Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

Biden has declared war on American citizens

Just ask the two NYC policemen who were attacked, kicked in the head by illegals who crossed Biden’s open borders.
Biden has declared war on American citizens

Just ask the two NYC policemen who were attacked, kicked in the head by illegals who crossed Biden’s open borders.
The cops arrested them and liberal judges let them go. No wonder why police are leaving the NYC police force.
That is the most un-American thing posted in the first three pages of this thread. You were never required to take a civics class?

be more specific about the bullshit you're trying to say. WHAT is un-American about the Constitution being the peoples document to limit the government?
We all know you won't do a thing, pussy. As far as those 8 million veterans go, please let us know when they "obliterate" tanks and fighter jets.

be honest, just how stupid and incompetent do you consider veterans? or do you only consider the ones who are 'conservative' as stupid and incompetent while all the 'liberal' veterans are still intelligent badasses?
You expect anyone here to think you didn't support trump? Give me a break, all bigots and racists like you supported that asshole.

I've been made well aware that most leftists here think I supported trump because they are too stupid to live in reality. NOBODY has EVER provided any evidence that I supported trump. All anyone has ever done is simply say it, and you morons believe it.

again, your lack of evidence proving I support trump is clear...............
Well, I'm still waiting for you to "educate" me on immigration laws... (not expecting this "education" from the unknowing)

Shouldn't you be out celebrating today by murdering some groundhogs, Cletus? :rofl2:

Sorry. I'm not the patron saint of lost causes. If you want to be educated, ask St. Jude.
Shouldn't you be out celebrating today by murdering some groundhogs, Cletus? :rofl2:

Sorry. I'm not the patron saint of lost causes. If you want to be educated, ask St. Jude.

No. Groundhogs are hibernating. They will come out in the spring to destroy soybean fields (unless I see them :smile:)

Of course you're not. You make a claim, yet fall flat on your face. Nothing new here...
It appears that Americans, real Americans are sick and tired of these far left Democratic Socialist loons who have destroyed the security and wellbeing of hard working Americans who only want safe streets, low inflation and secure borders.

Biden and his loons have killed the American dream and Americans, real Americans, are not pleased.
Well then why not just enforce immigration laws. Deport all here illegally.

Oh, you mean like Obama did?

That is easy... the Republi'cans' are blocking from doing that too?

Obama was labelled the Deporter in Chief as he was so effective in sending the migrants home that even the left wing hated him. The Republi'cans' saw that, and that he got better results than Trump and thus why they do not want Biden doing same.
All of the illegals deported by Obama plus about 8 million more have returned through Biden’s open borders.
Oh, you mean like Obama did?

That is easy... the Republi'cans' are blocking from doing that too?

Obama was labelled the Deporter in Chief as he was so effective in sending the migrants home that even the left wing hated him. The Republi'cans' saw that, and that he got better results than Trump and thus why they do not want Biden doing same.

Answer the question.