Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

Agreed the ATF was showboating and could have picked up Koresh on any Saturday. Disagreed on Janet since the initial action by the ATF was not her decision.

What backfired was Koresh and his followers being insane enough to attempt a shootout with the ATF and then staying inside a burning building.

The ATF burned the building, Sock. To flee was to be shot by the ATF.
You could assume I speak for the military, but that would be stupid because I don't. If you MAGAts initiated the civil war you have been muttering about for years, then the military would end it in days taking as many of your lives as necessary.

MAGA isn't a person, Sock.
It is DEMOCRATS calling for civil war.
I am absolutely opposed to a civil war,
Yet you support those calling for civil war.
but 100% in favor of allowing Texas to secede with our blessings.
Texas is not seceding.
That's where America went wrong in the 1860s.
This is 2024, not 1860.
I almost typed "we" but my gang was still enjoying the Sicilian sun.
So you are a member of a gang?
My maternal great grandfather, whom I had until I was fourteen,
was born in the 1860s.

When I was three or four,
he took me to see President Truman give a speech in the Common.
I actually remember that.
It's the short term shit that's a problem.
It's your illiteracy and willingness to support those calling for civil war that's the problem, Sock.
Get ready to start walking. :laugh:

In 2022, Texas produced 42.5% of the United States' crude oil. Texas also produces 27% of the country's marketed natural gas.

Texas has 27 refineries that lead the country in crude oil production and refining. Texas has 29% of the country's total capacity for refining, at over 5.1 million barrels a day.

Texas also has excellent port facilities, good farmland, and a 'can do' attitude by the people in general.
What the fuck difference does it make if Texas sells us their oil as a state from within our nation
or as a neighboring nation?

They still have to sell the fucking oil.
Crude oil is sold on the world market as a global commodity.
They can't cook with it. It doesn't come from olives.

The entire point of a negotiated, voluntary partition
is to get along BETTER, not worse,
because people with very different values
are no longer writing each other's laws.

How is that so hard to understand?

Texas isn't seceding, Sock.
LOL at the Fake Doc. Texas has one natural resource, at it's quickly becoming obsolete. But have fun. And when you want to enter the United States? Sorry, we don't allow treasonous scumbag terrorists into our country. That Texas Army sure does scare me though.


Blatant lie. You support Joe Biden.