Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

stop projecting your own stupidity on others.

do you NEED the government to enforce the border of your home? do those wolves have a government enforcing their borders?

in many states yes. they have no castle doctrine like texas.

and even in those other states you have a duty to FLEE YOUR HOME before you shoot an intruder.

real cuckoo bullshit.
Right, there is no law that gives the governor of TX the power to kidnap migrants, including children, and traffic them around the country.

Glad we are on the same page.

Kidnapping isn't, and neither is interfering in the enforcement of immigration laws.

All you people do IS BREAK THE LAW.

None of you people have any respect for the rule of law at all.

You're just a bunch of fucking Nazis.

what about interfering with the NON-enforcement of border laws.

is that a thing?
what about interfering with the NON-enforcement of border laws.

Those laws are being enforced by Border Patrol...Abbott is inserting himself between the migrants and the federal agents enforcing the law.

International Border Laws are only enforced by the federal government.

Abbott doesn't even HAVE THE AUTHORITY to do anything on the border with Mexico, which is what SCOTUS said last week.

If Abbott wants to put razor wire along the border with Oklahoma, or New Mexico, or Arkansas, or Louisiana, then he can. Though he never will because he's a little fucking bitch.
Right, there is no law that gives the governor of TX the power to kidnap migrants, including children, and traffic them around the country.

Glad we are on the same page.

Kidnapping isn't, and neither is interfering in the enforcement of immigration laws.

All you people do IS BREAK THE LAW.

None of you people have any respect for the rule of law at all.

You're just a bunch of fucking Nazis.

you're hallucinating crimes that are not occurring and ignoring ones that are.

Those laws are being enforced by Border Patrol...Abbott is inserting himself between the migrants and the federal agents enforcing the law.

International Border Laws are only enforced by the federal government.

Abbott doesn't even HAVE THE AUTHORITY to do anything on the border with Mexico, which is what SCOTUS said last week.

texas has the right to defend itself.

your state must be sad.
you're hallucinating crimes that are not occurring and ignoring ones that are.

YOU'RE hallucinating crimes that aren't occurring when you screech endlessly and stupidly about invasions and illegal immigrants.

Why not just fucking say you don't have any respect for our laws? Why are you dancing around that?
YOU'RE hallucinating crimes that aren't occurring when you screech endlessly and stupidly about invasions and illegal immigrants.

Why not just fucking say you don't have any respect for our laws? Why are you dancing around that?

we are obviously being invaded by illegal immigrants.

these are obvious observable facts, you idiotstick.

you open borders fanatics are the ignorers of laws.
these are obvious observable facts,

Nope. It's just lies, like everything you people have said and will say. All you've done this entire time is lie.

The reason you lie so much is that the truth isn't on your side.

You've spent most of your life compulsively lying, so anything you say today cannot be taken seriously.
Nope. It's just lies, like everything you people have said and will say. All you've done this entire time is lie.

The reason you lie so much is that the truth isn't on your side.

You've spent most of your life compulsively lying, so anything you say today cannot be taken seriously.

illegal entry is illegal, you fucking idiot.
Because of you providing Abbott with plausible deniability.

You're now literally arguing that luring people with lies onto a bus isn't kidnapping.

Now I know you've gone off the deep end, LV. I'm just a single voter who didn't even vote for Abbott...and never will. The only good for the state that I've seen him do was move the needle on the illegal immigration issue. Something even Governor Brewer couldn't do with Obama.

What lies were told by Abbott to "lure" people onto buses?
Americans stand with Texas...

We are Americans. You people who are so comfortable discarding law and order whenever it suits you are not true Americans. Stop being such pussies about it. Since you feel like revolting, do it the courageous way and start shooting at the US military.
illegal entry is illegal

It's only illegal when the governor of TX kidnaps you and traffics you to some other part of the country before you have a chance to turn yourself in to Border Patrol.

Turning yourself in to Border Patrol is the law, and it's what the migrants are doing.

By kidnapping them, you and Abbott are directly interfering with the law.

The LAW is that they turn themselves into federal agents, NOT TX state officials.

TX has no immigration law BECAUSE TEXAS ISN'T A COUNTRY.
you're not involved in politics?

could have fooled me, biden/banker globalist liar cocksmoker expert.


Well, Frau Freda, both you and I know you are a loon waiting for someone to light your fuse so you can fulfill your destiny as a child murderer and suicidal chickenshit.

Now I know you've gone off the deep end, LV.

You said that you support Abbott's policy.

Abbott's policy directly subverts the law you say you want enforced.

Abbott is intercepting people who are going to turn themselves into Border Patrol, he is not turning them over to Border Patrol like the law says, and instead traffics them around the country to score political points with racist morons like you.

And what has that policy accomplished, anyway? OH RIGHT, NOTHING.

So again, you give us nothing because that's what you are...nothing.
You said that you support Abbott's policy.

Abbott's policy directly subverts the law you say you want enforced.

Abbott is intercepting people who are going to turn themselves into Border Patrol, he is not turning them over to Border Patrol like the law says, and instead traffics them around the country to score political points with racist morons like you.

And what has that policy accomplished, anyway? OH RIGHT, NOTHING.

So again, you give us nothing because that's what you are...nothing.

I see a lot of screaming but no facts. Typical of you, Ms. LV. All emotion, no reason.
So you can't articulate HOW we're being "invaded", just that "we're being invaded" and that's justification enough to kidnap and traffic children.

we are being invaded. and free bus rides are not kidnapping.

all you have is word games because your beliefs are malignant and idiotic.