Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

So you want a civil war, a coup, and an overthrow of the Constitution. You are a perfect cultist.

Nope. I said our military won't fire on us civilians. Where can you find where I suggested I wanted a civil war? You, buttfuck, are a moron.
This is why my money is on the military not firing on civilian friends and family. Those who would, I doubt they'll see another sunrise.

Your money is on the military violating their oaths because they are out of shape?

Anyone who takes up arms against the US is not a civilian. They're a traitor who the military will kill.

Why are you people so obsessed with overthrowing the Constitution and destroying the country?
True. But from what I saw in the mid 90’s they were quite woke (before it was a word) and pathetically weak. For the most part. There were a few good people.

I am the son of a military father who served in the 90s. That was not my experience, but I was young.
1....There is no civil war.

2...there will be no civil war.

3...The combat ranks of the military skews HEAVILY in favor of conservative/ R.

4...Why are people stupid enuff to believe that normal chain of command continues in uncharted territory? It wouldnt. So people are dumb enuff to think that if orders from up above came down for combat troops to fire on american citizens they would just say YES SIR,...and begin firing?????? :rolleyes: :laugh: Get real. Also,...as I said ,...the military as a whole skews right, but in the combat ranks it tilts even much further to the right. If orders like that were to come down the far more likely scenario is that those combat troops would tell the higher ups to go fuck themselves and then proceed to lock their asses up. No matter who they are. What would those higher ups do? Fight them off with their pens from their desks? :laugh: Get real people,....stop living a fantasy.
1....There is no civil war.

2...there will be no civil war.

3...The combat ranks of the military skews HEAVILY in favor of conservative/ R.

4...Why are people stupid enuff to believe that normal chain of command continues in uncharted territory? It wouldnt. So people are dumb enuff to think that if orders from up above came down for combat troops to fire on american citizens they would just say YES SIR,...and begin firing?????? :rolleyes: :laugh: Get real. Also,...as I said ,...the military as a whole skews right, but in the combat ranks it tilts even much further to the right. If orders like that were to come down the far more likely scenario is that those combat troops would tell the higher ups to go fuck themselves and then proceed to lock their asses up. No matter who they are. What would those higher ups do? Fight them off with their pens from their desks? :laugh: Get real people,....stop living a fantasy.
And Loyd Austin would just check into a hospital.
Talk big all you want. You're just proving my point about how you have no respect for the Constitution or the Marine Corps.

Sane people know you can't save something by destroying it. You're pushing saving the Constitution by taking it from those who disagree with you. Correct me where I am wrong.

everything you've posted here is wrong. you've been corrected.
You fucking idiot. Ask an adult to read Marbury v. Madison to you.

I see that being able to follow concepts is difficult for you. Do you believe that the founders wanted the federal government to define it's limitations and restrictions? Because that is what Marbury does. It is the Courts telling we the people that they are going to tell us what the Constitution means from now on and it is no longer the peoples document.
How many tanks and fighter jets do civilian veterans have? Are you able to color by number?

just so we're clear, you're all for scrapping Posse Comitatus if 20 million veterans were to attempt to restore the Constitution, right?

or do you truly believe that the federal government would utilize the US military to kill tens of millions of its own population?
1....There is no civil war.

2...there will be no civil war.

3...The combat ranks of the military skews HEAVILY in favor of conservative/ R.

4...Why are people stupid enuff to believe that normal chain of command continues in uncharted territory? It wouldnt. So people are dumb enuff to think that if orders from up above came down for combat troops to fire on american citizens they would just say YES SIR,...and begin firing?????? :rolleyes: :laugh: Get real. Also,...as I said ,...the military as a whole skews right, but in the combat ranks it tilts even much further to the right. If orders like that were to come down the far more likely scenario is that those combat troops would tell the higher ups to go fuck themselves and then proceed to lock their asses up. No matter who they are. What would those higher ups do? Fight them off with their pens from their desks? :laugh: Get real people,....stop living a fantasy.

If Texas actually did try and leave the union those "conservatives" would be fighting to "conserve" the union and have no problem shooting the traitors. With any luck all the shitheads like you would run down to help them and we could get rid of all you assholes in one fell swoop. Texas isn't going anywhere and talk of them leaving is actually nothing but stupid.