Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

No, they think the Constitution is something they can trot out when it benefits them, and ignored when it doesn't. Now, if shitty, passive aggressive washed up substitute gym teachers are the deciding factor, Texas should win handily.

You are describing yourself and other Democrats, Sock. You cannot blame YOUR problems on anybody else.
Go back to bed. You have no idea what this conversation is about. We're talking about veterans attacking the US military in the civil war that you're too old, invalid, and scared to participate in.

Active duty are not aged veterans, Sock. The military will not fire on United States civilians.
no they wouldn't.

I have a bit of a bad left paw....LOL. Makes typing a little slower,.....I hate that. I basically post in short hand in here because of it. The way I see it,...if people dont understand why I do it,....screw em. Then dont read my posts. :laugh:
I have a bit of a bad left paw....LOL. Makes typing a little slower,.....I hate that. I basically post in short hand in here because of it. The way I see it,...if people dont understand why I do it,....screw em. Then dont read my posts. :laugh:

That was another illogical stupid post. Most of the soldiers are from the middle class and lower. They are not Repubs.

Are you contending that the rich are all repubs? :rofl2:

I thought the leftwing narrative was that all repubs are toothless, have a GED, on welfare, and live in a trailer park. :dunno:
Janet burned it down. The ATF didn't need to go in guns blazing and get their asses shot off. They should have arrested Koresh on one of his many trips to town. The ATF was putting on a show to justify its funding. It backfired on him.

Agreed the ATF was showboating and could have picked up Koresh on any Saturday. Disagreed on Janet since the initial action by the ATF was not her decision.

What backfired was Koresh and his followers being insane enough to attempt a shootout with the ATF and then staying inside a burning building.
Are you contending that the rich are all repubs? :rofl2:

I thought the leftwing narrative was that all repubs are toothless, have a GED, on welfare, and live in a trailer park. :dunno:

Like Billionaire pedophile traitors? Any that come immediately to mind, pup?

Just the Qanon nutjobs and JPP members.
I can assume you speak for our military? Our veterans attacking the military? And you tell me to go to bed...

You have no idea of my discernment or resolve. You are a zit on the asshole of society, of no significance.

You could assume I speak for the military, but that would be stupid because I don't. If you MAGAts initiated the civil war you have been muttering about for years, then the military would end it in days taking as many of your lives as necessary.
Put down your Superman comic book, Sock.
You are describing yourself again.
You are describing yourself again, Sock. You cannot project YOUR problems on anybody else.
Sybil triggered.....again. :rofl2:

You could assume I speak for the military, but that would be stupid because I don't. If you MAGAts initiated the civil war you have been muttering about for years, then the military would end it in days taking as many of your lives as necessary.

Most will never risk their asses by leaving their keyboards. The rest will be taken down by FBI snipers, not the US military.
