Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

I'm just a single voter who didn't even vote for Abbott...and never will.

You said you support a policy that subverts the rule of law.

So that means you don't respect the rule of law.

The only good for the state that I've seen him do was move the needle on the illegal immigration issue.

Wait - so now he just "moved the needle"? I thought you said this was solid policy that made change, now you're hedging.

It's like I said earlier, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about, do you?

Something even Governor Brewer couldn't do with Obama.

What was moved? Nothing. Your kidnapping policy has not produced ANYTHING TANGIBLE.

All it's done is show how YOU DON'T RESPECT THE LAW.

You aren't willing to let the law play out because you don't have control over that, and neither does Abbott....so that's why he inserted himself into it, and why you support it...you want meritless control over people that you can't have.
It's only illegal when the governor of TX kidnaps you and traffics you to some other part of the country before you have a chance to turn yourself in to Border Patrol.

Turning yourself in to Border Patrol is the law, and it's what the migrants are doing.

By kidnapping them, you and Abbott are directly interfering with the law.

The LAW is that they turn themselves into federal agents, NOT TX state officials.

TX has no immigration law BECAUSE TEXAS ISN'T A COUNTRY.


it's illegal from the point you enter the country illegally.

all the migrants will be sent to you, nimby buttfucker.
I see a lot of screaming but no facts. Typical of you, Ms. LV. All emotion, no reason.

The entire post is fact.

It is a fact that you support Abbott's human trafficking.

It is a fact that your human trafficking is directly subverting the federal immigration laws we already have.

It is a fact that the migrants, who are coming here as refugees, are turning themselves over to Border Patrol because a) that's the law and b) that's how their asylum claims are processed.

It is a fact that kidnapping and trafficking people around the country IS NOT turning those people over to Border Patrol, like the law says.

It is a fact that the only reason Abbott is doing this is because he needs to exploit these people in order to give Conservatives something to campaign on since they can't campaign on any successful bills, policies, or programs they devised.

It is a fact that Abbott's policy has not accomplished a damn thing, hasn't changed any positions, and hasn't produced any positive outcomes.

It is a fact that you are clinging to this policy not because it's good or makes sense, but because you are compelled to defend even the dumbest shit you say from my prying rhetoric.

What's not a fact is that we are being invaded or that illegal immigration is even a problem.
You said you support a policy that subverts the rule of law.

So that means you don't respect the rule of law.

Wait - so now he just "moved the needle"? I thought you said this was solid policy that made change, now you're hedging.

It's like I said earlier, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about, do you?

What was moved? Nothing. Your kidnapping policy has not produced ANYTHING TANGIBLE.

All it's done is show how YOU DON'T RESPECT THE LAW.

You aren't willing to let the law play out because you don't have control over that, and neither does Abbott....so that's why he inserted himself into it, and why you support it...you want meritless control over people that you can't have.

being a cocksucker, dick ditch is confused about which client is up for service.
You said you support a policy that subverts the rule of law.

So that means you don't respect the rule of law.

Wait - so now he just "moved the needle"? I thought you said this was solid policy that made change, now you're hedging.

It's like I said earlier, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about, do you?

What was moved? Nothing. Your kidnapping policy has not produced ANYTHING TANGIBLE.

All it's done is show how YOU DON'T RESPECT THE LAW.

You aren't willing to let the law play out because you don't have control over that, and neither does Abbott....so that's why he inserted himself into it, and why you support it...you want meritless control over people that you can't have.

So what do you want to happen to me, Ms. LV? Hung? Shot? Imprisoned?
we are being invaded. and free bus rides are not kidnapping.

Why would the governor of Texas aid and abet a foreign invasion by keeping the "invaders" away from Border Patrol?

You're saying that they're invading.

Well, Abbott is helping them by giving them a free bus ride to anywhere in the country.

SO NOW YOU'RE AIDING AND ABETTING A FOREIGN INVASION. Because you're here saying Abbott is deliberately NOT turning these invaders over to the authorities and is instead dropping them off everywhere.


Abbott's not arresting the invaders, he's transporting them around the country for free!!!!!!
The entire post is fact.

It is a fact that you support Abbott's human trafficking.

It is a fact that your human trafficking is directly subverting the federal immigration laws we already have.

It is a fact that the migrants, who are coming here as refugees, are turning themselves over to Border Patrol because a) that's the law and b) that's how their asylum claims are processed.

It is a fact that kidnapping and trafficking people around the country IS NOT turning those people over to Border Patrol, like the law says.

It is a fact that the only reason Abbott is doing this is because he needs to exploit these people in order to give Conservatives something to campaign on since they can't campaign on any successful bills, policies, or programs they devised.

It is a fact that Abbott's policy has not accomplished a damn thing, hasn't changed any positions, and hasn't produced any positive outcomes.

It is a fact that you are clinging to this policy not because it's good or makes sense, but because you are compelled to defend even the dumbest shit you say from my prying rhetoric.

What's not a fact is that we are being invaded or that illegal immigration is even a problem.
Excellent example of why I trust neither far Lefties nor far Righties. They think their posts are 100% fact and everyone else should just STFU and accept it.
because border patrol just admits them into the country.

No they don't. Border Patrol detains them and puts them through the system.

That's the entire point of BP and our current immigration laws.

You have NO FUCKING IDEA what you're talking about.

Every single one of you is completely fucking clueless.
The entire post is fact.

It is a fact that you support Abbott's human trafficking.

It is a fact that your human trafficking is directly subverting the federal immigration laws we already have.

It is a fact that the migrants, who are coming here as refugees, are turning themselves over to Border Patrol because a) that's the law and b) that's how their asylum claims are processed.

It is a fact that kidnapping and trafficking people around the country IS NOT turning those people over to Border Patrol, like the law says.

It is a fact that the only reason Abbott is doing this is because he needs to exploit these people in order to give Conservatives something to campaign on since they can't campaign on any successful bills, policies, or programs they devised.

It is a fact that Abbott's policy has not accomplished a damn thing, hasn't changed any positions, and hasn't produced any positive outcomes.

It is a fact that you are clinging to this policy not because it's good or makes sense, but because you are compelled to defend even the dumbest shit you say from my prying rhetoric.

What's not a fact is that we are being invaded or that illegal immigration is even a problem.

you've gotten it all wrong, fuckface.

texas will implement remain in mexico.

the fed border patrol admits them and sends them all over WITH AIRPLANES.
Excellent example of why I trust neither far Lefties nor far Righties. They think their posts are 100% fact and everyone else should just STFU and accept it.

You whined that my post had no facts when my post was NOTHING BUT FACTS.

You just can't deal with the fact that you're fucking stupid and lawless.

You have no respect for the rule of law if you're supporting Abbott's human trafficking.
No they don't. Border Patrol detains them and puts them through the system.

That's the entire point of BP and our current immigration laws.

You have NO FUCKING IDEA what you're talking about.

Every single one of you is completely fucking clueless.

they detain them and then admit them and fly them around the country, as per biden's federal traitor policy.
you've gotten it all wrong, fuckface.

Eat my ass, Nazi loser.

Why do you hate this country so much? You hate its laws. You hate its borders. You hate everything about it. Why are you even here?

texas will implement remain in mexico

How is kidnapping people on the American side of the border and trafficking them to other parts of the country "remain in Mexico"?

That is the exact opposite of that!

Instead of remaining in Mexico, Abbott is kidnapping people and bringing them even deeper into the nation.

If we were being "invaded", why would the governor of Texas aid and abet that invasion by transporting the "invaders" all around the country FOR FREE?????

If they're invaders, why isn't he turning them over to the authorities? Why is he keeping them FROM the authorities?
You whined that my post had no facts when my post was NOTHING BUT FACTS.

You just can't deal with the fact that you're fucking stupid and lawless.

You have no respect for the rule of law if you're supporting Abbott's human trafficking.

it's the illegal border crossings that are of primary concern for normal patriotic citizens.

why are you a fucking traitor globalist chinese dipshit?
the fed border patrol admits them and sends them all over WITH AIRPLANES.

No, the BP detains them, and then processes them, and then transports them to other facilities for them to await their court date.

If they have a sponsor, then they go and stay with the sponsor until their court date.

If we are being "invaded", then why is Abbott not arresting the invaders and is instead transporting them all around the country FOR FREE?

Eat my ass, Nazi loser.

Why do you hate this country so much? You hate its laws. You hate its borders. You hate everything about it. Why are you even here?

How is kidnapping people on the American side of the border and trafficking them to other parts of the country "remain in Mexico"?

That is the exact opposite of that!

Instead of remaining in Mexico, Abbott is kidnapping people and bringing them even deeper into the nation.

If we were being "invaded", why would the governor of Texas aid and abet that invasion by transporting the "invaders" all around the country FOR FREE?????

If they're invaders, why isn't he turning them over to the authorities? Why is he keeping them FROM the authorities?

because the authorities admit them into the country.

abbott will now keep them away from all of us now.

god bless texas.

you're welcome.
they detain them and then admit them and fly them around the country, as per biden's federal traitor policy.

So now you're mad that BP captures migrants, processes them, and then transports them to facilities where they stay until their hearing.

it's the illegal border crossings that are of primary concern for normal patriotic citizens.

It only appears to be a concern for people who hate the rule of law and don't like seeing it enforced, like you.

We have immigration laws on the books already, they're the laws Abbott is subverting by kidnapping people and not turning them in.

If we are being "invaded" then Abbott is a traitor who is transporting "invaders" all around the country for free.