Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

Sigh. You fucking idiot. "Brother against brother" is literally how the American Civil War is described. Families fought against each other and killed each other. So, yes, since I have to connect the dots for your dumb ass, the military will kill their families and friends if that's what it comes to. That's what a civil war is.

The United States has never had a civil war. If civil war breaks out, it will be the nation's first.
The military is not going to attack their own families and friends.

The so-called 'Civil War' wasn't a civil war. It was a war between two nations. It is more properly called the War of Secession. It was started by Pres. Lincoln in an effort to re-unify the States into one nation again. He was successful, but at a terrible cost.
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My money is on whoever would give an order to fire on American civilians would be shot by one of the enlisted (or probably a higher ranking officer).
Don't think these discussions haven't been addressed on the military forums ;)

They wouldn't be civilians. They would be traitors. The military swears to protect and defend the Constitution that you hate.
What I'm saying is that the federal government will preserve the nation.
It has ALREADY FAILED. The former 'federal' government is now The Oligarchy. The States of California, New York, and Colorado have already effectively left the Union. The current form of government in what was California is a dictatorship. New York and Colorado have become oligarchies. NONE of these governments recognize the Constitution of the United States nor any State Constitution (including their own!).
That means that the military will be used to crush a rebellion.
Then send them to Washington DC, California, New York, and Colorado. That's where the rebellion is.
Do you even know that the US already had a civil war?
The US has never had a civil war. This will be the first, if it breaks out.
That one was based on geography.
No. The War of Secession was based on the federal government violating the 4th and 5th amendments and seizing property (the slaves and real estate) without compensation. This is why so many States seceded from the Union and formed their own nation under a Confederacy. They called themselves the CSA or Confederate States of America.
This one would not be.
Civil wars have no geographical origin. It is simply fighting in the streets. This particular civil war, if it breaks out, will be religiously based...the worst kind. There will be no resolution short of almost eliminating opposing factions. This war will last a long time.
So if MAGA traitors
MAGA isn't a person. If you are looking for traitors, look to Biden, which has committed treason multiple times:
* He has provided weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war.
* He has invited open invasion of the United States.
* He has called for civil war multiple times.
* He has sought to take property by force from citizens without trial and without authority.
* He has accepted payments from foreign governments for personal use.
* Espionage.

ALL of these are acts of treason, Sock.
have to be allowed to defect or be forcibly discharged from service so that the armed forces can be effective in exterminating the rebel scum, that's what would happen.
Spoken like a true loyalist to The Empire.
You are not the brightest bulb on the string, are you? Why do you want a civil war? What is your objective?

His objective is the elimination of all opposing factions for religious reasons.
He seems to be deluded that he's part of The Empire from Star Wars.
The right has most of the guns.

That it does. There are more guns than people in the States, and those are mostly conservatives that know how to use them and are willing to use them to defend themselves, their loved ones, their neighbors, and their communities.

The idiot libs are generally afraid of guns, yet they want to start a civil war.
I don't want a civil war. You people are the ones who keep threatening it. It's nothing but foot stomping and bluster because the US would destroy the traitors.

DEMOCRATS are threatening civil war, Sock. Biden has done so multiple times. Have you already forgotten his infamous 'red' speech? Have you forgotten his threats to invade Texas with troops? Have you forgotten his threat against citizens by aircraft and tanks?

A President calling for civil war is itself an act of treason.
Inviting open invasion of the United States as Biden has done is an act of treason.
You're as dumb as RB is. Feel free to see how far those guns get you against tanks and fighter jets.

You echo Biden, threatening citizens with aircraft and tanks. You WANT civil war.

BTW, those tanks and fighter jets would be quite ineffective against such a mass revolt.
A civil war is fighting in the streets. Who are you going to bomb? Everyone? Your comrades too?
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It isn't about the left. It's about America. It's about oaths of service, loyalty, and patriotism: Things that you people neither have nor understand.

It's about the treason by Biden and other Democrats. It's about them violating their oath.

Texas stands up to protect the States of America. She doesn't stand alone, either. 26 other States stand with her.

Now, do you REALLY want to start a civil war?
I don't want a civil war. You people are the ones who keep threatening it. It's nothing but foot stomping and bluster because the US would destroy the traitors.

DEMOCRATS are threatening civil war, Sock, and SO ARE YOU. Stop lying. Biden has done so multiple times. Have you already forgotten his infamous 'red' speech? Have you forgotten his threats to invade Texas with troops? Have you forgotten his threat against citizens by aircraft and tanks?

A President calling for civil war is itself an act of treason.
Inviting open invasion of the United States as Biden has done is an act of treason.
It isn't about the left. It's about America. It's about oaths of service, loyalty, and patriotism: Things that you people neither have nor understand.

It's all about the constitution. And yes, it's all political. The military has it's share who lean to the right. Don't ever forget that.
It's all about the constitution. And yes, it's all political. The military has it's share who lean to the right. Don't ever forget that.

It doesn't matter which way a person leans politically. Their loyalty is to America. Try to learn that, dumbass.