Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

what's hilarious in reading this is that YOU, QP, are outright admitting that we are no longer a democracy, but a dual plutocracy and you not only happily live in it, but you endorse and advocate for it by party line voting. Placating your anxiety by deluding yourself in to having to believe that there are no other options.

What you show with your post is how stupid you are and that you do not know what Democracy means.

A representative Democracy, where no one can get a big enough majority of the votes of the people to just dictate, on behalf of the voters what will be does NOT stop being a democracy if parties have to comprise to get stuff thru.

Quite the opposite. If for instance Biden gets 45% of the vote next election and that is enough to give him slim majorities in the House and Senate, but he cannot pass anything without considering the 55% of citizens who may have split their vote and not voted for him, but combine now to block his legislation if he does not also consider their demands, THAT IS DEMOCRACY.

What you, StupiderthanYou think is democracy is autocracy.
Can you articulate your position on the border and immigration? What are your proposals for reforming our immigration system. What would you do with regards to asylum. How about Dreamers? What solutions are you suggesting to help address the problem. If you can provide some specificity, we can discuss the pros and cons of your proposal.


the barrage of entries needs to be stopped 100%, at least temporarily. This country has resources to deal with those already here, if only those options would be exercised and enforced. Once the border is closed and those already here are afforded the opportunity to surrender, those options for housing and resources can be apportioned. I question the asylum seekers who have traveled all the way across from Mexico......if their intention was to leave an oppressive country, they succeeded by getting in to Mexico. If by 'Dreamers' you mean children born to illegals while in the US, I am one of those who believe that the 14th Amendment dictates that they are US Citizens and cannot be deported. Those parents, if they surrendered to authorities properly, can be given temp visas of some sort to allow them to continue living and working while a solution can be formulated and enacted. For those who are legitimately seeking asylum and those simply wanting to migrate, Mexico MUST work with the US in setting up housing of some sort while they can be processed.
What you show with your post is how stupid you are and that you do not know what Democracy means.

A representative Democracy, where no one can get a big enough majority of the votes of the people to just dictate, on behalf of the voters what will be does NOT stop being a democracy if parties have to comprise to get stuff thru.

Quite the opposite. If for instance Biden gets 45% of the vote next election and that is enough to give him slim majorities in the House and Senate, but he cannot pass anything without considering the 55% of citizens who may have split their vote and not voted for him, but combine now to block his legislation if he does not also consider their demands, THAT IS DEMOCRACY.

What you, StupiderthanYou think is democracy is autocracy.

your delusion just kicked in to high gear. congrats.
the barrage of entries needs to be stopped 100%, at least temporarily. This country has resources to deal with those already here, if only those options would be exercised and enforced. Once the border is closed and those already here are afforded the opportunity to surrender, those options for housing and resources can be apportioned. I question the asylum seekers who have traveled all the way across from Mexico......if their intention was to leave an oppressive country, they succeeded by getting in to Mexico. If by 'Dreamers' you mean children born to illegals while in the US, I am one of those who believe that the 14th Amendment dictates that they are US Citizens and cannot be deported. Those parents, if they surrendered to authorities properly, can be given temp visas of some sort to allow them to continue living and working while a solution can be formulated and enacted. For those who are legitimately seeking asylum and those simply wanting to migrate, Mexico MUST work with the US in setting up housing of some sort while they can be processed.

We can attempt to work with Mexico, but we have no control over what they do. Biden has promised to close the border, but apparently Republicans aren't interested in that. The bill which Trump has said no to would allow Biden to do just that. It cannot be done without legislation. I do not believe in a unitary executive branch. Our laws currently allow for asylum, so you are suggesting that asylum be eliminated completely? Just want to make sure. Your contention that we have the resources is false. There is no disagreement about this. We lack adequate funding for border patrol, for drug enforcement, and for asylum hearings.

Your proposal that people 'surrender voluntarily' is completely naive. First off, those who crossed the border to seek asylum are here legally, they have no reason to surrender. Are you suggesting that we can retroactively deny them entry and demand they leave? Where do they go to surrender? Why would they do that? It is a completely untenable position,

No, dreamers are not children born here, those born here are citizens and there is absolutely no dispute about that. Dreamers are children brought at a young age by their parents. They are now holding jobs, attending schools, contributing to the economy. Are you suggesting they should be deported? How do you pay for these mass deportations and how do you replace those workers that you deport?
We can attempt to work with Mexico, but we have no control over what they do. Biden has promised to close the border, but apparently Republicans aren't interested in that. The bill which Trump has said no to would allow Biden to do just that. It cannot be done without legislation.
that legislation has Ukraine funding in it, which the Republicans don't want. I don't agree with that, but I do think that it might be a bit too much.

I do not believe in a unitary executive branch. Our laws currently allow for asylum, so you are suggesting that asylum be eliminated completely? Just want to make sure.
not eliminated. We are a nation of immigrants and we should be welcoming, especially to those who are being politically pursued and in danger. I just think it needs to be halted temporarily until we can get a lock on the border.

Your contention that we have the resources is false. There is no disagreement about this. We lack adequate funding for border patrol, for drug enforcement, and for asylum hearings.
when I say that we have resources, it is not false. It just requires an entire budget rework. We spend way too much money on things that we don't need, or things that don't need as much. That budget can be reworked to increase border enforcement.

Your proposal that people 'surrender voluntarily' is completely naive. First off, those who crossed the border to seek asylum are here legally, they have no reason to surrender. Are you suggesting that we can retroactively deny them entry and demand they leave? Where do they go to surrender? Why would they do that? It is a completely untenable position,
asylum seekers who crossed, did they cross legally and are under some sort of supervision by ICE and border patrol?

No, dreamers are not children born here, those born here are citizens and there is absolutely no dispute about that. Dreamers are children brought at a young age by their parents. They are now holding jobs, attending schools, contributing to the economy. Are you suggesting they should be deported? How do you pay for these mass deportations and how do you replace those workers that you deport?
Thank you for defining the 'dreamer' for me. I do not believe that they should be deported. I'm not a fan of punishing children for their parents crimes. I believe that a visa process can be created specifically for dreamers that should allow them easier opportunity to become US Citizens.
that legislation has Ukraine funding in it, which the Republicans don't want. I don't agree with that, but I do think that it might be a bit too much.

not eliminated. We are a nation of immigrants and we should be welcoming, especially to those who are being politically pursued and in danger. I just think it needs to be halted temporarily until we can get a lock on the border.

when I say that we have resources, it is not false. It just requires an entire budget rework. We spend way too much money on things that we don't need, or things that don't need as much. That budget can be reworked to increase border enforcement.

asylum seekers who crossed, did they cross legally and are under some sort of supervision by ICE and border patrol?

Thank you for defining the 'dreamer' for me. I do not believe that they should be deported. I'm not a fan of punishing children for their parents crimes. I believe that a visa process can be created specifically for dreamers that should allow them easier opportunity to become US Citizens.

So, to be clear, the reason you oppose this bill is because of the Ukraine funding?

You may be surprised to know that I agree on a lot of this, and I want to lay out what this bill does, especially with respect to asylum seekers. Currently, those who are crossing the border at non-points of entry and who are requesting asylum are being treated as if they legally presented at a point of entry. They are allowed into the country while they await their hearing. This bill ends that. If a person crossing illegally requests asylum, they will be held until their hearing, and that hearing will be expedited. Those who presented at points of entry would still be allowed into the country while awaiting their hearing. We do not have resources to detain them for the months, and sometimes years they have to wait for that hearing. Again, this bill addresses the backlog by hiring more asylum judges so that these hearings happen in weeks instead of months. It also has funds for drug enforcement and border patrol. It also gives the President the authority to declare an emergency and shut the down the border. Those are the reasons I support the bill, and why I cannot understand how Republicans are opposing the bill, unless their agenda is not really what they claim it is.

We agree on Dreamers, I'm glad to see your support, you stand with a large majority of Americans who feel the same way.
The issue is the border. Period. Nothing more, nothing less.
There is currently legislation pending that will begin to address that problem. No, it's not a 100% fix, but it is a start. Yet now we have Trump and his band of MAGATs trying desperately to sabotage it. It's so bad in your party that Senator Lankford (R-OK) was actually CENSURED by the state GOP party for negotiating with the (D)s to get a bipartisan bill passed. Why? Why do you support this? Isn't something to fix the problem better than NOTHING? Isn't working together in Congress for the benefit of American citizens what we send them there to do?

Instead, Republicans are like foot-stamping spoiled toddlers. "If I can't get everything that I want, I'll take all my toys and go home."
just like Democrats.

Disagreed since it's now the MAGAts who are tanking a bipartisan agreement because it's an election year and Trump wants to look good in November.

While the immigration issue is important, only fucking morons think the problem will be solved with machine gun towers every 100 yards along our southern border. Our nation needs immigration reform and it's always been the Republicans who refuse to bring it to the table as happened with this bill. Why? Because they don't want the problem solved. Too much money at stake.
that legislation has Ukraine funding in it, which the Republicans don't want. I don't agree with that, but I do think that it might be a bit too much.

not eliminated. We are a nation of immigrants and we should be welcoming, especially to those who are being politically pursued and in danger. I just think it needs to be halted temporarily until we can get a lock on the border.

when I say that we have resources, it is not false. It just requires an entire budget rework. We spend way too much money on things that we don't need, or things that don't need as much. That budget can be reworked to increase border enforcement.

asylum seekers who crossed, did they cross legally and are under some sort of supervision by ICE and border patrol?

Thank you for defining the 'dreamer' for me. I do not believe that they should be deported. I'm not a fan of punishing children for their parents crimes. I believe that a visa process can be created specifically for dreamers that should allow them easier opportunity to become US Citizens.

How do you get a lock on the border? The border is crossed by climbing the wall, tunneling under, walking around, coming by boat, or flying in. Almost all drugs come in through ports of entry. Biden has proposed a bill that would increase border guards, and immigration courts and deal with the backlog. Trump ordered the Repubs to refuse a vote on the deal. The phony border issue is all trump has to run on and he will protect it from being dealt with.
So, to be clear, the reason you oppose this bill is because of the Ukraine funding?
I oppose the amount of funding........not the funding in general

You may be surprised to know that I agree on a lot of this,
I'm not that surprised, actually. I tend to believe that most animosity between people comes from assumptions about political beliefs, but deeper and more personal discussions on subjects reveals that most people have more in common than not.

and I want to lay out what this bill does, especially with respect to asylum seekers. Currently, those who are crossing the border at non-points of entry and who are requesting asylum are being treated as if they legally presented at a point of entry. They are allowed into the country while they await their hearing. This bill ends that. If a person crossing illegally requests asylum, they will be held until their hearing, and that hearing will be expedited. Those who presented at points of entry would still be allowed into the country while awaiting their hearing. We do not have resources to detain them for the months, and sometimes years they have to wait for that hearing. Again, this bill addresses the backlog by hiring more asylum judges so that these hearings happen in weeks instead of months. It also has funds for drug enforcement and border patrol. It also gives the President the authority to declare an emergency and shut the down the border. Those are the reasons I support the bill, and why I cannot understand how Republicans are opposing the bill, unless their agenda is not really what they claim it is.
I'm not trying to pretend to know what the Republican agenda is or is not. What I do know is that i've seen decades of words from both sides, but no meaningful action behind those words.......Laws say that they SHOULD do this, but it doesn't mandate them to do that, nor does it provide liability for failure to do that.

We agree on Dreamers, I'm glad to see your support, you stand with a large majority of Americans who feel the same way.
I can understand the 'sentiment' of being in the majority, but i've seen way too many majorities do stupid shit. I believe what I believe because I believe it to be right, just, and moral. My personal experiences have led me to not join bandwagons, but to decide things on my own. Those who side with me, good on them.
Disagreed since it's now the MAGAts who are tanking a bipartisan agreement because it's an election year and Trump wants to look good in November.

While the immigration issue is important, only fucking morons think the problem will be solved with machine gun towers every 100 yards along our southern border. Our nation needs immigration reform and it's always been the Republicans who refuse to bring it to the table as happened with this bill. Why? Because they don't want the problem solved. Too much money at stake.

I wholeheartedly agree on all parts except for one..............and that is that it's not just 'MAGAts', but both sides. they talk a good game, but politics reveals the dirty side of it all.
How do you get a lock on the border? The border is crossed by climbing the wall, tunneling under, walking around, coming by boat, or flying in. Almost all drugs come in through ports of entry. Biden has proposed a bill that would increase border guards, and immigration courts and deal with the backlog. Trump ordered the Repubs to refuse a vote on the deal. The phony border issue is all trump has to run on and he will protect it from being dealt with.

Again, I don't care about Trump or his political games. What I will say is that it is entirely possible to achieve the border security without stealing more of the peoples money by reworking an overbloated budget that does nothing but line pockets of politicians and their backers.
It's time to stop pussyfooting around and pretending something different is going on. Pick a side. I stand with the United States Government. The Trump cult sides with Texas. Let's get this over with so we can lock up these treasonous fucks. Pretending this is something different will just allow it to fester for a longer period of time. Abbott should be arrested and charged with obstruction, as should the Governor of North Dakota. They are literally saying that if you think a Supreme Court ruling is unconstitutional, you can just ignore it.


I'm done with these traitors. It's time we put and end to this.

no they haven't.

How do you get a lock on the border? The border is crossed by climbing the wall, tunneling under, walking around, coming by boat, or flying in. Almost all drugs come in through ports of entry. Biden has proposed a bill that would increase border guards, and immigration courts and deal with the backlog. Trump ordered the Repubs to refuse a vote on the deal. The phony border issue is all trump has to run on and he will protect it from being dealt with.

you fucking globalists just want to streamline the imporation of democrat plantation slaves and cheap labor.

fuck dealing with the backlog.


no libertarians, amnesty is not the answer.
Again, I don't care about Trump or his political games. What I will say is that it is entirely possible to achieve the border security without stealing more of the peoples money by reworking an overbloated budget that does nothing but line pockets of politicians and their backers.

it is not. Border security in a country with borders as long as ours is impossible to achieve. We have not even discussed the long northern border or the Atlantic and Pacific borders. We have to expedite our immigration system to deal with those who have come. We have to deport those who do not qualify. it is all we can do and Trump is blocking it.
it is not. Border security in a country with borders as long as ours is impossible to achieve. We have not even discussed the long northern border or the Atlantic and Pacific borders. We have to expedite our immigration system to deal with those who have come. We have to deport those who do not qualify. it is all we can do and Trump is blocking it.

you know who else had a lax immigration policy like ours? The Native Americans..............how'd that work out for them?
Disagreed since it's now the MAGAts who are tanking a bipartisan agreement because it's an election year and Trump wants to look good in November.

While the immigration issue is important, only fucking morons think the problem will be solved with machine gun towers every 100 yards along our southern border. Our nation needs immigration reform and it's always been the Republicans who refuse to bring it to the table as happened with this bill. Why? Because they don't want the problem solved. Too much money at stake.

You can't reform something you don't understand.

Fully funded immigration courts would end the backlog and resolve cases immediately instead of over years.
The phony border issue is all trump has to run on and he will protect it from being dealt with.

That's right because he can't run on his disastrous record as President, and he can't run on successful Conservative policies because none exist.
Again, I don't care about Trump or his political games. What I will say is that it is entirely possible to achieve the border security without stealing more of the peoples money by reworking an overbloated budget that does nothing but line pockets of politicians and their backers.

The border is already secure, you and Abbott are interfering in the enforcement of current immigration law.