Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

The economy is doing great and your shithead is losing 80 million at a pop in rape cases with another 90 felonys to go. Biden is going to crush him.:laugh:

An economic depression is not 'doing great'.
Democrat run court cases are falling apart. Malicious persecution is a felony in most States.
You could assume I speak for the military, but that would be stupid because I don't. If you MAGAts initiated the civil war you have been muttering about for years, then the military would end it in days taking as many of your lives as necessary.

You seriously think many in the military would kill their friends and families? And it ain't just us old white guys with substandard (LOL) weapons.
Why, do you want to find out? Do you really want a civil war?
If we have to wear red MAGA hats, would you leftists wear blue hats?

Sigh. You fucking idiot. "Brother against brother" is literally how the American Civil War is described. Families fought against each other and killed each other. So, yes, since I have to connect the dots for your dumb ass, the military will kill their families and friends if that's what it comes to. That's what a civil war is.
Sigh. You fucking idiot. "Brother against brother" is literally how the American Civil War is described. Families fought against each other and killed each other. So, yes, since I have to connect the dots for your dumb ass, the military will kill their families and friends if that's what it comes to. That's what a civil war is.

So then you're saying the military would split and fight each other? And the Navy, not having to take any large waterways (oceans, where they can only fit anyway) will just sit there and watch?
And yes, I know what a civil war is. Rest assured, I won't be killing any of my friends or family. Do you want a civil war?
So then you're saying the military would split and fight each other? And the Navy, not having to take any large waterways (oceans, where they can only fit anyway) will just sit there and watch?
And yes, I know what a civil war is. Rest assured, I won't be killing any of my friends or family. Do you want a civil war?

What I'm saying is that the federal government will preserve the nation. That means that the military will be used to crush a rebellion. Do you even know that the US already had a civil war? That one was based on geography. This one would not be. So if MAGA traitors have to be allowed to defect or be forcibly discharged from service so that the armed forces can be effective in exterminating the rebel scum, that's what would happen.
What I'm saying is that the federal government will preserve the nation. That means that the military will be used to crush a rebellion. Do you even know that the US already had a civil war? That one was based on geography. This one would not be. So if MAGA traitors have to be allowed to defect or be forcibly discharged from service so that the armed forces can be effective in exterminating the rebel scum, that's what would happen.

You are not the brightest bulb on the string, are you? Why do you want a civil war? What is your objective?
You are not the brightest bulb on the string, are you? Why do you want a civil war? What is your objective?

I don't want a civil war. You people are the ones who keep threatening it. It's nothing but foot stomping and bluster because the US would destroy the traitors.
The right has most of the guns.

My money is on whoever would give an order to fire on American civilians would be shot by one of the enlisted (or probably a higher ranking officer).
Don't think these discussions haven't been addressed on the military forums ;)
I don't want a civil war. You people are the ones who keep threatening it. It's nothing but foot stomping and bluster because the US would destroy the traitors.

What makes you think the military would side with the left?
My money is on whoever would give an order to fire on American civilians would be shot by one of the enlisted (or probably a higher ranking officer).

Not mine. The army has been WOKE since at least the mid 90’s. I saw it first hand