Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

You call them invaders, yet you're giving them free rides all over the country.

So that either means they're not invaders, or that you're complicit in the invasion.

You painted yourself into that corner by being a dumbass.

do sanctuary cities not want illegal immigrants?

please just answer.
RB i say this with all due respect, and based on your posts that is very little.

You RB do NOT dictate to the Congress how things works when neither party has a big enough majority to not require bipartisan votes.

You seem like you were spoiled as a child and grew up a petulant child, telling others how things work when you have ZERO power to dictate anything but you still think you are going to get your way

Even the Magats, in the House do not follow your path and they are constantly using their power (their votes) to force even other Republicans to add in their priorities or telling them nothing will pass. That is HOW THINGS WORK RB.

If the Republi'cans' refuse all the border gains NOW thinking when Trump gets in later the Dems will give him better deals, that just shows how stupid you are as even the very conservative republican border hawks have said there will never be a border deal this good again.

So you take this deal, and then fight to make it even tighter in Trumps next term (should it come) if you are smart. BUt you are not smart so you will refuse it like a petulant child saying 'Noooooo, only MY PRIORITIES and no one elses', thinking that is how gov't works outside super majorities.

You really should read the Constitution some time, Kewpie.
There is currently legislation pending that will begin to address that problem. No, it's not a 100% fix, but it is a start. Yet now we have Trump and his band of MAGATs trying desperately to sabotage it. It's so bad in your party that Senator Lankford (R-OK) was actually CENSURED by the state GOP party for negotiating with the (D)s to get a bipartisan bill passed. Why? Why do you support this? Isn't something to fix the problem better than NOTHING? Isn't working together in Congress for the benefit of American citizens what we send them there to do?

Instead, Republicans are like foot-stamping spoiled toddlers. "If I can't get everything that I want, I'll take all my toys and go home."

You want a fix? Enforce the law! Deport every damn illegal and their families under the current laws. That would be a start.
You said they were "invaders".


If it were up to us, they'd get a one way ticket out of this country. Then we wouldn't have to house, feed and medicate them.
do sanctuary cities not want illegal immigrants?

please just answer.

They don’t mind helping immigrants

They don’t like political stunts of questionable legality to cause humans harm and overload local systems ability to do their part

But you don’t do logic or humanity

Which is why your shitty party always fails at everything

Sociopaths just don’t understand life

You are brain handicapped
If it were up to us, they'd get a one way ticket out of this country. Then we wouldn't have to house, feed and medicate them.

Problem with that is in your motherland of Russia people don’t want in

They want out
Can you articulate your position on the border and immigration? What are your proposals for reforming our immigration system. What would you do with regards to asylum. How about Dreamers? What solutions are you suggesting to help address the problem. If you can provide some specificity, we can discuss the pros and cons of your proposal.


He already has, and so has the law. Biden is breaking the law.

Asylum can only occur through ports of entry or at an embassy AND the request conforms to the safe harbor rule (ignored by Biden).
Dreamers should be deported. They entered the country illegally. Their traffickers should be imprisoned.
He already has, and so has the law. Biden is breaking the law.

Asylum can only occur through ports of entry or at an embassy AND the request conforms to the safe harbor rule (ignored by Biden).
Dreamers should be deported. They entered the country illegally. Their traffickers should be imprisoned.

Which SCOTUS member are you?

Oh yeah you are just a shitty Russo bot hole

Your opinions on the law lay on the self below the dog shit self
RB i say this with all due respect, and based on your posts that is very little.

You RB do NOT dictate to the Congress how things works when neither party has a big enough majority to not require bipartisan votes.

You seem like you were spoiled as a child and grew up a petulant child, telling others how things work when you have ZERO power to dictate anything but you still think you are going to get your way

Even the Magats, in the House do not follow your path and they are constantly using their power (their votes) to force even other Republicans to add in their priorities or telling them nothing will pass. That is HOW THINGS WORK RB.

If the Republi'cans' refuse all the border gains NOW thinking when Trump gets in later the Dems will give him better deals, that just shows how stupid you are as even the very conservative republican border hawks have said there will never be a border deal this good again.

So you take this deal, and then fight to make it even tighter in Trumps next term (should it come) if you are smart. BUt you are not smart so you will refuse it like a petulant child saying 'Noooooo, only MY PRIORITIES and no one elses', thinking that is how gov't works outside super majorities.

I don't want your respect. I don't need your respect. There are a lot of people better than you who I have earned their respect.

The fact is, Joe & the Ho have done nothing to stop the influx of illegals. They have encouraged it. For votes, and you're OK with it.
see? you DO want an authoritarian government. and you're WRONG!!!!!!! SCOTUS does not decide what the Constitution says. It is the PEOPLES Constitution to limit the government. fucking leftist morons.

That is the most un-American thing posted in the first three pages of this thread. You were never required to take a civics class?