Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

Wimpy. You and all of the limp dick liberals feel free to post your addresses. Lets see who will put and end to what. You fucking democrat pussy. STFU or put up.

The Sock wants to start a civil war. If he and other Democrats are really going to be this stupid, so it shall be.

You should've seen the video of the Democrat party organizer in Texas confronting the guards at Shelby park. She continually remarked that she was afraid of the guns they carried! :laugh:
The border is the only argument the right has,
Blatant lie.
they can't allow Biden to fix that too!
Biden is CAUSING the border crisis and has already broken many laws to do so, AND has committed treason (multiple times).
For all the Republicans in the house voting NO for something they have been screaming for for ages should be telling all those Republicans that their party is gone.
The Republicans won't support amnesty for everyone that illegally entered the country, idiot.
It's now the MAGAT party
MAGA is not a party, nor a person, nor a troll, nor a living being of any kind. Learn what MAGA means. I already know you are against it.
and something any respectable Republican should abandon. Voters certainly will.
Just dig a little deeper hole for your head to be buried in. It should pop out somewhere in the Indian ocean pretty soon now.

You cannot escape your fate.
Biden says he wants to close the border down.
I'm sure you bought the bridge he was selling, too.
Isn't that what the right wants?
How come the right isn't all for it?
It is.
Since the right is against closing the border down
It isn't.
would it not be the right that is for "lackadaisical enforcement"?
Trump is screaming vote NO!
Trump is advising (not screaming) to vote NO on Biden's amnesty program (which opens the border up again).
I thought he was a bigot who claimed the Hispanics were all rapists that would poison the blood of our country?
Trump never said any such thing. You cannot project YOUR problems on anybody else, bigot.
Now he does not want the border shut down?
He does. Biden's bill does not shut the border down.
He most certainly did open the Border...https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/29/politics/border-shutdown-biden-what-matters/index.html now he's flipping the switch and saying he's going to shut it down...

He's 'flipping the switch' (which isn't connected to anything) to make it look like he's 'flipping the switch'. His bill opens the border again. That is why Trump and Republicans are saying NO. That bill is dead on arrival. It has no chance to pass either the House or the Senate.