Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

Thank you.:palm:

You're welcome, neef. Welcome to America. :thup:

so you're just another hate filled leftist that want's to see your hated political rivals murdered by the governemnt. how authoritarian and despotic of you.

Shitheads who think Texas should leave the union and are willing to take on our military are traitors and yeah, being killed in action is what they deserve. Kinda like the shitheads that attacked our Capital on Jan 6th.
Hello Doc Dutch,

The summers when Trump was in office were pretty violent. Overall, I agree the Trumpers are more violent because they tend to use guns instead of bottles and arson, but I haven't seen any data on apples to apples comparisons. Certainly more deaths are attributed to the white supremacists.

That's cool. I expected you to go harder the other way on that one.

I was prepared to come back with listing the numbers of right wing hate groups compared to the numbers of left wing hate groups. Which, of course, is heavily outnumbered on the R.
Shitheads who think Texas should leave the union and are willing to take on our military are traitors and yeah, being killed in action is what they deserve. Kinda like the shitheads that attacked our Capital on Jan 6th.

so many leftist idiot assumptions........not sure where to begin.

I'm curious about your leftist views.............is there ANY situation where you think those on the left should rise up and take back their government from tyrants???? or do you believe that they would also be traitors if, say TRUMP decided to pursue his dictatorial plans on imprisoning democrats and liberals in re-education facilities?
The powers that be,.....OUR ENEMIES, want civil war here. People have to understand that and not succumb to fear and emotion. They want to see us rip each other apart because it weakens us and makes us sitting ducks prime for the picking. We either find common ground or we cease to exist in our present form as a nation. If that happens kiss the world goodbye,...along with your asses.
Ideas now spread like wildfire in a nanosecond in the internet age. Mostly BAD ones. I REALLY wish we could go back to the pre internet days. We were so much better off in most ways. IMHO the bad far exceeds the good. Its not that the internet itself is evil,....its that people have corrupted it.
I see that being able to follow concepts is difficult for you. Do you believe that the founders wanted the federal government to define it's limitations and restrictions? Because that is what Marbury does. It is the Courts telling we the people that they are going to tell us what the Constitution means from now on and it is no longer the peoples document.

I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this because you have proven yourself incapable of learning anything new -- probably for about the last 50 years.

Marbury established the concept of judicial review. It means the judicial branch interprets the laws passed by the legislative branch and enforced by the executive branch.

Now that I've given you a fifth grade civics education, let's see if you can complete a lineal thought. Dogs can, so I almost have hope for you.

"We the people" does not mean that shit eating Nazis like Abbott can ignore the courts when he feels like it. Governors do not get to overrule SCOTUS rulings. You and the rest of your slobbering cult don't like the ruling relevant to the barbed wire, so you clap like lobotomized seals when he discards the Constitution.

Because you know: Conservatives are all about law and order. Until they aren't. They support our military. Until they don't. They respect strong family values. Until they get caught. They are pro-life. Until they aren't.

Face it: You people stand for absolutely nothing on the entire planet except annoying libs. That's why the Republican party is a smoldering ruin of illiterate hicks who plagiarize their floor speeches and public statements from QAnon, OAN, and FoKKKs. That's why the Republican party is going to nominate a twice-impeached, fat, lying, adulterous lifelong failure whom the vast majority of Americans can't stand even though they have plenty of better candidates.

Before you start spitting up your baby formula on us about Biden being old, delusional, and feckless, let me acknowledge that the Democratic party is no better than the Republicans. This is the state of American politics, once again and still. Let's make Americans choose between two people that nearly no one likes to lead us through the next 4 years of earthly hell.

The difference is that I don't like Biden and say so while you gargle Republican cum, support the end of American democracy, and have no respect whatsoever for the Constitution.
just so we're clear, you're all for scrapping Posse Comitatus if 20 million veterans were to attempt to restore the Constitution, right?

You started with a false premise. Go figure. If 20 million veterans took up arms against the US, that wouldn't be an "attempt to restore the Constitution". It would be a traitorous act of rebellion and an attempt to overthrow the Constitution.

or do you truly believe that the federal government would utilize the US military to kill tens of millions of its own population?

Get real. There are not tens of millions of Trump supporters with the balls to drag their fat, toothless asses away from their keyboards to point their AK-47s at a tank's main gun. Those who do rebel should be killed.
The gradual expansion of liberty and equality for formerly marginalized groups like LGBTQ folks, non-whites, females, non-Xtians, etc. has terrified them. They see the approaching extinction of straight white Xtian male hegemony as the death of America as it used to be. Notice how whenever MAGATs talk about making America great again, it's seldom about economics -- it's about social issues. #TRE45ON is very good at appealing to aggrieved and fearful ppl like RB, pEarl, Toxic, et al. His barely-veiled racism and bigotry let them know who's to blame for the coming demise of white male power. Their fantasies of our military turning on everyone who isn't a MAGAT are the dreams of dying dinosaurs.

I remember learning about the impending demographic shift as a young student in the 1990s. It has been inevitable for decades. So has the rise of China, which the uneducated cons among us think Joe Biden started 3 years ago.

The demographic shift should be a good thing. The US thrives when it's diverse, when we offer opportunities equally to everyone, and when we coalesce as a civil society. As you aptly pointed out, very few people except old, white, straight, Christians (mostly men) have set their hair on fair about our fate.

That's because they are greedily desperate to maintain their control over the country that they never earned and never stopped abusing. Their privilege is disintegrating, and they're terrified what will happen to them when it's finally gone.
It's the difference between a rifle and a B-52.

...and also the difference between being 20something and 60something.

The median age of veterans in 2018 was 65. By service period, Post-9/11 veterans were the youngest with a median age of about 37; Vietnam Era veterans had a median age of about 71; and World War II veterans were the oldest with a median age of about 93.

All the fucking morons keep screaming how the country is falling apart, full of drugs and illegal immigrants yet they can all go outside and see a quiet, middle-class neighborhood. Why would any sane person start shooting at their neighbors?
...and also the difference between being 20something and 60something.

The median age of veterans in 2018 was 65. By service period, Post-9/11 veterans were the youngest with a median age of about 37; Vietnam Era veterans had a median age of about 71; and World War II veterans were the oldest with a median age of about 93.

All the fucking morons keep screaming how the country is falling apart, full of drugs and illegal immigrants yet they can all go outside and see a quiet, middle-class neighborhood. Why would any sane person start shooting at their neighbors?

Trump supporters are not sane.
Wake up asshole, you must have missed the 2020 election. It's why your fuhrer no longer lives there.

There was no election in 2020. That election cycle faulted due to election fraud by Democrats. Seven States never chose their electors.
Election fraud by Democrats also caused faults in the 2022 election.

You idiots are playing with fire, and you WILL get burned.
1....There is no civil war.

2...there will be no civil war.

3...The combat ranks of the military skews HEAVILY in favor of conservative/ R.

4...Why are people stupid enuff to believe that normal chain of command continues in uncharted territory? It wouldnt. So people are dumb enuff to think that if orders from up above came down for combat troops to fire on american citizens they would just say YES SIR,...and begin firing?????? :rolleyes: :laugh: Get real. Also,...as I said ,...the military as a whole skews right, but in the combat ranks it tilts even much further to the right. If orders like that were to come down the far more likely scenario is that those combat troops would tell the higher ups to go fuck themselves and then proceed to lock their asses up. No matter who they are. What would those higher ups do? Fight them off with their pens from their desks? :laugh: Get real people,....stop living a fantasy.

There is ALREADY civil war in skirmishes.

The cities are like war zones, but with actual zombies in the streets. The Democrats caused it.

Regardless of the outcome of the 2024 election cycle, there will be open war. The military will try to quell it, but that means entering the war. Democrats will become violent (more than they already are). Democrats are already calling for open war. Biden has done so multiple times.

If Trump wins, the Democrats will go ape and become violent.
If Biden wins, the Democrats will take that as confirmation and become violent.
If the 2024 election faults like the 2020 and 2022 elections did, the people will see no alternative but to try to reclaim the government via violence.

In all three cases, DEMOCRATS cause the war.
If Texas actually did try and leave the union those "conservatives" would be fighting to "conserve" the union and have no problem shooting the traitors. With any luck all the shitheads like you would run down to help them and we could get rid of all you assholes in one fell swoop. Texas isn't going anywhere and talk of them leaving is actually nothing but stupid.

Texas is not seceding.