Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

there are at least 8 million veterans in this state that would obliterate any resistance. you have zero chance to succeed, you fucking leftist traitors.

We all know you won't do a thing, pussy. As far as those 8 million veterans go, please let us know when they "obliterate" tanks and fighter jets.
His Russian programmer was never taught that in life

They keep the people pretty sheltered about nations with Democratic laws
Dear fucking idiot russian

Most would not fight against their own nation with Russian idiots like you

Fuck you very much

Oh yeah I already answered his post

Good thing his programmer will never actually leave his Siberian shack

Putins afraid to let any of his people leave the motherland

He knows they wouldn’t come back
I don't want your respect. I don't need your respect. There are a lot of people better than you who I have earned their respect.

The fact is, Joe & the Ho have done nothing to stop the influx of illegals. They have encouraged it. For votes, and you're OK with it.

Doubtful you have earned any respect.

Again that you buy into ... 'if Joe and the Dem Senate won't legislate as if the Republi'cans control all 3 branches of gov't, then we, the Republi'cans' will block everything and blame them'.

The losing party is not the one to say 'our way with zero concessions' and that you have got that into your head that is proper for Republi'cans' to do that, even when a Bill is created in the Senate by fellow hard line Republi'cans' shows how extreme you are.
You know I respect you, but this is the problem. It is not rhetoric, and to IGNORE it is dangerous. We ignored Trump, and tried to be polite. I do not negotiate with terrorists. There is no compromise on whether we should have a dictator. There is no compromise on whether we should protect voting rights. No offense, but you are Neville Chamberlain. Appeasement is not a strategy. Do not tell me we can talk with each other and solve this. I'm not buying, and I have a mountain of evidence to back my position.

I have always read PoliTalker as a Pollyanna. I agree with you. The "we should all be friends", "let's hug and be nice" shit is long done. The cult is an existential threat and cannot be tolerated.
They don’t mind helping immigrants

They don’t like political stunts of questionable legality to cause humans harm and overload local systems ability to do their part

But you don’t do logic or humanity

Which is why your shitty party always fails at everything

Sociopaths just don’t understand life

You are brain handicapped

oh so they're empty virtue signallers.

you're right.
Hello Concart,

That's what Teddy Roosevelt would have done. But this is not the wild west any more. If Teddy Roosevelt had been in office when Cliven Bundy created his absurd stand-off, a lot of people would have died needlessly. The big stick should not be used lightly.

Don't give them another Ruby Ridge.

If Biden took the TR approach a lot of people would get killed in Texas over something that is really just political fanfare. Just imagine the political mileage the right would make of a big shoot out. Biden is wisely denying them that.

Abbott is chest beating. He has not done anything, as most cultists would argue, because regardless of Abbott, immigrants are still coming in. It's politics. It's not worth lives.

Abbott and Paxton are emboldened by DT. Huffing and puffing and acting like DT for political points. They know what they are doing. They have created a Cliven Bundy moment, forcing armed action or backing off. They know Biden is not going to escalate a situation where nobody needs to die. They are taunting Biden. Biden is playing it cool. Yes, that can be frustrating. Yes, we want closure. We must stick to the mature way, resist impulse acts that get people killed needlessly.

I have increasing respect for Biden over this. His maturity is shining now. Abbott is looking increasingly like DeSantis with these stunts. It won't play well over time.

We are in this for the long run.

With respect, that is the most naive way possible of viewing the situation. This is not just about politics. This is a battle between good and evil. This is about preserving the country and protecting human decency. If you're still on the "we go high" train, then you're actually on the side of the cult.
With respect, that is the most naive way possible of viewing the situation. This is not just about politics. This is a battle between good and evil. This is about preserving the country and protecting human decency. If you're still on the "we go high" train, then you're actually on the side of the cult.

stfu you disturbed cretin.
I don't want your respect. I don't need your respect. There are a lot of people better than you who I have earned their respect.

The fact is, Joe & the Ho have done nothing to stop the influx of illegals. They have encouraged it. For votes, and you're OK with it.

kamala said "do not come".
