Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

Again, Oom, you forget that just because Texas is a different country,
that does not preclude them from selling their stuff
to the same people to whom they're selling it now.

We don't NEED a civil war.
We need a peacefully negotiated partition for the mutual good.

I guess that your mind just doesn't want to consider that possibility.
I'll admit it...I'm that way with hip hop music.
So I'm all for selling you our oil at a premium price of course. I could care less if you freeze in the winter :laugh: Pay up or shut up! What does Massachusetts make that I need anyway? I don't care for baked beans.
Agreed, hence why, like their Orange Jesus, they are fucking morons.

I don't have an Orange Jesus and am not in present communication with my old Hebe Jesus.:laugh:

I want Texas to go independent
not for their own good
but for my personal preference not to be countrymen with Texans.

They wear cowboy hats and cowboy boots
AFTER the age of five.

You don't see that as a problem?:dunno:
there are none of those. but thanks for your interest.

You deny WSEs exist? Wow, talk about living in denial.

I don't have an Orange Jesus and am not in present communication with my old Hebe Jesus.:laugh:

I want Texas to go independent
not for their own good
but for my personal preference not to be countrymen with Texans.

They wear cowboy hats and cowboy boots
AFTER the age of five.

You don't see that as a problem?:dunno:

You're free to wish fantasies become real all you like, neef. If it helps keep you happy and off the street, I'm good with it. :thup:
So I'm all for selling you our oil at a premium price of course. I could care less if you freeze in the winter :laugh: Pay up or shut up!

Oil is sold on the world market as a global commodity.
Everybody pays the same price, more or less.

We won't freeze.
You won't starve because you can't sell your oil.
Most of the world won't give a shit either way.
I don't have an Orange Jesus and am not in present communication with my old Hebe Jesus.:laugh:

I want Texas to go independent
not for their own good
but for my personal preference not to be countrymen with Texans.

They wear cowboy hats and cowboy boots
AFTER the age of five.

You don't see that as a problem?:dunno:
A single bullet to your temple would fix that problem for you.
Oil is sold on the world market as a global commodity.
Everybody pays the same price, more or less.

We won't freeze.
You won't starve because you can't sell your oil.
Most of the world won't give a shit either way.
Gas is sold by piping it to you we can raise the price by increasing the contracts any time we want to. That is when your electricity comes from for the most part. ;)
I've been made well aware that most leftists here think I supported trump because they are too stupid to live in reality. NOBODY has EVER provided any evidence that I supported trump. All anyone has ever done is simply say it, and you morons believe it.

again, your lack of evidence proving I support trump is clear...............

OK, sorry, you voted for Joe.
It appears that Americans, real Americans are sick and tired of these far left Democratic Socialist loons who have destroyed the security and wellbeing of hard working Americans who only want safe streets, low inflation and secure borders.

Biden and his loons have killed the American dream and Americans, real Americans, are not pleased.

Real americans will overwhelmingly re-elect him come November
You said there is no such thing as a white supremacist extremist. Then you said WSEs are feds. You're not allowed to drive a car anymore, are you?

This is America.

Even Asshat and TDAK are allowed to drive cars.
Own guns, too.

The rubber room home addresses are no impediment.

As my hayseed neighbors to the immediate north say,

Live Free Or Die!!!:laugh:
This is America.

Even Asshat and TDAK are allowed to drive cars.
Own guns, too.

The rubber room home addresses are no impediment.

As my hayseed neighbors to the immediate north say,

Live Free Or Die!!!:laugh:

I suppose Asshat might just be a miserable, hypocritical, unintelligent person, but when one claims that something doesn't exist and then acknowledges that it does exist two posts later, I have a suspicion that that person is actually mentally ill.

Consideration for public safety is one component to being allowed to operate a vehicle. The community is probably not safe with him on the roads.

TDAK is a different kind of dumb piece of shit. He's likely just a racist internet troll.