Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

The military won't be used. It'll just be State SWAT and federal ATF and FBI snipers to take down the ragtag leaders. Shoot the leaders and the rest will scatter like chickens.


You are calling for civil war again, Sock.
Lets be clear as you toss about insults like psychobabble.
If you use psychobabble, be prepared to be accused of using psychobabble.
You have not only said the Magats would win any war against the Federal govt but also the magats would wipe out any attack in a "Single day".
MAGA isn't a person.

If the 'federal' government decides to attack 26 States because they want to help Texas protect the border, they WILL lose. The 'federal' government is heavily outnumbered and outgunned.
You live in fantasyland RB.
You are describing yourself. You think this is an isolated group trying to protect the border? Think again! :whoa:
RB the exact same thing would happen to organized armed MAGAT faction rising up against the Federal gov't to assert a new authority that rejects the SC and Federal gov't as happened in history.
The Supreme Court is not God. Don't treat it like one. It is not the Constitution either. Don't treat it like one. The Constitution of the United States and the inherent rights of Texas to secure it's own borders apply here, NOT the Supreme Court or Joe Biden.
The Feds will Nationalize the National Guard in that State.
Won't work. They stand with Texas.
They will move in Federal troops and police and they will EASILY shut down the Magats.
Won't work. Texas police stand with Texas. 26 States also stand with Texas. The people of Texas stand with Texas. Calling for civil war as you are doing is a BIG mistake!
The pockets of Magats who dare to play chicken or shoot at them, will be isolated and killed off. to happily go join Ashley, like the magats they are.
27 States is not 'pockets'.
Take you psychbabble fanfiction about the Magats this time winning the civil war (in a "Single Day" flol) where it belongs, and that is back in to the depths of your demented mind.
If the 'federal' government (Joe Biden, in other words) brings the civil war you are calling for, you WILL lose. Less than a day? Possibly. The tyrants you support are heavily outnumbered and outgunned.
Do you wear a powdered wig and walk around in breeches with long white socks and brandish a musket? Your thinking is stuck in that era.

so you believe that 545 people know better than you how to live your life? Do they know what's best for you? So much so, that they should ignore their constitutional limits just to make you feel safer?
The military won't be used. It'll just be State SWAT and federal ATF and FBI snipers to take down the ragtag leaders. Shoot the leaders and the rest will scatter like chickens.

I get that you think all trumpers are chickens, but do you consider all American veterans 'chickens'? or do you prefer projecting your obeisance to the federal government on to everyone else?
I get that you think all trumpers are chickens, but do you consider all American veterans 'chickens'? or do you prefer projecting your obeisance to the federal government on to everyone else?

Just the sane ones. The insane ones are batshit brave. No on veterans. Most are simply too old as pointed out earlier. Most are also sane enough to recognize the difference between reality and conspiracy theory.
this is you making idiot assumptions. The COUNTRY isn't illegitimate, but the Constitution has been pretty much ignored. The federal government has largely ignored their limitations while apathetic cowards, like yourself, just let it happen. Deal with your failures, traitor

Again, Marbury is the foundation of American constitutional law. Go to the very first day of the very first year of any law school. Or continue to believe that 221 years of jurisprudence is subject to the criticisms of a MAGA moron on the internet. The delusions of you and your people are truly troubling. You are the traitors.
Do you wear a powdered wig and walk around in breeches with long white socks and brandish a musket? Your thinking is stuck in that era.

I don't know why, but people like SmarterthanYou continue to astonish me. The absurd ignorance and willful lying he employs would be enough to make any self-respecting person hide in shame.
Just the sane ones. The insane ones are batshit brave. No on veterans. Most are simply too old as pointed out earlier. Most are also sane enough to recognize the difference between reality and conspiracy theory.

so you believe that you're only sane if you prefer obeisance to tyrant agents instead of standing up for freedom? And while veterans can be old, that doesn't make them incompetent. maybe you have an issue with your own old age?
so you believe that 545 people know better than you how to live your life? Do they know what's best for you? So much so, that they should ignore their constitutional limits just to make you feel safer?

It's been the American system for 247 years. This is a nation of laws. The fact that you people want to shred the Constitution and install a dictator for life proves that you are an enemy of democracy.
Again, Marbury is the foundation of American constitutional law. Go to the very first day of the very first year of any law school. Or continue to believe that 221 years of jurisprudence is subject to the criticisms of a MAGA moron on the internet. The delusions of you and your people are truly troubling. You are the traitors.

marbury also states that any law repugnant to the constitution is null and void, right? so any gun control law should be considered null and void, right?

again, the federal government was not made the final arbiter of it's prescribed limitations. only a certified moron would believe that the founders would give a government they created the keys to define their own limitations.
It's been the American system for 247 years. This is a nation of laws. The fact that you people want to shred the Constitution and install a dictator for life proves that you are an enemy of democracy.

a FALSE and usurped system. The courts did NOT have constitutional authority to name themselves as the final arbiter of what the Constitution means. THEY did not write the Constitution.

if all you have to try and make your argument is your idiot delusions that i'm a trump supporter, you really are ill equipped to debate this.
my wife is NEVER going to go for that LOL

I like a .45, but i'm damned good with my .40 and am comfortable with it's stopping power.

Get something in Hawaiian flowers but colored dark green, light green and tan.

No doubt it has stopping power. I simply like commonality in ammunition.
