Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

Somehow we got it all done in the 70s before there was a huge illegal immigration problem. But back then a roofer , framer , carpenter could make a living and raise a family before illegal labor tanked those job pay scales.

And republicans didn’t want to help California deal with the border back in the 70s

They didn’t want to spend the money
Interesting how you classify all those innocent children of WACO and a mother holding her infant behind a door as 'nazis'...................what does that make you?

Your gun nut Koresh killed those children

The building wasn’t built to code and went up like a tinderbox

All he had to do was let the children leave so they didn’t have to be part of his insane war against America

Same with the weavers
Amazing to me how many on this thread who put down this country never served it. Of course they are basically all democrats. Never served, chicken shit mother fuckers. All of you. STFU.
Your gun nut Koresh killed those children

The building wasn’t built to code and went up like a tinderbox

All he had to do was let the children leave so they didn’t have to be part of his insane war against America

Same with the weavers
Janet burned it down. The ATF didn't need to go in guns blazing and get their asses shot off. They should have arrested Koresh on one of his many trips to town. The ATF was putting on a show to justify its funding. It backfired on him.
Dear fucking idiot

The US economy is roaring according to all verifiable facts

We are kicking all nations asses in the worlds recovery

You sad that Russia and China are struggling economically?

Fuck you very much

Economic depression is not 'roaring economy', Sock.
Your gun nut Koresh killed those children

The building wasn’t built to code and went up like a tinderbox

All he had to do was let the children leave so they didn’t have to be part of his insane war against America

Same with the weavers

He wasn't at war with America. The ATF, US marshals, and FBI murdered those people while attempting to enforce an illegal 'law' and a so-called 'sting' operation to catch him at it. They fired incendiaries into the building from a tank.

The Weavers were not at war with America. The ATF, US marshals, and FBI murdered again, shooting a mother holding a baby, a dog, and his son defending the property. All over attempting to enforce an illegal 'law'. Weaver himself was wounded, but survived.

In BOTH cases, the government started the conflict, escalated the conflict, and committed murder of it's own citizens.
Janet burned it down. The ATF didn't need to go in guns blazing and get their asses shot off. They should have arrested Koresh on one of his many trips to town. The ATF was putting on a show to justify its funding. It backfired on him.

And...arrested him on what charge? An 'illegal weapon'?

It is unconstitutional for the government to ban or limit any weapon.
Mouth diarrhea

It has never in history worked when I acted in practice

It’s merely a failed propaganda tactic by the Uber wealthy to rape the populace

Name a time in man’s history that it did in fact result in what you assholes claim it will produce

The answer is 0

Bite a dead mules cock

Capitalism has always worked.
NO, it is NOT their 'literal' job, idiot. It would be nearly the height of stupidity to believe that the founding fathers, who greatly distrusted all government, would create a new government, LIMIT their power, then hand over the keys to define those powers to that very government.

The Constitution was written by US, as in WE THE PEOPLE. Not the fucking courts. they are restricted in how they opine cases by that very document and it's we the people who decide what it means and how to interpret it.

You fucking idiot. Ask an adult to read Marbury v. Madison to you.
Amazing to me how many on this thread who put down this country never served it. Of course they are basically all democrats. Never served, chicken shit mother fuckers. All of you. STFU.

That was another illogical stupid post. Most of the soldiers are from the middle class and lower. They are not Repubs.
Our armed forces will not fire on United States civilians.

Go back to bed. You have no idea what this conversation is about. We're talking about veterans attacking the US military in the civil war that you're too old, invalid, and scared to participate in.
Go back to bed. You have no idea what this conversation is about. We're talking about veterans attacking the US military in the civil war that you're too old, invalid, and scared to participate in.

I can assume you speak for our military? Our veterans attacking the military? And you tell me to go to bed...

You have no idea of my discernment or resolve. You are a zit on the asshole of society, of no significance.
Because I believe in truth, justice and the American way while you believe in comic books, violent ideals and racial superiority.
Put down your Superman comic book, Sock.
Let's be honest, DtM; you're a violent wannabe.
You are describing yourself again.
Instead of accepting your faults and making yourself better, you've chosen to blame your life's failures upon others to the point of suggesting violence against them to "right those wrongs". You're weak and refuse to become a man. You seek to use people to commit violence on your behalf because you're too big of a chickenshit to do it yourself.

You want patsies to do what you are too cowardly to do. Fuck you, coward. You deserve what is coming your way.

You are describing yourself again, Sock. You cannot project YOUR problems on anybody else.