Texas has declared war on the United States. Other Governors are joining

If America is your dream learn to speak English... come into the country the legal way and become a citizen...

English is England's language, TOP.
We eschewed any number of Native American languages to choose that.

Why is it that the vast majority of bilingual Americans
are those who speak English as their second language?

Not being bilingual is almost a badge of honor in anti-academic, anti-intellectual, and often xenophobic America.
Parochialism seems to be one of our most dominant traits.

Asshat Zombie leads the charge here on JPP.
It was PROVEN that they were shown ALTERED intel

That was the LIES they used dude

Don’t try to rewrite history because you got fooled too

Because Democrats are stupid and gullible like Trumpers? Or because they were chickenshits who were afraid of being painted as Soft-on-Defense Democrats?

I'm not a Senator nor a General, evince, but even I knew the reasons to invade Iraq were flimsy at best. There's no reason the problems couldn't have been handled with an airstrike on Saddam's "palaces".
Go away. You cannot read, or you can't comprehend. If they learn English, they can come here legally. NO asylum! None at all. Turn those who won't apply legally around & send them back. That's my proposal.

Fuck you LOSER racist

You will be the ones having your mouths taped shut

Once you are in the sewer you can take the tape off you human trash
Because Democrats are stupid and gullible like Trumpers? Or because they were chickenshits who were afraid of being painted as Soft-on-Defense Democrats?

I'm not a Senator nor a General, evince, but even I knew the reasons to invade Iraq were flimsy at best. There's no reason the problems couldn't have been handled with an airstrike on Saddam's "palaces".

They concocted lies into the intel Dutch

They were lied to be your party leaders

Bush and Cheney
Fuck you LOSER racist

You will be the ones having your mouths taped shut

Once you are in the sewer you can take the tape off you human trash

So long as I can still see through my telescopic sights while I'm in your sewer, shit for brains....

George W. Bush misrepresented our work at CIA to sell the Iraq invasion. It's time to call him what he is: 'A liar.'
George W. Bush on the phone.

Eric Draper/National Archives
As told to Mattathias Schwartz
Mar 20, 2023, 5:48 PM PDT


Read in app

Two former CIA officials spoke to Insider before the 20th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq. They gave a firsthand account of the George W. Bush administration's attempts to misrepresent intelligence and assert a connection between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda. In fact, the evidence assembled by the CIA suggested that no such connection existed.

One of these false connections was a supposed meeting that had occurred between Mohamed Atta, the chief 9/11 hijacker, and Iraqi intelligence agents in Prague. In December 2001, then-Vice President Dick Cheney went on "Meet the Press" and falsely claimed that the meeting was "pretty well confirmed." A 2003 CIA cable states that "not one" official within the US government had evidence that the Prague meeting actually happened. Nevertheless, it became a key part of the administration's public case for launching the Iraq invasion on March 20, 2003, a conflict that would cost an estimated 300,000 lives.

The officials' combined years of service at CIA totals up to more than four decades. Their identities are known to Insider, and are referred to below by pseudonyms due to the sensitivity of their positions. Their discussion has been edited for brevity.
Because Democrats are stupid and gullible like Trumpers? Or because they were chickenshits who were afraid of being painted as Soft-on-Defense Democrats?

I'm not a Senator nor a General, evince, but even I knew the reasons to invade Iraq were flimsy at best. There's no reason the problems couldn't have been handled with an airstrike on Saddam's "palaces".

You got took by the Republican Party all your life dutch

They lied to you too

So if the Democrats who believed the lies are guiltier than your liars where does that put you?

Makes you even quilter than all with that false logic huh
I want them stopped. Completely, libturd. Nope. You are typing out your lying ass again. And, I won't "shut the fuck up!"
Color isn't the problem, Mr. Confart. And, who's gonna hire someone who cannot communicate with coworkers of supervision?

No you don't want them stopped. You oppose this immigration bill. There is a zero percent chance that asylum will be eliminated. You want all or nothing. Tough shit. Better vote.

Your last question is so unbelievably stupid it does not warrant a response. Did you think there are no Spanish speaking workers in this country? Have you ever left your house?
I watched the testimony and saw the intell, evince. It was bullshit. Anyone with military knowledge could see it.


You still believe Reagan is a hero and that libertarian economic ideas may work in practice

You backed the Iraq war I bet
English is England's language, TOP.
We eschewed any number of Native American languages to choose that.

Why is it that the vast majority of bilingual Americans
are those who speak English as their second language?

Not being bilingual is almost a badge of honor in anti-academic, anti-intellectual, and often xenophobic America.
Parochialism seems to be one of our most dominant traits.

Asshat Zombie leads the charge here on JPP.

Learn to speak English... I can't think of a single reason why that is not important 8f you're going to live in this country... not a thing wrong with being bilingual or trilingual or speaking five or six languages... but if you live here you need to speak English...
You got took by the Republican Party all your life dutch

They lied to you too

So if the Democrats who believed the lies are guiltier than your liars where does that put you?

Makes you even quilter than all with that false logic huh

You're going off the deep end again, evince. I knew GW and Cheney were full of shit, but it's your heroes like Hillary and Kerry who voted to support them. Why? Because they were stupid and gullible? Because they were chickenshits? I'm guessing chickenshits.
Because Democrats are stupid and gullible like Trumpers? Or because they were chickenshits who were afraid of being painted as Soft-on-Defense Democrats?

No profound epiphanies are reached when we together opine that both Democrats and Republicans come up lacking, Oom.

The difference is that I see them as the only viable choices,
and I don't believe that they're equally horrific.

I've lived long enough to not hold my breath waiting for a good choice.
If one suddenly manifests itself, I'll hopefully notice.

No promises, though.
I'm now quite old and even more cynical.
But it would give Biden a win.

Yep. The Republican party now has one agenda. Donald Trump to be President. If we have to hand Europe to Putin, encourage the Chinese to invade Taiwan, and continue to vote against any money for securing the border, so be it. As long as we get our dictator.
Learn to speak English... I can't think of a single reason why that is not important 8f you're going to live in this country... not a thing wrong with being bilingual or trilingual or speaking five or six languages... but if you live here you need to speak English...

Knowing more than one language is a good thing huh asshole

Let’s teach every American child to speak Spanish too from birth

It increases brain functions of all kinds

It makes learning a third and fourth language WAY EASIER

Why are you evil Fuchs against kids learning Spanish?