Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

you are fucking delusional, still. STILL!!!!! the bullshit you just spewed above is the epitome of insanity.

You can't seem to make a non-racist argument for why you hate immigration so much.

You can't seem to make a non-racist argument for why you support the subversion of our current immigration laws.

You can't seem to do ANTYTHING without putting your foot into your mouth.
That's not reality, that's sophistry.

For one, the map of pre-colonization America didn't really have borders to begin with.

The idea of national borders is Eurocentrism, which is just another form of Conservative racism and bigotry.

the picture below will show you just how STUPID and IDIOTIC your idea of borders is.

These are wolf pack borders. very distinguishable. what happens to those wolves that cross the border and invade the other packs territory?

wolf borders.jpg
Yet you follow me like a lovesick puppy. Why, Ms. LV?

You respond to my posts WAY MORE than I respond to yours.

The reason is because you're insecure. I keep catching you bullshitting and instead of growing as a person, you just get more defiant and antagonistic.

That's because you're not secure in your beliefs because they're fucking stupid.
You can't seem to make a non-racist argument for why you hate immigration so much.

You can't seem to make a non-racist argument for why you support the subversion of our current immigration laws.

You can't seem to do ANTYTHING without putting your foot into your mouth.

you are completely fabricating everything because you're incapable of making an actual rational argument. idiocy is all you have left.
the picture below will show you just how STUPID and IDIOTIC your idea of borders is.

If a pack of wolves is having trouble finding food in their territory (that they claimed by marking it with their pee), they will encroach into another’s territory, thereby coming into conflict with them.

Congrats you’ve just described why property doesn’t exist w/o the state.

Why is it that Conservatives are always so FUCKING STUPID ALL THE TIME????
You respond to my posts WAY MORE than I respond to yours.

The reason is because you're insecure. I keep catching you bullshitting and instead of growing as a person, you just get more defiant and antagonistic.

That's because you're not secure in your beliefs because they're fucking stupid.

He was a Republican all his life

He can’t face all the facts of the crimes of the Republican Party

It has been evil all my and Dutch’s adult life

That is how the Republican Party survived

They get caught doing evil

Point back at the Democratic Party to falsely say “they are corrupt too”

And it gives the Republican voter an out

It has always been lies

It’s how the party has survived all this evil doing practically Scott free

Time for it to breath it’s last for their decades long cheating and lying and crashing the economy and lying is to war
If a pack of wolves is having trouble finding food in their territory (that they claimed by marking it with their pee), they will encroach into another’s territory, thereby coming into conflict with them.

Congrats you’ve just described why property doesn’t exist w/o the state.

Why is it that Conservatives are always so FUCKING STUPID ALL THE TIME????

stop projecting your own stupidity on others.

do you NEED the government to enforce the border of your home? do those wolves have a government enforcing their borders?
the picture below will show you just how STUPID and IDIOTIC your idea of borders is.

What a fucking idiot:


So right there, on your chart, it shows the pack boundaries bleeding into each other.

Set aside the fact that humans are not wolves, your own chart proves that boundaries are fungible.

I swear to God, Conservatives are just the stupidest, laziest fucking idiots ever.
stop projecting your own stupidity on others.?

Do you not understand what it is you posted?

By posting that image of wolf pack boundaries, you proved that boundaries are fungible and change depending on need...at least for wolves.

And you've also proved that those borders exist to protect the property of the state within, therefore private property doesn't exist without the State.

So not only did you help make my argument, but you effectively murdered your own.

do you NEED the government to enforce the border of your home?

If someone breaks into my home, yes. I call the police and they come and arrest the criminal.

What does this have to do with wolves?

do those wolves have a government enforcing their borders?

No because they're WOLVES.

The chart YOU POSTED shows that wolf packs ALWAYS encroach on each pack's territory.
So there is NO LAW then, that gives Abbott the power to kidnap people and traffic them all across the country.

So you lied before when you said it was.

All you do here is lie.

Whenever the truth offends you, you lie...and you lie so much that you don't even know what it means to tell the truth anymore.

no there isn't.

but luckily free bus rides are legal.
The duplicity and bullshit in politics is why I never got involved in politics. I doubt there's enough soap on the planet to wash off the stink.

That said, the greater danger to the American Republican is Trumpism. While there's certainly a danger in too many Americans willing to suck off the American tit with cradle-to-grave government care, that danger is best solved with education.

you're not involved in politics?

could have fooled me, biden/banker globalist liar cocksmoker expert.
no there isn't.

Right, there is no law that gives the governor of TX the power to kidnap migrants, including children, and traffic them around the country.

Glad we are on the same page.

but luckily free bus rides are legal

Kidnapping isn't, and neither is interfering in the enforcement of immigration laws.

All you people do IS BREAK THE LAW.

None of you people have any respect for the rule of law at all.

You're just a bunch of fucking Nazis.