Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

just so we're clear, you're all for scrapping Posse Comitatus if 20 million veterans were to attempt to restore the Constitution, right?

or do you truly believe that the federal government would utilize the US military to kill tens of millions of its own population?

You mean 20 million veterans who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground if they think the constitution needs restoring?
Your money is on the military violating their oaths because they are out of shape?

Anyone who takes up arms against the US is not a civilian. They're a traitor who the military will kill.

Why are you people so obsessed with overthrowing the Constitution and destroying the country?

The gradual expansion of liberty and equality for formerly marginalized groups like LGBTQ folks, non-whites, females, non-Xtians, etc. has terrified them. They see the approaching extinction of straight white Xtian male hegemony as the death of America as it used to be. Notice how whenever MAGATs talk about making America great again, it's seldom about economics -- it's about social issues. #TRE45ON is very good at appealing to aggrieved and fearful ppl like RB, pEarl, Toxic, et al. His barely-veiled racism and bigotry let them know who's to blame for the coming demise of white male power. Their fantasies of our military turning on everyone who isn't a MAGAT are the dreams of dying dinosaurs.
just so we're clear, you're all for scrapping Posse Comitatus if 20 million veterans were to attempt to restore the Constitution, right?

or do you truly believe that the federal government would utilize the US military to kill tens of millions of its own population?

The delusion is that the Constitution needs restoring. You're advocating violent revolt to do what, exactly? Shred the Constitution so that only Euro-American males can run government on state and federal levels?
1....There is no civil war.

2...there will be no civil war.

3...The combat ranks of the military skews HEAVILY in favor of conservative/ R.

4...Why are people stupid enuff to believe that normal chain of command continues in uncharted territory? It wouldnt. So people are dumb enuff to think that if orders from up above came down for combat troops to fire on american citizens they would just say YES SIR,...and begin firing?????? :rolleyes: :laugh: Get real. Also,...as I said ,...the military as a whole skews right, but in the combat ranks it tilts even much further to the right. If orders like that were to come down the far more likely scenario is that those combat troops would tell the higher ups to go fuck themselves and then proceed to lock their asses up. No matter who they are. What would those higher ups do? Fight them off with their pens from their desks? :laugh: Get real people,....stop living a fantasy.

Tilt right ≠ White Supremacists or Pedo Dictators.
everything you've posted here is wrong. you've been corrected.
No one can change your mind for you. If you want to shoot your family then go on a suicide mission to overthrow the Texas and federal governments, you'll do it. I support those trying to stop you.
You mean 20 million veterans who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground if they think the constitution needs restoring?

how long have you had such a lowly opinion of our military veterans and, with that opinion, what makes you think that only 4 million active military could take on 20 million veterans???
The gradual expansion of liberty and equality for formerly marginalized groups like LGBTQ folks, non-whites, females, non-Xtians, etc. has terrified them. They see the approaching extinction of straight white Xtian male hegemony as the death of America as it used to be. Notice how whenever MAGATs talk about making America great again, it's seldom about economics -- it's about social issues. #TRE45ON is very good at appealing to aggrieved and fearful ppl like RB, pEarl, Toxic, et al. His barely-veiled racism and bigotry let them know who's to blame for the coming demise of white male power. Their fantasies of our military turning on everyone who isn't a MAGAT are the dreams of dying dinosaurs.

No, it hasn't. This is just you and other liberals spreading that disinformation out of your own fear and hate.
The delusion is that the Constitution needs restoring. You're advocating violent revolt to do what, exactly? Shred the Constitution so that only Euro-American males can run government on state and federal levels?

disagreed on all parts. The delusion is believing that the government(s) are still operating within the confines of their Constitutionally mandated limitations.
The delusion is that the Constitution needs restoring. You're advocating violent revolt to do what, exactly? Shred the Constitution so that only Euro-American males can run government on state and federal levels?

you're the only one who consistently discusses violence.

how long have you had such a lowly opinion of our military veterans and, with that opinion, what makes you think that only 4 million active military could take on 20 million veterans???

I said IF they think the constitution needs restoring. There are not 40 million veterans that are going to take on our military you asshole. I'd like nothing more that all you rightwing assholes to confront the rest of America to get your asses kicked.
I said IF they think the constitution needs restoring. There are not 40 million veterans that are going to take on our military you asshole. I'd like nothing more that all you rightwing assholes to confront the rest of America to get your asses kicked.

by you and what army?