Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

SCOTUS's job is literally to interpret the Constitution. Without answering directly, you have confirmed that you never took a civics class, forgot it, or disregard it for your foul partisan motives.

NO, it is NOT their 'literal' job, idiot. It would be nearly the height of stupidity to believe that the founding fathers, who greatly distrusted all government, would create a new government, LIMIT their power, then hand over the keys to define those powers to that very government.

The Constitution was written by US, as in WE THE PEOPLE. Not the fucking courts. they are restricted in how they opine cases by that very document and it's we the people who decide what it means and how to interpret it.
be honest, just how stupid and incompetent do you consider veterans? or do you only consider the ones who are 'conservative' as stupid and incompetent while all the 'liberal' veterans are still intelligent badasses?

You are one of the laziest gas lighters here. I never said veterans are stupid and incompetent, be they conservative or liberal. That's you losing an "argument" and flailing. I said veterans cannot defeat the US military. But by all means, please do keep threatening your civil war. It would really cull the herd.
Murders of police and security officers in California
Main article: 2020 boogaloo murders
United States Air Force sergeant Steven Carrillo was charged with the June 6, 2020 murder of a Santa Cruz County deputy and the May 29 murder of a Federal Protective Service officer in Oakland. At the time of the attacks, Carrillo was an active-duty member of an elite Air Force unit tasked with guarding American military personnel at unsecure foreign airfields.[67] Carrillo wrote "Boog" and the phrases "I became unreasonable" (a popular meme among boogaloo groups) and "Stop the duopoly" in his own blood on the hood of a vehicle he hijacked. A patch with a boogaloo symbol and a ballistic vest bearing the boogaloo symbol of an American flag with an igloo instead of stars were also found in the white van allegedly used in the murders.[69][71]

The FBI linked the crimes to the boogaloo movement and said Carrillo and an accomplice used recent demonstrations against racial injustice as a cover to attack police.[14] The FBI agent in charge of the investigation said in a news conference that the men did not appear to intend to join the protests, saying: "They came to Oakland to kill cops".[67]

Carrillo pleaded guilty to a federal murder charge and received a 41-year sentence in June 2022, while other state felony charges remained pending.[72]

It seems now these idiots are pretending our entire system is to be disparaged because it proves they are not Americans

You are one of the laziest gas lighters here. I never said veterans are stupid and incompetent, be they conservative or liberal. That's you losing an "argument" and flailing. I said veterans cannot defeat the US military. But by all means, please do keep threatening your civil war. It would really cull the herd.

tell us WHY 21 million veterans could NOT defeat the US Military................give me what you think are facts
It tends to depress wages, agreed. The reality is that we desperately need that labor pool. Without immigration we would actually be losing population. We still have way too many jobs open. They are being filled with immigrants. That said, many of those immigrants have an SSN and are paying taxes. Wages could and should be higher. The erosion of collective bargaining and the nonsense of supply side economics have left us in this situation for the most part.

They are not being filled with illegal immigrants, Sock.
I will agree on this point...... both sides have neglected this issue, because there is benefit to do so. Florida is a perfect example of what happens when you chase away the cheap labor. I've had three driveway paving vendors and four bathroom contractors back out on me. They lost all their cheap labor when DeSantis decided to flex for the anti-immigrant demographic. I hear the same for roofing jobs, landscaping jobs, pretty much anything that has traditionally used migrant labor. I'm sure agriculture is suffering as well. Point being, the idea of just deporting everyone, while it might seem appealing, ignores the economic reality. It's a difficult problem which Washington continues to be unwilling to address. Frankly, I wanted to see a tougher immigration bill. Wish granted, but Congress will blow it in service to Donald Trump. It's frustrating.

This is one of the cases where the ROI is so obvious that there is no need for a CBO score. We should spend the money, we'll get it back very quickly.

So you advocate returning to slavery, using illegal immigrants as slaves.


Learn to do your own work, ya lazy ass.
I would indeed love to have that opportunity. She seems to think that she's some 'billie bad ass' and needs to be put in her place, especially given the shit she posts here about spitting in black mens faces.

does that bother you somehow?

I thought you were anti crime

I spit in a drug dealers face because he tried to spit in mine

You would have offered to a Suck his cock for a dime bag
Agreed, but that's a whole different discussion. Every person who works for minimum wage is being exploited IMHO. But that's a discussion about wage and wealth distribution.

I see you advocate slavery.

Most of the illegal immigrants aren't working, Sock. They are collecting welfare!