Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

this is a reason why you are largely ignored. nobody wants to deal with your idiot delusions and hate filled racist rants.

I was having a decent discussion with concart and you've come and ruined it with your nastiness and hate. go fuck off.
You're doing a pretty shitty job of ignoring her. Jus' sayin'. :rofl2:
what in the actual fuck are you talking about?

what trumper used guns where you fucking imbecile liar?

the summer of antifa is trumps fault?

will you ever stop lying?

what "white supremacist" deaths are you talking about, fed idiot?

white supremacist death is actually a meaningless phrase, idiot.


They sure did

I’ll go get the proof
You idiot dictators tools never remember that in a free nation like America we have a free press and access to actual historical records

Not like your shit bag nations that can bury all facts they don’t like

The boogaloo movement, whose adherents are often referred to as boogaloo boys or boogaloo bois,[3] is a loosely organized far-right anti-government extremist movement in the United States.[4][5][6][7][8][9] It has also been described as a militia.[10][11][12] Adherents say they are preparing for, or seek to incite, a second American Civil War or second American Revolution which they call "the boogaloo" or "the boog".[13][14]

Participants in the boogaloo movement often wear Hawaiian shirts along with military fatigues to identify themselves at protests such as this VCDL Lobby Day gun rights demonstration on January 20, 2020, in Richmond, Virginia.[1][2]

Far-right ‘boogaloo boys’ linked to killing of California law officers and other violence

Those dumbasses are toast. I have no sympathy and hope their journey to the gurney is a long and painful one.

From the link: "On Tuesday, federal law enforcement officials announced they were charging Air Force Sgt. Steven Carrillo, 32, and suspected accomplice Robert A. Justus Jr., 30, in the May 29 shooting death of a federal security officer in Oakland.

Carrillo also faces state charges in the June 6 killing of a Santa Cruz sheriff’s deputy."
Murders of police and security officers in California
Main article: 2020 boogaloo murders
United States Air Force sergeant Steven Carrillo was charged with the June 6, 2020 murder of a Santa Cruz County deputy and the May 29 murder of a Federal Protective Service officer in Oakland. At the time of the attacks, Carrillo was an active-duty member of an elite Air Force unit tasked with guarding American military personnel at unsecure foreign airfields.[67] Carrillo wrote "Boog" and the phrases "I became unreasonable" (a popular meme among boogaloo groups) and "Stop the duopoly" in his own blood on the hood of a vehicle he hijacked. A patch with a boogaloo symbol and a ballistic vest bearing the boogaloo symbol of an American flag with an igloo instead of stars were also found in the white van allegedly used in the murders.[69][71]

The FBI linked the crimes to the boogaloo movement and said Carrillo and an accomplice used recent demonstrations against racial injustice as a cover to attack police.[14] The FBI agent in charge of the investigation said in a news conference that the men did not appear to intend to join the protests, saying: "They came to Oakland to kill cops".[67]

Carrillo pleaded guilty to a federal murder charge and received a 41-year sentence in June 2022, while other state felony charges remained pending.[72]
Abbott is crazy. The reds won 52 percent of the vote last election. That means 48 percent did not follow him. He will have to conquer Texas before he challenges the USA. This is typical superficial hate crap they fires up rightys who have no analytical powers. The rightys are Pavolvian. When given a hate plan, they jump in with both boots.

Republicans cheat in elections too

They have to cheat to win even in Texas
be more specific about the bullshit you're trying to say. WHAT is un-American about the Constitution being the peoples document to limit the government?

SCOTUS's job is literally to interpret the Constitution. Without answering directly, you have confirmed that you never took a civics class, forgot it, or disregard it for your foul partisan motives.