Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

You can't reform something you don't understand.

Fully funded immigration courts would end the backlog and resolve cases immediately instead of over years.

Changing the laws would also reduce the backlog.
So if you can't win the game you just change the rules?

We already have tough immigration laws on the books, you and Abbott are the ones who don't want to enforce them.

I think the US needs immigration reform. We've needed it for 30 years. YMMV
Disagreed since it's now the MAGAts who are tanking a bipartisan agreement because it's an election year and Trump wants to look good in November.

While the immigration issue is important, only fucking morons think the problem will be solved with machine gun towers every 100 yards along our southern border. Our nation needs immigration reform and it's always been the Republicans who refuse to bring it to the table as happened with this bill. Why? Because they don't want the problem solved. Too much money at stake.

magats want remain in mexico.

you want the influx of cheap labor because you're a globalist dim bulb.
I think the US needs immigration reform.

No you don't.

You think the US needs to kidnap and traffic people in order to teach a lesson to other people.

What that lesson is, apparently, is that you're a racist xenophobe.

You can't reform something you don't understand.
a free bus ride is not kidnapping, you stupid ape.

So there is NO LAW then, that gives Abbott the power to kidnap people and traffic them all across the country.

So you lied before when you said it was.

All you do here is lie.

Whenever the truth offends you, you lie...and you lie so much that you don't even know what it means to tell the truth anymore.
I wholeheartedly agree on all parts except for one..............and that is that it's not just 'MAGAts', but both sides. they talk a good game, but politics reveals the dirty side of it all.
The duplicity and bullshit in politics is why I never got involved in politics. I doubt there's enough soap on the planet to wash off the stink.

That said, the greater danger to the American Republican is Trumpism. While there's certainly a danger in too many Americans willing to suck off the American tit with cradle-to-grave government care, that danger is best solved with education.
Please cite the law on the books that gives the governor of TX the power to kidnap people, including children, and traffic them around the country.

I'll wait.

It's not kidnapping when they board the bus willingly.
No you don't.

You think the US needs to kidnap and traffic people in order to teach a lesson to other people.

What that lesson is, apparently, is that you're a racist xenophobe.

You can't reform something you don't understand.

How long have you believed you can read minds, LV? Did you read the minds of your dolls as a child?
It's not kidnapping when they board the bus willingly.

It is if they're being led there under false pretenses, which was the case for Abbott and DeSantis.


By kidnapping them before they have a chance to do that, Abbott is directly interfering in the enforcement of our immigration laws and you support that.

So you can't say you want to enforce immigration law when you have already said aloud that you oppose it.
How long have you believed you can read minds, LV? Did you read the minds of your dolls as a child?

You come on JPP and screech about enforcing laws, or having respect for the law, or for there to be law abiding citizens, but the second your personal politics get involved, all applications of the law are ignored.

Stop lying to people that you support the rule of law when you clearly only support it when it doesn't offend your racist sensitivities.
It's not kidnapping when they board the bus willingly.

They probably board the busses as willingly as the holocaust victims boarded the cattle cars willingly.

If you're predisposed to defend your own state, Oom, I suppose that's understandable.
Maybe not to me, but probably to somebody.

I would personally be thrilled for Texas to declare it's independence
and get that big pile of electoral votes
the fuck out of our republic.

That's just me.
Texas out.
Puerto Rico and DC in.
That might be enough to stall partition for a little longer.
It is if they're being led there under false pretenses, which was the case for Abbott and DeSantis.


By kidnapping them before they have a chance to do that, Abbott is directly interfering in the enforcement of our immigration laws and you support that.

So you can't say you want to enforce immigration law when you have already said aloud that you oppose it.
You come on JPP and screech about enforcing laws, or having respect for the law, or for there to be law abiding citizens, but the second your personal politics get involved, all applications of the law are ignored.

Stop lying to people that you support the rule of law when you clearly only support it when it doesn't offend your racist sensitivities.
Nice wackiness, LV.
They probably board the busses as willingly as the holocaust victims boarded the cattle cars willingly....
Godwin Alert.



Probably? Doubtful. They got on for a free bus trip to a liberal sanctuary city where they would be cared for.