Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

That's right, I AM unwilling to compromise. Didn't Biden put the Ho in charge of this border crisis? What did she do over the last 3.5 years? Not a damn thing!

She brought in an invading army of 12 million illegal aliens.

I have no "dear leader." Stop your exhibition of ignorance.

Connie has no choice but to exhibit ignorance.
Where did you go chickenshit?

Come tell us Americans how you Russian turd slices are coming here to kill us all

The FBI would love to learn more about your threats to kill Americans

Is that guy still on the corner

Why don't you post the name of the city you are in, the name of the trailer park, and the slot number - then let it go from there?

I mean, if he has the name of the trailer park, the smell of urine and meth will lead him to you, but a space number will make it faster.
Why don't you post the name of the city you are in, the name of the trailer park, and the slot number - then let it go from there?

I mean, if he has the name of the trailer park, the smell of urine and meth will lead him to you, but a space number will make it faster.
Psychotic Schizo looking to dox JPP members.

Somebody needs to stick you in a rubber room, Sybil.
That's not what I said at all.

I said that it's clearly NOT working now.

I said that homogeneous nations have a far easier time with solidarity
and thus find it much easier to do things collectively than we do.

This is simple fact, proven such by even the most casual observation
as long as it's not biased by what we want to see.

I also said that toothpaste can't be put back into the tube,
ethnic diversity is our reality,
and we have to do a much better job with it
than we've done so far.

It can't be more obvious to me, however,
that this is a daunting challenge.

It's only a strength to those who more easily believe
the Pollyanna shit that they've been taught to believe
than what they can see with their own eyes.

This, sad to say,
is purely an intelligence issue,
not an ideological one.

If you're seriously stupid,
you believe that the diversity which is our reality
is more of a strength than a daunting challenge.

Despite what you may think,
I'm not seriously stupid.

Did you erase those posts

I can’t find the thread

You said those things dude

Prove you didn’t
Why don't you post the name of the city you are in, the name of the trailer park, and the slot number - then let it go from there?

I mean, if he has the name of the trailer park, the smell of urine and meth will lead him to you, but a space number will make it faster.



You want to murder Americans for Trumps crime spree

The FBI is watching you evil violent assholes

Come get me

The FBI will be right behind your evil asses


You want to murder Americans for Trumps crime spree

The FBI is watching you evil violent assholes

Come get me

The FBI will be right behind your evil asses

I have no desire to be anywhere near you. Just the thought of the smell gags me.

But I crack up at your delusion that the FBI is your personal gang ready to kill those who make a fool of you on message boards...

You're not just stupid, you are severely mentally ill.
I have no desire to be anywhere near you. Just the thought of the smell gags me.

But I crack up at your delusion that the FBI is your personal gang ready to kill those who make a fool of you on message boards...

You're not just stupid, you are severely mentally ill.

And you will lying in a huge puddle of blood if you do
The FBI sure has arrested a lot of you violent evil trumpers huh

Pretend they won’t arrest you asshole if you try to kill Americans again

Your Russian owned ass can count on it
And you will lying in a huge puddle of blood if you do

What you should do is call the FBI several times a day and tell them there are enemies of the party on JPP. Demand they send agents to kill enemies of Biden who make fun of you.

In fact, call once an hour to make sure they understand your orders.

They really like that...
What you should do is call the FBI several times a day and tell them there are enemies of the party on JPP. Demand they send agents to kill enemies of Biden who make fun of you.

In fact, call once an hour to make sure they understand your orders.

They really like that...

I do t have to asshole

Your own posts here are already being observed
The internets is where the FBI finds your evil murderous plots

Do you really think the FBI is not on this supply of information?

Why do you claim they are not

On what basis of fact do you claim the FBI isn’t watching you violent evil assholes on the internets?
I do t have to asshole

Your own posts here are already being observed

Of course they are.

No doubt there are agents under the bed my wife and I share.

After all, your enemies on JPP are top priority for the FBI.

Standard Disclaimer: It's truly sad that there are no hospitals to put those like Truthy in. Cleaning her up off of the meth and fentanyl and getting her on meds to combat the severe psychosis she suffers from would be the humane thing to do.
Of course they are.

No doubt there are agents under the bed my wife and I share.

After all, your enemies on JPP are top priority for the FBI.

Standard Disclaimer: It's truly sad that there are no hospitals to put those like Truthy in. Cleaning her up off of the meth and fentanyl and getting her on meds to combat the severe psychosis she suffers from would be the humane thing to do.

Think what you want shit brain

Your evil plans of violence don’t go unnoticed by American authorities
https://www.brennancenter.org/our-w...nary investigations” (,with the approval of a

Monitoring to detect threats: Even without opening an assessment or other investigation, FBI agents can monitor public social media postings. DHS components from ICE to its intelligence arm, the Office of Intelligence & Analysis, also monitor social media — including specific individuals — with the goal of identifying potential threats of violence or terrorism. In addition, the FBI and DHS both engage private companies to conduct online monitoring of this type on their behalf. One firm, for example, was awarded a contract with the FBI in December 2020 to scour social media to proactively identify “national security and public safety-related events” — including various unspecified threats, as well as crimes — which have not yet been reported to law enforcement.

Go ahead

Talk about murdering Americans for Trump

See how that works out for you
Think what you want shit brain

Your evil plans of violence don’t go unnoticed by American authorities

LOl - they got video of you, Truthy..

