Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

There’s always data that proves you wrong.


[FONT="]“According to [URL="https://judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/republicans-judiciary.house.gov/files/evo-media-document/2023-10-09-New-Data-and-Testimony.pdf"]new data[/URL]published last month, the Biden Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has removed a higher percentage of arrested border crossers in its first two years than the Trump DHS did over its last two years. Moreover, migrants were more likely to be released after a border arrest under President Trump than under President Biden.[/FONT]
[FONT="]In absolute terms, the Biden DHS is removing 3.5 times as many people per month as the Trump DHS did. These figures are important for understanding how each administration has carried out border enforcement.”[/FONT]
You really should actually READ the data you quote, Phanty.
It hurts all workers.

It tends to depress wages, agreed. The reality is that we desperately need that labor pool. Without immigration we would actually be losing population. We still have way too many jobs open. They are being filled with immigrants. That said, many of those immigrants have an SSN and are paying taxes. Wages could and should be higher. The erosion of collective bargaining and the nonsense of supply side economics have left us in this situation for the most part.
I will agree on this point...... both sides have neglected this issue, because there is benefit to do so. Florida is a perfect example of what happens when you chase away the cheap labor. I've had three driveway paving vendors and four bathroom contractors back out on me. They lost all their cheap labor when DeSantis decided to flex for the anti-immigrant demographic. I hear the same for roofing jobs, landscaping jobs, pretty much anything that has traditionally used migrant labor. I'm sure agriculture is suffering as well. Point being, the idea of just deporting everyone, while it might seem appealing, ignores the economic reality. It's a difficult problem which Washington continues to be unwilling to address. Frankly, I wanted to see a tougher immigration bill. Wish granted, but Congress will blow it in service to Donald Trump. It's frustrating.

This is one of the cases where the ROI is so obvious that there is no need for a CBO score. We should spend the money, we'll get it back very quickly.

fuck you and your cheap labor.

when the fed is printing money hand over fist for you at your job, it has to trickle down.

anything against trickle down is evil.
It tends to depress wages, agreed. The reality is that we desperately need that labor pool. Without immigration we would actually be losing population. We still have way too many jobs open. They are being filled with immigrants. That said, many of those immigrants have an SSN and are paying taxes. Wages could and should be higher. The erosion of collective bargaining and the nonsense of supply side economics have left us in this situation for the most part.

are those real and legal SSNs? Also, I believe part of the reason that the economy is so disparate is because of the undocumented. the job market, wage gaps, and unemployment needs to be corrected by a fair and balanced scaling of employment opportunities that are filled by those legally allowed to work in this country. That would allow the wages for those jobs to become appropriate for the number of skilled workers in those fields.
are those real and legal SSNs? Also, I believe part of the reason that the economy is so disparate is because of the undocumented. the job market, wage gaps, and unemployment needs to be corrected by a fair and balanced scaling of employment opportunities that are filled by those legally allowed to work in this country. That would allow the wages for those jobs to become appropriate for the number of skilled workers in those fields.

Dear fucking idiot

The US economy is roaring according to all verifiable facts

We are kicking all nations asses in the worlds recovery

You sad that Russia and China are struggling economically?

Fuck you very much
Interpretation : Texas has the right to replace any wire Biden cuts. And I (Lurch) know it. I'm just whining again.

1. You're a cruel bastard.
2. The Feds will just remove it again
3. If you think razor wire or a wall is going to stop migration into Texas you're dumber than most maga nazis.
only because the concept of national unity is being destroyed.

trickle down actually does work when you're not seeking out new and unusual sources of human suffering to exploit for the short term.

Mouth diarrhea

It has never in history worked when I acted in practice

It’s merely a failed propaganda tactic by the Uber wealthy to rape the populace

Name a time in man’s history that it did in fact result in what you assholes claim it will produce

The answer is 0

Bite a dead mules cock
Mouth diarrhea

It has never in history worked when I acted in practice

It’s merely a failed propaganda tactic by the Uber wealthy to rape the populace

Name a time in man’s history that it did in fact result in what you assholes claim it will produce

The answer is 0

Bite a dead mules cock
dammit stupid woman, open borders is the exploitation by the uber wealthy.
If you pretend to hate racism

Why is it your world view?

Oh yeah

Your not a real human let alone an American

this is a reason why you are largely ignored. nobody wants to deal with your idiot delusions and hate filled racist rants.

I was having a decent discussion with concart and you've come and ruined it with your nastiness and hate. go fuck off.
Abbott is crazy. The reds won 52 percent of the vote last election. That means 48 percent did not follow him. He will have to conquer Texas before he challenges the USA. This is typical superficial hate crap they fires up rightys who have no analytical powers. The rightys are Pavolvian. When given a hate plan, they jump in with both boots.
what in the actual fuck are you talking about?

what trumper used guns where you fucking imbecile liar?

the summer of antifa is trumps fault?

will you ever stop lying?

what "white supremacist" deaths are you talking about, fed idiot?

white supremacist death is actually a meaningless phrase, idiot.

Care to make a 12B bet that I can produce evidence, Frau Freda?

Do you think I'm a Fed who is watching you and your friends Earl and RB 60, Freda? Monitoring your email, PMs and other online activity looking for evidence in which to prosecute you?

Do you and your friends want to kill me? SWAT me? Harm me in any way?