Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

If it were up to us, they'd get a one way ticket out of this country.

It's up to Abbott, and his decision is to give "invaders" free rides around the country instead of back to Mexico because I guess Abbott is complicit in the invasion.
and you say they're not.

Hold on a second, because I'm not the one giving them free rides.

Abbott is.

You say that these people are "invaders", and instead of arresting them or turning them over to border patrol, Abbott is going to help their invasion by transporting them for free all across the country.

So that means Abbott is complicit in the "invasion" and so are you because you support it.

Why are you supporting a foreign invasion?
What do you think the other military brass will do to those who would fire on their friends and families? Have you given that any thought (obviously coherent thinking is not in your curriculum)?


Anyone who discards their oath of office will be discharged. Then they'll be shot in combat or executed for treason.

Give up your wet dream of a civil war and find a purpose for what's left of your life.
I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this because you have proven yourself incapable of learning anything new -- probably for about the last 50 years.

Marbury established the concept of judicial review. It means the judicial branch interprets the laws passed by the legislative branch and enforced by the executive branch.

Now that I've given you a fifth grade civics education, let's see if you can complete a lineal thought. Dogs can, so I almost have hope for you.

"We the people" does not mean that shit eating Nazis like Abbott can ignore the courts when he feels like it. Governors do not get to overrule SCOTUS rulings. You and the rest of your slobbering cult don't like the ruling relevant to the barbed wire, so you clap like lobotomized seals when he discards the Constitution.

Because you know: Conservatives are all about law and order. Until they aren't. They support our military. Until they don't. They respect strong family values. Until they get caught. They are pro-life. Until they aren't.

Face it: You people stand for absolutely nothing on the entire planet except annoying libs. That's why the Republican party is a smoldering ruin of illiterate hicks who plagiarize their floor speeches and public statements from QAnon, OAN, and FoKKKs. That's why the Republican party is going to nominate a twice-impeached, fat, lying, adulterous lifelong failure whom the vast majority of Americans can't stand even though they have plenty of better candidates.

Before you start spitting up your baby formula on us about Biden being old, delusional, and feckless, let me acknowledge that the Democratic party is no better than the Republicans. This is the state of American politics, once again and still. Let's make Americans choose between two people that nearly no one likes to lead us through the next 4 years of earthly hell.

The difference is that I don't like Biden and say so while you gargle Republican cum, support the end of American democracy, and have no respect whatsoever for the Constitution.

you can just shut the fuck up, now. your bullshit 'civics' lesson is wrong. the courts do not have authority to assign themselves new powers, you fucking retard

Tsk tsk. You deleted most of my post because you can't respond to it.

My civics lesson is not wrong. A fourth grader can comprehend it. So are you that stupid or just a liar? Both?

Read Marbury, dumb fuck. If you think that the 1803 ruling, which completely established the foundation for American constitutional law, involves "new powers", then you're even older than I thought.
the simple fact that you can't see the HUGE reason for having a 2nd Amendment and right to bear arms against our government is because you believe they would use a B52 against us is the mark of a certified moron. stop being a certified moron.

It's called an analogy. You neither understand basic civics nor basic English. Do you wear Velcro shoes? Who changes your diapers?
It's up to Abbott, and his decision is to give "invaders" free rides around the country instead of back to Mexico because I guess Abbott is complicit in the invasion.

you sanctuary city people want them.

am i wrong?

you wont' help texas keep them out.

here ya go.

now fuck off.
Tsk tsk. You deleted most of my post because you can't respond to it.
I deleted most of your post because it's irrelevant and wrong.

My civics lesson is not wrong. A fourth grader can comprehend it. So are you that stupid or just a liar? Both?
then you obviously never made it past third grade. I REPEAT, the founders did not write a document that creates a new limited government and then give that government the power to define it's own limits.

Read Marbury, dumb fuck. If you think that the 1803 ruling, which completely established the foundation for American constitutional law, involves "new powers", then you're even older than I thought.
AGAIN, a usurpation of power is not Constitutional. The courts have ZERO power to create new powers for the government.
your unwillingness to understand the Constitution does not give your bullshit civics lessons any credence.
I deleted most of your post because it's irrelevant and wrong.

then you obviously never made it past third grade. I REPEAT, the founders did not write a document that creates a new limited government and then give that government the power to define it's own limits.

AGAIN, a usurpation of power is not Constitutional. The courts have ZERO power to create new powers for the government.
your unwillingness to understand the Constitution does not give your bullshit civics lessons any credence.

You're flailing. You aren't even within a mile of the subject anymore. Texas wanted to do something. SCOTUS said no. Abbott did it anyway.

That decision was based on 220 years of judicial precedent. There is no usurpation or new power. In fact, your fat fuck messiah created that court.

Now you MAGA slime are cheering Abbott's attack on the Constitution because you are, at your core, anti-American and un-American.
You're flailing. You aren't even within a mile of the subject anymore. Texas wanted to do something. SCOTUS said no. Abbott did it anyway.

That decision was based on 220 years of judicial precedent. There is no usurpation or new power. In fact, your fat fuck messiah created that court.

Now you MAGA slime are cheering Abbott's attack on the Constitution because you are, at your core, anti-American and un-American.

Marbury is a usurped power, thus ANY decision based on Marbury is null and void.

everything else you posted is just your hate filled bullshit, so suck my ass you traitor.
It's up to Abbott, and his decision is to give "invaders" free rides around the country instead of back to Mexico because I guess Abbott is complicit in the invasion.

Your sanctuary cities wanted them. They didn't want them deported. Now they got them. They were wanted for votes.

The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (www.eac.gov) provides a registration form, called the National Mail Voter Registration (NVRA) Form, in fifteen different languages


And RB finds a friend who also thinks the Magat south could win or hold out in a war against Federal Government.

So tell me RB what do you think of LyingFish view that just like the Taliban or N.Vietnamese, the Magat south would be able to defeat the US forces by running a multi decade insurgency where the main tactic used by both was 'no matter how many of us you kill, we have more lives to fight and give' thus ensuring the US knew they would never be able to end the conflict and claim a 'win'?

Do you agree with LyingFish, RB?

Yep. Some of our beliefs are similar. The pussy posse thanks you (lol!)

Huh? What are you babbling about. I live in the North. My friends do too.

I don't know much about the Taliban and No. Vietnamese. They haven't been in the news lately.
Yep. Some of our beliefs are similar. The pussy posse thanks you (lol!)

Huh? What are you babbling about. I live in the North. My friends do too.

I don't know much about the Taliban and No. Vietnamese. They haven't been in the news lately.

LyingFish believes the way the Magats win a war against the Federal government is to look at how Afghanistan and N.Korea beat back the US. Meaning they absorbed massive disproportionate casualties and relied on a near endless population supply of fighters and just dug in and fought a war of attrition until the US tired of killing them and gave up.

Do you think that is how Magats win a second civil war? do they have the appetite for mass death, for Trump?

(if yes can we get it started before they vote in 2024?)
no it isn't.

thats the point.

all that money is wasted.

there is no protection going on.

when the fed shirks it's duties states are free to step in .

the Fed's (Biden and Homeland Security) are being blocked from doing their duty by the House Magat Republi'cans'.