Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

And everyone else involved in American jurisprudence for 221 years. You know absolutely nothing about the law. You're wrong. If there was a grain of truth in your fanciful delusion, Marbury would be challenged and ultimately overturned.

you are clearly too naive to understand how power corrupts. is your 'faith' in the judiciary that unshakeable that you accept that abortion was never a Constitutional right?
I have absolutely no desire to engage you on any subject when all you do is call me ignorant.

It’s why I admittedly troll you. You lost my respect when you didn’t join your brothers in revolt because you had to work. You’re a cosplay Revolutionary and nothing more. All talk, no walk.

you can't win.

you're too stupid.

so you run away and name call.

ignorant is not a insult as much as it's just an accurate adjective.
Just the sane ones. The insane ones are batshit brave.
You are just describing yourself again, Sock.
No on veterans.
Denying your own posts won't work, Sock. Anyone can go back and read them.
Most are simply too old as pointed out earlier.
Bigotry, Sock. Go stuff it.
Most are also sane enough to recognize the difference between reality and conspiracy theory.
Buzzword fallacies. The Democrat party is a conspiracy. Your hallucinations are only real to you.
Again, Marbury is the foundation of American constitutional law.
The Supreme Court is not the Constitution, Sock.
Go to the very first day of the very first year of any law school.
A law school is not the Constitution either, Sock.
Or continue to believe that 221 years of jurisprudence
There is no age of expiration on the Constitution, Sock.
is subject to the criticisms of a MAGA moron on the internet.
MAGA isn't a person, Sock.
The delusions of you and your people are truly troubling. You are the traitors.
YOU support Biden's treason by inviting invasion of the United States. YOU are calling for civil war. You are describing yourself again, Sock. You cannot project YOUR problems on anybody else.
It's been the American system for 247 years. This is a nation of laws. The fact that you people want to shred the Constitution and install a dictator for life proves that you are an enemy of democracy.

You are describing yourself again and the Democrats again, Sock. You cannot project YOUR problems on anybody else. You can't hide behind the Constitution you despise.
There is no democracy. The United States was never a democracy.
You're throwing a temper tantrum.
You are describing yourself again, Sock.
No one with any credibility in the entire country has ever launched a serious attack against Marbury.
You don't get to determine 'credibility' of anyone. You don't get to speak for everyone either. Omniscience fallacy.
It is not a "false and usurped system".
Yes it is. The Supreme Court has NO authority to interpret or change the Constitution of the United States nor any State Constitution. See Article III of the Constitution of the United States.
That is actually the most insane thing anyone has said in this thread.
You are describing yourself again, Sock. You seem to think the Supreme Court is the Constitution of the United States.
This is the last time I'm going to say it:
I seriously doubt that. I call 'liar' right here and now. You can't let this lie. It stands in the way of the tyranny you support.
Marbury established judicial review and is the foundation of constitutional law.
The Supreme Court is not the Constitution and cannot claim ownership of the Constitution.
Your denial of that is clinically delusional.
*yawn*. Mantra 1d.
If you don't like the rules of the game, don't play it, bitch.
The Constitution of the United States is not a game, Sock.
It’s how I picture you, stomping about your yard, cosplaying the Revolution.

im sorry you have no sense of humor. The image makes me laugh.

You didn't ask the questions as a humor. You were actually trying to be serious with them. That's YOUR problem. Now you are hallucinating that he is running around with a powdered wig! Truly hilarious! :rofl2:

You cannot hide behind the Constitution that you despise, Phanty.
how could Marbury establish judicial review if it was already in the Constitution? hint, IT COULDN'T!!!!!!!

now, here's some FACTS for you.
1. Marbury is, in part, a usurped power. If it was already a prescribed power, then it wouldn't have established judicial review.
2. If one needs to hold on to Marbury as the courts are the final arbiter of the Constitution, then how is it that we the people can amend it?
3. the other part of Marbury that people, like you, have to ignore is the part where it says that any law repugnant to the Constitution is null and void..........but how does that work? Can the people determine whats null and void and just ignore an unconstitutional law? try that and tell me how it works for you.

bottom line, Marbury is a usurped power. The courts took away the peoples power to determine what is and isn't Constitutional and made you a stupider person for it.

Bingo. :thumbsup:
I have absolutely no desire to engage you on any subject when all you do is call me ignorant.

It’s why I admittedly troll you. You lost my respect when you didn’t join your brothers in revolt because you had to work. You’re a cosplay Revolutionary and nothing more. All talk, no walk.

So instead of answer the questions put to you, you decide to evade. You ARE ignorant, Phanty. You have shown you do not know what is in the Constitution. You deny and discard it and all State constitutions. Using buzzwords won't help you.