Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

disagreed on all parts. The delusion is believing that the government(s) are still operating within the confines of their Constitutionally mandated limitations.

Such as? Do you want to repeal the 13th Amendment? Which other Amendments do you think should be shredded?

White Supremacists are the backbone of Trumpism.

Why do you think they let Pedo Don get away with fucking them over after 1/6?

i've never doubted that you support tyranny and oppression over those you hate.

Of course not. That's why you are DumberthanMost. I support the Constitution and State's Rights, you want to shred both and impose a White Supremacist government which only allows Euro-American males to vote...just like in 1787.
Of course not. That's why you are DumberthanMost. I support the Constitution and State's Rights, you want to shred both and impose a White Supremacist government which only allows Euro-American males to vote...just like in 1787.

Cool! You support the Constitution and knock it in the same thought!

States' rights?
Don't they prove how incompatible our states are?

If we all want different laws, why do we need to be in the same republic?
I said IF they think the constitution needs restoring. There are not 40 million veterans that are going to take on our military you asshole. I'd like nothing more that all you rightwing assholes to confront the rest of America to get your asses kicked.

so you're just another hate filled leftist that want's to see your hated political rivals murdered by the governemnt. how authoritarian and despotic of you.
Cool! You support the Constitution and knock it in the same thought!

States' rights?
Don't they prove how incompatible our states are?

If we all want different laws, why do we need to be in the same republic?
Knock it how, Kneef?

10th Amendment. Here, let me help you look it up: https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-10/
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

As long as the laws comply with the Constitution, they are up to the States to define.
Such as? Do you want to repeal the 13th Amendment? Which other Amendments do you think should be shredded?

this is why I consider you a leftist retard. you equate everything to racism, despite there not being anything inherently racist at all.

I would like to see the 16th and 17th Amendments repealed. I would also like to see the government be forced by we the people to continue operating within it's prescribed limitations, whereas i'm guessing that YOU think there is nothing inherently wrong with what the government does unless the court says so.
this is why I consider you a leftist retard. you equate everything to racism, despite there not being anything inherently racist at all.

I would like to see the 16th and 17th Amendments repealed. I would also like to see the government be forced by we the people to continue operating within it's prescribed limitations, whereas i'm guessing that YOU think there is nothing inherently wrong with what the government does unless the court says so.

Of course you do, DtM. That's how I know you are so far Right that you'd kill Americans who disagree with you in a delusional attempt to "restore the Constitution".

All Amendments were ratified by 3/4s of the States regardless if you agree with them or not. You keep claiming the US government isn't operating within the limits of the Constitution, yet you support a wannabe dictator and traitor to be President. It's you who are not operating within the Constitution, DtM.
Knock it how, Kneef?

10th Amendment. Here, let me help you look it up: https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-10/
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

As long as the laws comply with the Constitution, they are up to the States to define.

1. Well, you more or less point out that as written, the rights that the Constitution sought to define were not meant to be universal.

2. I know what the tenth amendment says, but more importantly, what it implies.

The residents of these individual states have incompatible values
and cannot abide the same laws.

What specifically makes them "united," then?

People in bright red America have, with total sincerity on their part, values that are absolutely repugnant to me.
They don't hesitate to be equally critical of my own urban northeastern values.

Wouldn't we be better off as neighbors, each doing our own thing,
rather than trying with no success at all
to see what universal national laws we can agree upon?

At some point,

when what we were taught
proves to not coincide with what we plainly see,

we have to accept that we were taught a lot of bullshit
and must now trust our own observations.

That seems to have come much more easily to me than to some others.

As you are by now aware, I call the problem "true believerism."
1. Well, you more or less point out that as written, the rights that the Constitution sought to define were not meant to be universal.

2. I know what the tenth amendment says, but more importantly, what it implies.

The residents of these individual states have incompatible values
and cannot abide the same laws.

What specifically makes them "united," then?

People in bright red America have, with total sincerity on their part, values that are absolutely repugnant to me.
They don't hesitate to be equally critical of my own urban northeastern values.

Wouldn't we be better off as neighbors, each doing our own thing,
rather than trying with no success at all
to see what universal national laws we can agree upon?

At some point,

when what we were taught
proves to not coincide to what we plainly see,

we have to accept that we were taught a lot of bullshit
and must now trust our own observations.

That seems to have come much more easily to me than to some others.

As you are by now aware, I call the problem "true believerism."

1. The Constitution limits the Federal government, not We, the People....much to the chagrin of Socialists.

2. What does it imply, Kneef?

Nice rant. It doesn't make much sense, but still a good rant equal to that of JPP Trumpers. :thup:
1. The Constitution limits the Federal government, not We, the People....much to the chagrin of Socialists.

2. What does it imply, Kneef?

Nice rant. It doesn't make much sense, but still a good rant equal to that of JPP Trumpers. :thup:

Sometimes, I forget how you think, Oom, and temporarily over-estimate you.
Not your fault. That's completely on me.

What you called a "rant" were words that very explicitly express my position.
You don't like too many words.

That's a Texas thing, I think.
Dubya was really bad with words.
Rick Perry, too.

Cancun Raffy Cruz is actually not bad with them,
despite being a useless prick,
but he's an exception.

Anyway, enjoy your Sunday.
Sometimes, I forget how you think, Oom, and temporarily over-estimate you.
Not your fault. That's completely on me.

What you called a "rant" were words that very explicitly express my position.
You don't like too many words.

That's a Texas thing, I think.
Dubya was really bad with words.
Rick Perry, too.

Cancun Raffy Cruz is actually not bad with them,
despite being a useless prick,
but he's an exception.

Anyway, enjoy your Sunday.

You're free to believe your rants make sense, neef. :thup:
You seriously think many in the military would kill their friends and families? And it ain't just us old white guys with substandard (LOL) weapons.

what percent of the Military do you assume would be needed to put down a full magat insurrection before you would see the Magats dick tuck and run home?

Did you look at the Magats at Jan 6th and see a hardened battle ready group willing to die on the battlefield? Or a bunch of bullies who realized the cops hands were tied with regards to force, and since they outnumbered massively they knew they could bully them and just walk thru them?

My answer is that a single General, who is appalled by Insurrection, believes in the COnstitution and defending the country, would be eager to go put down the Magat dogs. He could easily go thru the ranks of his available units and find plenty enough who shared his view, and saw the Magats as enemies threatening their 'friends and family' and needing to be put down, like the dogs they are.

Think of it this way RB. You might have an issue finding SOME cops who live in one region, going in to put down protests in their area, as they think they may engage some friends and family (as much as they might also want to help), but if you go to a neighboring precinct they have no such hesitations. They will do in and bust heads to restore order!
The right has most of the guns.


The Federal gov't does.

But keep up your fanfiction of the 'right' winning against the Federal government in any war, because they are gun nuts who have horded some guns.

One person with a thousand guns is still one person.

Herp derp.
Of course you do, DtM. That's how I know you are so far Right that you'd kill Americans who disagree with you in a delusional attempt to "restore the Constitution".

All Amendments were ratified by 3/4s of the States regardless if you agree with them or not. You keep claiming the US government isn't operating within the limits of the Constitution, yet you support a wannabe dictator and traitor to be President. It's you who are not operating within the Constitution, DtM.

more allegations without a shred of evidence. that's all you leftists can do.
This is why my money is on the military not firing on civilian friends and family. Those who would, I doubt they'll see another sunrise.


Not only do you believe the Magat derps would win a war against the Federal gov't, you think they would wipe the gov't fighters out in a single day.

OMFG the depths of stupidity. Please... please try. Please convince them to. An election is coming and we need a good cull of right wing votes, and we are not sure Trump will tell his supporters not to Mail in or early vote again, and we cannot count on another Covid to disproportionately cull the stupid Magats. So please, whip them up into doing this.