Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

The best way to fuck someone up is to see them hauled away in handcuffs followed by a long prison sentence for violent behavior.

you were the wanna be bully in middle school, weren't you? you were the one to goad people in to pushing you, then go crying to a teacher about how you were just assaulted. you're one of those petulant little fucking losers, weren't you?

it's ok to admit it. embrace what you are.
Trump and his rotted brained minions are just sure violence and threats work on women

That’s because all their women are beaten into submission at an early age

Not this woman

I am quite sure that even a 14 year old high schooler could kick the ever loving fuck out of you. That's what's laughable about you.
Murders of police and security officers in California
Main article: 2020 boogaloo murders
United States Air Force sergeant Steven Carrillo was charged with the June 6, 2020 murder of a Santa Cruz County deputy and the May 29 murder of a Federal Protective Service officer in Oakland. At the time of the attacks, Carrillo was an active-duty member of an elite Air Force unit tasked with guarding American military personnel at unsecure foreign airfields.[67] Carrillo wrote "Boog" and the phrases "I became unreasonable" (a popular meme among boogaloo groups) and "Stop the duopoly" in his own blood on the hood of a vehicle he hijacked. A patch with a boogaloo symbol and a ballistic vest bearing the boogaloo symbol of an American flag with an igloo instead of stars were also found in the white van allegedly used in the murders.[69][71]

The FBI linked the crimes to the boogaloo movement and said Carrillo and an accomplice used recent demonstrations against racial injustice as a cover to attack police.[14] The FBI agent in charge of the investigation said in a news conference that the men did not appear to intend to join the protests, saying: "They came to Oakland to kill cops".[67]

Carrillo pleaded guilty to a federal murder charge and received a 41-year sentence in June 2022, while other state felony charges remained pending.[72]

Americans are allowed to protect themselves from you criminals
So you hate liberals because they will protect themselves from your violence?

liberals would be helpless against violence I might perpetrate against them because they are cowardly feminists who put too much trust in government and not enough awareness in the violence of a human male.

The boogaloo movement, whose adherents are often referred to as boogaloo boys or boogaloo bois,[3] is a loosely organized far-right anti-government extremist movement in the United States.[4][5][6][7][8][9] It has also been described as a militia.[10][11][12] Adherents say they are preparing for, or seek to incite, a second American Civil War or second American Revolution which they call "the boogaloo" or "the boog".[13][14]

Participants in the boogaloo movement often wear Hawaiian shirts along with military fatigues to identify themselves at protests such as this VCDL Lobby Day gun rights demonstration on January 20, 2020, in Richmond, Virginia.[1][2]

Violent racist gun freaks
It tends to depress wages, agreed. The reality is that we desperately need that labor pool. Without immigration we would actually be losing population. We still have way too many jobs open. They are being filled with immigrants. That said, many of those immigrants have an SSN and are paying taxes. Wages could and should be higher. The erosion of collective bargaining and the nonsense of supply side economics have left us in this situation for the most part.

It is a far more complex issue than most comprehend and certainly most Magats are unable to understand it.

Migrant cheap labor, managed well can be one of the most significant drivers of wealth in a country.

Migrant cheap labor will near always been drawn to do the already lowest paying jobs in any country that most citizens do not want to do. There are countless examples of agricultural industry and other industry, that would struggle to survive at all without migrant labor, and those areas at threat of being ghost towns or very economically supressed instead thriving as the migrant labor helped turn small industries big, and that allowed for all the entire community to thrive providing higher paying support services.

So an area with big agriculture interests, utilizing lots of migrant labor, will need access to Garages (Mechanics), grocery stores, restaurants, and so on and so on.

Again magat derps will read the above and not understand and that will lead them to lash out, but facts do not, and should not, care about their feelings.
liberals would be helpless against violence I might perpetrate against them because they are cowardly feminists who put too much trust in government and not enough awareness in the violence of a human male.

You can’t hurt me you impotent piss puddle

Go cry about it
You and your violence won’t win you your dreamed of Trump dictatorship

Keep flinging your threats of violence

We laugh at your impotence
100% agree. And maybe all these hot shot keyboard warriors can head to Texas with their weapons to face off against the government. We'd have fewer posters here. Win/win.

Governors do not get to decide what the Constitution says. That is a job granted to SCOTUS. Don't like it? Tough shit.

The Maga trolls here are always looking for a fight. They idolize evil fucks like David Karesh, Jim Jones, and the redneck lovers at Ruby Ridge.

How did that all turn out for those nazis?
The Maga trolls here are always looking for a fight. They idolize evil fucks like David Karesh, Jim Jones, and the redneck lovers at Ruby Ridge.

How did that all turn out for those nazis?

Interesting how you classify all those innocent children of WACO and a mother holding her infant behind a door as 'nazis'...................what does that make you?