time to get it right. Close the borders and deport ALL illegals. Period.

BTW, your scenarios are simpleminded.
Your reply is silly. Kinda like showing a starving person an empty plate. Do it right, or get out of the way of those who will. Biden had 3.5 years to take baby steps. Now it's time to get it right. Close the borders and deport ALL illegals. Period.

BTW, your scenarios are simpleminded.

Sorry, but there is no consensus on what is right. I believe dreamers should be given citizenship You don't. I believe we should continue with a reformed asylum policy. You don't. I do not want to see money wasted on a wall that does nothing. You don't.

So you are not going to get everything you want, because MOST people disagree with your stances. So your position right now is 'do nothing on the border in hopes Biden gets blamed and Trump gets elected'.

Your position is political. It ignores the problem. You have no interest in a fix. You belong to a do nothing party. So stop your whining. You are not a serious person.

BTW, your claim that my positions are simpleminded is unbelievably ironic given YOUR suggestions that immediately preceded that statement. Lay out for me how you 'deport all illegals'. ROTFLMFAO!!! It is logistically impossible and the cost to even attempt such a plan would cost tens of billions and cost the economy trillions. YOU are a simpleminded idiot.
I'm certainly not accusing you, TOP,
but it happens often in the white working class community--
mostly among people whose English, their sole language, is pretty bad.

Actually my experiences have been just the opposite... which is why I'm such an advocate for English being a necessity...
Then you will get nothing. Because you are unwilling to make any kind of compromise, you have lost your right to bitch about it. Your party has passed NOTHING, and every chance they've had to provide money to fix the problem, they have VOTED AGAINST IT. Every. Single. Time.

So stop pretending this is something you want to fix. It's something you want to help you install your Dear Leader.

That's right, I AM unwilling to compromise. Didn't Biden put the Ho in charge of this border crisis? What did she do over the last 3.5 years? Not a damn thing!

I have no "dear leader." Stop your exhibition of ignorance.
I have occasional personal business to attend to in an old Massachusetts textile city called Lawrence,
about forty minutes northwest of Boston.

The huge mills have been closed for decades, and the city has been primarily Hispanic for a few generations, now.

Finally, I now routinely run into Latino people who speak English with no discernable accent at all.
Some of the younger ones are not too swift with Spanish, I'm told.

Up here, Hispanics are more likely to be of Caribbean heritage than Mexican, and the Puerto Rican ones arrived
as full-fledged American citizens whether they spoke English or not.

Some immigrant ethnicities assimilate quicker than than others--from a linguistic perspective, at least.
They all do eventually.

What I know is this.

Making fun of a foreign accent when one speaks but one language
identifies one as being far, far more stupid
than the person being mocked.

Fuck you asshole

You tell us it can NEVER WORK remember?

That integration will never be a positive thing

You said it asshole

That is why I labeled the fucking racist you are

Wake the fuck up to what you tell people here asshole
Allowing 1.8 million illegals in a year isn't anywhere close to "good".

That is NOT the question or statement a smart person poses.

The issue is IS IT AN IMPROVEMENT as compared to what happened under Trump and Biden currently...

MARCH 10, 2021 3:35PM
Trump’s Border Policies Let More Immigrants Sneak In

President Trump’s top policy priority was supposedly “border security.” But government data show that he failed to improve it. Border Patrol recorded 41 percent more successful illegal entries in fiscal year 2019 than in 2016 and was on pace for 47 percent more through four months of 2020. As he left office in January, reports indicate that the numbers have reached even greater heights.

...the government records show that Border Patrol was observing more immigrants sneaking into the country than when President Trump took office. In fiscal year 2016, Border Patrol agents witnessed about 100,000 successful entries. By 2018, the number had risen to nearly 128,000. In 2019, it hit 150,000. Through four months of 2020, it was on pace to hit almost 156,000.


As Obama showed, being deemed the Deporter in Chief, one of the best tools in dealing with this, is to let them, file their asylum claim QUICKLY and then deport them.

What Trump showed us is the problem will only grow if you do have the proper tools to stop them seeking asylum, which is why when Trump was POTUS they were pushing for a lot of the tools that are in this current bill.
Actually my experiences have been just the opposite... which is why I'm such an advocate for English being a necessity...

It is indeed important.
I even speak a little English myself.

It's not a fast process, however,
and my experience is that those with the least impressive academic credentials
are often the first to criticize.
That's right, I AM unwilling to compromise. Didn't Biden put the Ho in charge of this border crisis? What did she do over the last 3.5 years? Not a damn thing!

I have no "dear leader." Stop your exhibition of ignorance.

Because she cant make law you fucking racist shit heap of a Russian whore boy

Remember who is supposed to make law?

Your party accomplished not one fucking thing for this nation while you held the house

It is indeed important.
I even speak a little English myself.

It's not a fast process, however,
and my experience is that those with the least impressive academic credentials
are often the first to criticize.

In my experience it’s the racists who say integration can’t ever work
It is indeed important.
I even speak a little English myself.

It's not a fast process, however,
and my experience is that those with the least impressive academic credentials
are often the first to criticize.
We're actually talking about two very different scenarios ans experi4mc3s...ad usual...lol

..and I don't think you're probably in the mood for teacher stories...lol... they're mostly about kids...