Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

Yes he does. He can federalize the National Guard troops just like we had to do in the southern states on the 60's when the southern racist fucks tried to halt integration.
So these federalized troops are going to help aliens violate our laws? CBP has already refused to enter Shelby Park.
That's right. My youngest is an actual teacher, unlike Toxic. She still owes on the student loan for her masters degree, but will have it forgiven shortly as s he approaches her 10th anniversary of public school teaching.

My daughter is about to do likewise. She went to law school in the US and then again in Amsterdam, did an internship at the Hague. Came home and has been Assistant States Attorney for 9 yrs now.
Sorry Frank . there's nothing scarier than Joe right now...talk about bonkers... We do kind of need to start from scratch ...all of us. .but bottom line Joe has got to go...No one is in charge...Seriously...

Joe ain't going anywhere. Trump will be crushed like a bug.

Biden Overtakes Trump in Poll as Attitudes About Economy Change
The perception of the state of the U.S. economy among voters has improved, a new poll shows, helping President Joe Biden come out ahead in a head-to-head matchup with his likely 2024 reelection opponent, former President Donald Trump. The poll also showed that in a potential presidential election between Biden and Trump, the incumbent holds a 50 percent to 44 percent lead.

2024 Election Map Predicts Joe Biden Will Beat Trump by Even Bigger Margin
A new Quinnipiac University survey conducted January 25-29 found Biden is leading Trump by 50 percent to 44 percent in the national presidential matchup, up from 47 percent against 46 percent in the previous survey the university conducted in December. Biden had built up a particularly strong lead of 52 percent to 40 percent with independent voters, according to the poll.
But it would give Biden a win.

Another one! Jesus christ that's all he seems to be able to do lately is win. While Trump just went another 80 million in the hole. Damn, the next one is going to be hundreds of millions for the fraud case.
shut the fuck up, cum breath. you still can't prove I supported trump and you demand that dutch prove to you he didn't do something?????

fuck off, racist.

You expect anyone here to think you didn't support trump? Give me a break, all bigots and racists like you supported that asshole.
The summers when Trump was in office were pretty violent. Overall, I agree the Trumpers are more violent because they tend to use guns instead of bottles and arson, but I haven't seen any data on apples to apples comparisons. Certainly more deaths are attributed to the white supremacists.

what in the actual fuck are you talking about?

what trumper used guns where you fucking imbecile liar?

the summer of antifa is trumps fault?

will you ever stop lying?

what "white supremacist" deaths are you talking about, fed idiot?

white supremacist death is actually a meaningless phrase, idiot.
You expect anyone here to think you didn't support trump? Give me a break, all bigots and racists like you supported that asshole.

the libertarian globalists are actually almost just as fucked as you in their brains.

they don't support trump.

they're confused with banker propaganda.
Doubtful you have earned any respect.

Again that you buy into ... 'if Joe and the Dem Senate won't legislate as if the Republi'cans control all 3 branches of gov't, then we, the Republi'cans' will block everything and blame them'.

The losing party is not the one to say 'our way with zero concessions' and that you have got that into your head that is proper for Republi'cans' to do that, even when a Bill is created in the Senate by fellow hard line Republi'cans' shows how extreme you are.

Well then why not just enforce immigration laws. Deport all here illegally.
No, the issue is razor wire trumptard. SCOTUS's decision was regarding the razor wire you poor, uninformed, doofus.

Yes they can cut the wire that would be a great look for Biden I encourage him to go ahead. Abbott will then replace the wire and there is no law that can prevent him. So moron if you think he can't legally replace the wire to protect Texas please quote the law that prevents him from replacing it.
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No, the issue is razor wire trumptard. SCOTUS's decision was regarding the razor wire you poor, uninformed, doofus.


that's a yes.

removing the razor wire is direct assistance to the illegal invaders.

things don't connect well in your dumb brain, do they?