Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

The Federal gov't does.
Nowhere near it. Citizens have far more guns than the 'federal' government does!
But keep up your fanfiction of the 'right' winning against the Federal government in any war, because they are gun nuts who have horded some guns.
The 'federal' government is heavily outgunned and outnumbered by the citizens.
One person with a thousand guns is still one person.
It isn't one person, Kewpie.

Not only do you believe the Magat derps would win a war against the Federal gov't, you think they would wipe the gov't fighters out in a single day.

OMFG the depths of stupidity. Please... please try. Please convince them to. An election is coming and we need a good cull of right wing votes, and we are not sure Trump will tell his supporters not to Mail in or early vote again, and we cannot count on another Covid to disproportionately cull the stupid Magats. So please, whip them up into doing this.

What government fighters'? You really think the military would fire on their own homes and families and friends?
I see you are calling for civil war again.
Shitheads who think Texas should leave the union and are willing to take on our military are traitors and yeah, being killed in action is what they deserve. Kinda like the shitheads that attacked our Capital on Jan 6th.

Texas is not seceding. It does not need to take on any military.
But it WILL defend it's own borders.
Ideas now spread like wildfire in a nanosecond in the internet age. Mostly BAD ones. I REALLY wish we could go back to the pre internet days. We were so much better off in most ways. IMHO the bad far exceeds the good. Its not that the internet itself is evil,....its that people have corrupted it.

While people have corrupted it, it is possible, through the internet, to overcome the news media that is on radio and television.
And it's happened.

The internet is not all evil. It is what you make of it. Some is good, even excellent, and some is corruption and evil.
Blatant lie. You cannot hide behind the Constitution you despise, Sock.

Blatant lie. You cannot hide behind the Constitution and rights you despise, Sock.

You are describing yourself again, Sock. You cannot project YOUR problems on anybody else.
You'll make some WSE a great patsy, Sybil. You're violent and crazy. Even if you don't actually pull the trigger or push the button, your footprints on the Internet make you look as nutty as Cesar Sayoc and, therefore, an easy setup.

Heck, maybe it's not the White Supremacist assholes at all, but the FBI that sets you up. A black flag operation with you the sucker? LOL

Marbury established the concept of judicial review. It means the judicial branch interprets the laws passed by the legislative branch and enforced by the executive branch.
The Supreme Court has no authority to change the Constitution. You are trying to use this to give the Supreme Court power over the Constitution. It has NONE.
Now that I've given you a fifth grade civics education, let's see if you can complete a lineal thought. Dogs can, so I almost have hope for you.

"We the people" does not mean that shit eating Nazis like Abbott can ignore the courts when he feels like it. Governors do not get to overrule SCOTUS rulings. You and the rest of your slobbering cult don't like the ruling relevant to the barbed wire, so you clap like lobotomized seals when he discards the Constitution.
You are describing yourself again, Sock. You cannot hide behind the Constitution you despise.
Because you know: Conservatives are all about law and order.
They generally are.
Until they aren't.
You are describing Democrats.
They support our military.
They generally do.
Until they don't.
You are describing Democrats.
They respect strong family values.
They generally do.
Until they get caught.
You are describing Democrats.
They are pro-life.
They generally are.
Until they aren't.
You are describing Democrats.
Face it: You people stand for absolutely nothing on the entire planet except annoying libs.
Conservatives are not Democrats, Sock. Best get used to that idea.
That's why the Republican party is a smoldering ruin of illiterate hicks
Go stuff your bigotry, Sock.
who plagiarize their floor speeches and public statements from QAnon, OAN, and FoKKKs.
FOX is owned and operated by Democrats, Sock. Would you rather they plagiarize from CNN and MSNBC like the Democrats do? Reversal fallacy.
That's why the Republican party is going to nominate a twice-impeached, fat, lying, adulterous lifelong failure whom the vast majority of Americans can't stand even though they have plenty of better candidates.
You don't get to speak for everyone, Sock. Omniscience fallacy. All political parties nominate who that party favors. That includes, the Republican party (which is actual people you suddenly seem to think don't exist!). The Democrats seem to be willing to nominate Biden, and the Republicans seem to be willing to nominate Trump. There are many caucuses and primaries yet to run though.
Before you start spitting up your baby formula on us about Biden being old, delusional, and feckless,
You mean the guy that can't find the exit to the stage? The guy that can't handle a bicycle or a set of stairs? The guy that gets lost on the WHITE HOUSE LAWN? The guy that gets tired just walking to the podium? The guy that doesn't know where he is, who he's talking to, or even what year it is?
let me acknowledge that the Democratic party is no better than the Republicans.
Indeed, it's a lot worse!
This is the state of American politics, once again and still. Let's make Americans choose between two people that nearly no one likes to lead us through the next 4 years of earthly hell.
You don't get to speak for everybody, Sock. Omniscience fallacy.
The difference is that I don't like Biden and say so while you gargle Republican cum, support the end of American democracy, and have no respect whatsoever for the Constitution.
You can't hide behind the Constitution that you despise, Sock.
You started with a false premise. Go figure.
You are describing yourself again, Sock. You cannot project YOUR problems on anybody else.
If 20 million veterans took up arms against the US, that wouldn't be an "attempt to restore the Constitution". It would be a traitorous act of rebellion and an attempt to overthrow the Constitution.
Restoring the Constitution is not overthrowing the Constitution, Sock.
Get real. There are not tens of millions of Trump supporters with the balls to drag their fat, toothless asses away from their keyboards to point their AK-47s at a tank's main gun.
What tank?
Those who do rebel should be killed.
Spoken like a true Star Wars Empire loyalist.

This isn't Star Wars, Sock.
This is the United States...a nation borne out of rebellion against the King of England and overcame all the military that king sent to 'kill the Rebels'.
I remember learning about the impending demographic shift as a young student in the 1990s. It has been inevitable for decades. So has the rise of China, which the uneducated cons among us think Joe Biden started 3 years ago.

The demographic shift should be a good thing. The US thrives when it's diverse, when we offer opportunities equally to everyone, and when we coalesce as a civil society. As you aptly pointed out, very few people except old, white, straight, Christians (mostly men) have set their hair on fair about our fate.

That's because they are greedily desperate to maintain their control over the country that they never earned and never stopped abusing. Their privilege is disintegrating, and they're terrified what will happen to them when it's finally gone.

Go stuff your racism and bigotry elsewhere.
...and also the difference between being 20something and 60something.

The median age of veterans in 2018 was 65. By service period, Post-9/11 veterans were the youngest with a median age of about 37; Vietnam Era veterans had a median age of about 71; and World War II veterans were the oldest with a median age of about 93.

All the fucking morons keep screaming how the country is falling apart, full of drugs and illegal immigrants yet they can all go outside and see a quiet, middle-class neighborhood. Why would any sane person start shooting at their neighbors?

Go stuff your bigotry and racism elsewhere, Sock.

Not only do you believe the Magat derps would win a war against the Federal gov't, you think they would wipe the gov't fighters out in a single day.

OMFG the depths of stupidity. Please... please try. Please convince them to. An election is coming and we need a good cull of right wing votes, and we are not sure Trump will tell his supporters not to Mail in or early vote again, and we cannot count on another Covid to disproportionately cull the stupid Magats. So please, whip them up into doing this.

What do you think the other military brass will do to those who would fire on their friends and families? Have you given that any thought (obviously coherent thinking is not in your curriculum)?

What do you think the other military brass will do to those who would fire on their friends and families? Have you given that any thought (obviously coherent thinking is not in your curriculum)?

The military won't be used. It'll just be State SWAT and federal ATF and FBI snipers to take down the ragtag leaders. Shoot the leaders and the rest will scatter like chickens.
